Chapter 15: Tortured Souls.

Hikari stands in front of a white rose bush in a lush garden of vast arrangements of flora in all shades of colors; touching one of the white blossoms. She could feel herself wearing her princess dress as a light breeze played with the delicate folds of her skirts around her legs. A pair of hands tenderly cover her lapis lazuli eyes.
"Guess who?" A warm male voice said playfully.
A warm and comfortable feeling comes over her like the warmth of the sunlight. Hikari raises her hand to the male's hands and turns to look at him. She smiles when her eyes meet a pair of crystal blue eyes of Michael.
"Michael?" She softly spoke with a bit of surprise in a warm tender smile.
Michael stands before her handsomely dressed in clothing of the Golden and Silver Ages. His smile and eyes allure the deepest part of her soul and she reaches up to Michael as he leans over and they kiss tenderly.

Hikari's eyes opened to her new apartment ceiling; disappointed. <<It was only a dream.>>
Hikari sat up and looked out the sliding doors leading to the balcony. The first hints of sunlight were now showing in the sky. She slipped out of her sleeping bag and looked at the sleeping form Ashley and smiled.
<<It was such a lovely dream.>> Hikari sighed. <<It felt as if I didn't want to leave. Well the waking world isn't a dream; better get up.>>
Hikari went to check on Kakyuu in her room asleep in her bed; making a note she has to speak to her about the locket Kakyuu was holding in her hand next to the pillow as she slept. She turned to look at the door across the hall from her bedroom and decided she would make that into a guest room. She got dressed in the bathroom quietly.
Hikari walked back softly to the living room and noticed Ashley's Rainbow Crystal needed charging. She picked up the locket and went over and picked up the harp. She sat down in front of the balcony and began to play a soft melody.
The sound of a lit shower could be faintly heard as rain began to fall. Hikari began to emerge herself in playing the harp; releasing her emotions she didn't intend to keep bottled up. The rain began to fall faster to a livelier tune as Hikari's fingers moved fast over the strings of the harp; than began to slow. The rain slowed and as the sun raised in the sky the light filtered through the light mist of rain; forming a rainbow that came to rest right next to Hikari's legs. It engulfed the locket, which began to take in the light of the rainbow into the Rainbow Crystal.
"That was lovely, Hikari-hime." Ashley's voice brought Hikari out of concentration.
"Thank you." Hikari blushed as she returned the Celtic harp to the box.

Ashley looked at her newly charged Rainbow Crystal in her locket. "So, Hikari, what do you have plained for today?"
"I think I'll relax a bit; probably go over to see how Mei is handling Michael and Mamoru. Or something. And you, Ashii-chan?" Hikari smiles warmly as she fixes breakfast. Her dream was still fresh on her mind.
"Go home and check my telephone answering machine and mail." Ashley smiled; holds up locket to Hikari. "Thanks."
"Welcome." Hikari fixed a plate of eggs and bacon for Ashley and placed it down in front of her.
"When did you learn to cook, Hikari-hime?" Ashley smelled the delectable aroma then took a bit of the eggs.
"Here and there." Hikari smiled playful. "Though I didn't get a chance to cook in the past."
Hikari turned to see Kakyuu in the kitchen doorway.
"Good morning Kakyuu." Hikari point to Ashley. "This is Ashley; one of my senshi of the Gold Age."
Hikari lead Kakyuu and gave her a plate of eggs and bacon with a tender smile.
Kakyuu smiled at Hikari and then she sat on a coach and looked at her shoes. "Hikari... Seiya... Taiki... No... This is not right... Seiya and Taiki is right but there is other one.... Other one..." Kakyuu thought and looked blankly at her shoes.
Hikari, after eating breakfast and saying farewell to Ashley who went to do what she stated she would do, sat on the coach next to Kakyuu. "What would you like to talk about, Kakyuu?" Tenderly asked Hikari with a warm smile.

Kakyuu looked up towards Hikari and then she smiled, "Nothing. I just thinking of plans for today". After saying that, she noticed an old newspaper. She picked it up and read the front page. "Hey... This pictures looked like somebody I know... *read the subtitles* 3-lights, Seiya Kou, Taiki Kou and Yaten Kou. Best
male group singer of the years... What is male?" Kakyuu thought and puzzled a bit to the sentences. "Seiya Kou... Taiki Kou... Yaten Kou... Kou... Kou..." Kakyuu looked blankly to the newspaper.

<<Didn't we speak on this subject last night?>> Hikari tenderly looked over a bit surprised; she blushed. "Well, Kakyuu, a male is the opposite sex of us, female, Mamoru and Michael are males."
Hikari smiled warmly. "Your senshi . . . Seiya, Taiki and Yaten . . . had come to earth a year go looking for you doing some events that have passed and been dealt with. To find you they took the forms of male
ideals. Right now Seiya is in her true form, Taiki is in her male form and Yaten. . . ah . . . I'm not sure since I haven't seen her lately."
Hikari inwardly sighed. <<Where can you be Neko-chan?>>
Kakyuu startled and looked at Hikari in disbelief. "How did she read my mind?" Kakyuu thought and didn't pay any attention to Hikari's explanation. "I must be careful with her and don't think of anything while I am with her..." She thought and then she smiled at Hikari while emptying her mind.
* * *

Asahi walked slowly. He didn't want to do anything at the moment, just think.
<What's happening to you, hime?>He asked to himself.
Everything was so weird. His dear princess was acting so strange lately. And as usual, she didn't let them know what was in her mind. And he needed to know, to help her.
And also it was this Tranquility. He wished for a moment that Getsuei was Tranquility. That Getsuei wanted to be with him just as her.
He stopped, remembering a name that was within his mind since last night.
<Karasu-ouji ka?>
Asahi had been jealous of him since the beginning. He could remember so well how he wanted to be better than the Moon Prince, but couldn't, no matter how hard he tried. He remembered Getsuei telling him that it was a wasting of time...she admired her cousin. And that was something that made him angry.


She yawned. Last day was not one of her bests. Even more because of that guy!
"He's so unpolite!" Hisoka yelled inside the empty house. Also it was her new mission. Be a soldier of love and justice...because her sister beg her not to broke the circle of the 4 moons.
Shinrai was dead, her parents were dead. She was living a life who was not like her own.
"I'm not going to school today..." She decided. "What I want is to run, run fast and forget that the world exists!"


Usagi had fell asleep during class, she was so tired and depressed. The teacher had told her to stand in the hall all lesson. She didn't know if she could resist to be awake anymore.
Betrayal, sadness, pain, death. Everything had happened so fast since the first Pandora Box was opened and the first elf appeared.

"Ami-chan..." She whispered remembering last night's encounter. It was her fault. If she hadn't said those horrible things....but now it was too late. She thought what would be have the nightmares of the wintry blue eyed guy, or to have Ami turned as an elf.
She had been so selfish!
Mamoru didn't deserve her betrayal. Ami didn't deserve her words. Was she capable of fight? Was she capable of being the Queen of Crystal Tokyo somewhen?
Tears appeared in her eyes.
<What can I do?>

"Yo, Usagi-chan!" said a tightly up-beat voice. Taiki had walked into the class; it was a study period for them. As for his classes...
"Don't care about classes right this second," he mumbled to her eyes, which looked ready to burst. He straddled the empty seat next to her, glad that Usagi's teacher was either dumb or lazy for not saying anything for Taiki walking in.
He opened him mouth to same something, then closed it as he folded his arms over the top of the chair and rested his chin on it. Usagi sighed.
"My sedaments exactly," he said, giving off his own sigh. "So, you come here often?" he asked, half smirking, half trying to make a joke.

Usagi sighed again as an answer. She felt either too sad or too tired to say anything...she was so worried about her problems, what would have happened if she had never become Sailor Moon? Maybe Ami-chan would...wait a second, something came to her mind, a memory of last night's conversation with Ru...Ami. Something she said that was very important.
She looked at Taiki for a moment, not sure if it was right to ask. "Taiki, did you...what happened at Ami's place?" she said, almost as a silent whisper.

"Eh?" Taiki was caught off guard by that question, and there was an awkward silence. "T-Tondemonai, Usagi!" he said with a nervous laugh. She wasn't buying it. He sighed. "Youshi...."
"Seiya & I... well, we're looking for Ami since she hadn't been at school, or even around the local place for quite some time. Ano, after a, uh, nice cruise around the neighborhoods, we happened upon her house, and so we knocked, then let ourselves in."
"It was cold in that house, Usagi, you should have felt it! Like someone had turn the air-conditioning on full blast! Tonikaku, I went upstairs, calling for Ami-chan went her bedroom is trashed. I mean, dead leaves on the floor from the balcony, and then the blasted doors wouldn't shut..." Taiki trailed off, wondering if he should go on, then decided to word his story carefully.
"Anyway, after shutting them the final time, I came up against an elf. Personally, I think it was about time because even at the Masquerade I didn't see too many of them up close. This one was female, gave me a good scare when she entered the room.... We exchanged words, and finally her curt reply was to freeze me where I stood. And it WAS freezing!! I saw her barely through the ice, her head turned as though she heard something, then she ran straight at me and leapt over me. Then, Seiya found me quickly (thank Kami), and broke me out of the ice... and then we started looking for the other senshi so we could get a head count..."
Taiki slowly rubbed the back of his neck. It was still sore from him sleeping on it wrong; that ice might do him good at the moment.
"I see...I also have met with a female elf who had ice powers..." Usagi said, wondering if Taiki knew that...
"Her name...she called herself Ruin. Lady Ruin." She looked at Taiki, trying to catch any reaction that could let her know if he was aware of Ami-chan's 'transformation'.

"_You_, Usagi? When?"
"Ano... yesterday, actually."
"Yesterday... Come to think of it, you and I might have met the same elf in one day. Well, I had her in the afternoon, so you must have come into her space early evening or at night." Taiki was calmly talking about the elf as though it were a borrowed book.
"And you said her name was Lady Ruin? ... I don't remember if she gave me her name, but her persona... she just seemed like a sexy, angry girl."
"Speaking of girls," said a female voice, holding up a T-shirt with the Three Lights photo on it, pen in hand.
Taiki's eyebrow twitched. "Ano... I was in the middle of a conversation..."

"Oh, pleeeease?" The girl begged, clasping her hands together with the pen in between them. She started to sniff a little, "I... it would mean so much to me... "
Taiki stood up and pulled the shirt away from the girl's face.
"Look, please get lo.... Seiya...?"
Seiya gave him a big grin, then batted her eyelashes playfully at the taller Light. "Oh, pleeease, Taiki-san? Would you give me your autograph?" she cooed at him, barely managing to smother a chuckle.
Red-faced, he growled, "If you weren't female, I'd flatten you." He sank back into his chair, trying to save face. "Anyway, what are you doing out of class? Or what do you have right now?"
She grinned, not phased in the least. She flipped a chair around and sat it in between the two, straddling it casually. "Lunch."
"Yare, yare, I'm hungry too," said Taiki with a sigh. Casting a glance at Seiya, he asked, "And how does the football team re-act to your latest 'development'?"
Seiya snickered. "I guess what you always said about jocks is true... they're unbelieveably naive." She smirked at the two. "They haven't noticed yet."
Taiki's eyes were as big as saucers as his hair spiked out of place...
"Masaka.... They haven't noticed?!"
"Nope! Maybe it's because I'm so flat..." She looked down at her chest, then frowned. "But you'd think they'd at least notice during shower time...."
Both recoiled, as Taiki tried to hide himself in his jacket. "I'm embarrassed for them beyond belief..."
Chuckling, she gave them both a victory sign. "Well, I'm still captain of the football team... and come to think of it, the girls that always chase me around haven't stopped." Seiya let her hand fall. "So that means that they haven't noticed either. Either that, or..." she shuddered.
"That's ENOUGH ecchi opinions to give me for one day, thank you!!" hissed Taiki, peeking out of his jacket. "Seiya, why are you cutting lunch?" he asked accusingly.
Seiya gave him a guilty look. "To avoid all the girls pawing all over me. It's annoying enough when you're a man, but when you're female, it's worse!"
Now Taiki smirked. "Even as a fem, you're famous. Told you it wouldn't make a difference..."
"Gomen nasai, Taiki, Seiya...I gotta go. We have to continue this conversation later." Usagi excused herself. She couldn't stay there. Now that she was sure Taiki ignored Ami was Ruin, she better go. She wished to be all alone. "Matta ne!"
"Demo, Usagi!" called Taiki. Sighing again, he looked at Seiya. "Well, it's not like we're supposed to be in this class, anyway. Lead on, fearless leader," he smirked, standing up. "Let's go get some lunch."


She saw when the sun appeared. She couldn't sleep that night. So lonely was her life.
Getsuei sighed deeply. Something was not feeling quite right. Although they were so many people from the Moon Kingdom that were her relatives, she felt like a stranger.
Not only that, she felt weak, sick, alike nothing she had felt before.

Hoshi tapped lightly on Getsuei-hime's door. When Getsuei-hime had fainted, Asahi went almost crazy with worry. They were about to take her to a hospital when she had waken and asked to be taken home. Hoshi was worried too. It wasn't like hime. Something seemed wrong with both hime and Asahi. Because of that, Hoshi hadn't been able to sleep too easily. She was pretty sure of Asahi's reason, but hime...
"Getsuei-hime?" Hoshi rapped gently again, looking down at breakfast that she had made with some effort. She wasn't a terrible cook, but... well, things happen when you try to do a million things at a time. "Are you alright?"
Getsuei blinked. It was not her imagination, someone was calling her, it was Hoshi.
"Wait a second..." She said as she washed her face with some water, trying to hide the fact she hadn't get any sleep.
<I must not worry her...> She thought as she opened the door.
"Daijoubu." Getsuei smiled, but her smile was not natural and anyone could guess she wasn't feeling right. "Please, come in." She fastly added.

Hoshi went in and headed straight for a table. "Getsuei-hime, I made some breakfast though I think I burnt the toast a little." She made a face as she placed the bag on the table and then turned around to face Getsuei. She had noticed the tiredness in that smile, and it made her worry more. She hugged Getsuei.
"What is it?" Getsuei asked, a little surprised by the suddenness of the hug.
"I worry when you say things are okay and anyone can see it's not," Hoshi replied, letting go but still holding Getsuei's hand. "Can't you tell me what's wrong?" Her eyes were filled with worry.
Getsuei was caught out of guard. She found herself there facing a worried Hoshi with no words to say. She didn't want that. She didn't want to show her weaknesses...but more than that, she thought it was not fair to disturb her friend with such little problems.
"It's something irrelevant." She said,eyes lost somewhere else in her own memories, then, she gently pulled her hand away from Hoshi's.
"We must consider other things that can be dangerous in the future."
She changed the subject. "Tranquility knows you and Asahi's true you think she will wait long to attack again?"
Getsuei felt a little sickness, she was not only phisically tired but mentally and emotionally. She took a deep breath, she knew she was going to faint again anytime...
"I know you specially care about Asahi's safety. You two have always been as brother and sister." she said as she was leaning on the table.
Again, Hoshi felt upset at being called brother and sister. Wasn't there a chance for something else? And she felt a little guilty. What if she was putting Asahi in more danger? But she could take care of herself against Tranquility, only... she was concerned
about Tranquility being from the White Moon.
" would be more wise if you...if you...if you were with him instead of...being..." Getsuei sit down as she felt the world spinning around her.
"Getsuei-hime?!?" Getsuei was pale as a ghost. Hoshi felt a pang of pain. She had thought to go to Asahi after seeing how Getsuei was for a moment. It would be better to call him over here. "Are you okay? I think you better lie down." She pushed gently at Getsuei's shoulders.
Getsuei just looked at Hoshi weakly. She was surely not right at all. She had no strength to do anything.
"Let me get you sometime to drink." Hoshi went into the kitchen and searched for something cold. There was some orange juice that she quickly brought back to Getsuei. She should call Asahi. Together they should be able to get Getsuei to say what was wrong. Anything else she was feeling was being overwhelmed with worry. She had never seen Getsuei like this. "I'm going to call Asahi-kun," Hoshi said, heading for the phone.
"Daijoubu..." Getsuei surrounded. It was no true. "It'll be allright...I just need some rest...don't disturb'll be fine...I don't want to be..."
She took a deep breath before she fainted.
"Getsuei-hime!!!" Hoshi dropped the phone that had been ringing and dashed to Getsuei's side.
"Getsuei-hime! Getsuei-hime!!!" She refrained herself from trying to shake Getsuei awake and instead checked Getsuei's breathing. It seemed steady though she really wasn't a doctor. She ran into the bedroom and came out with a blanket and pillow. After making Getsuei comfortable, she placed a hand on Getsuei's forehead. It seemed like the normal warmth. She sighed. " 'I don't want to be a bother?' It's a bother when you don't say anything. I hate when Asahi-kun worries." Hoshi fell silent for a moment. Her feelings roiling around her stomach. "He cares a lot for you...more than for me," she whispered silently, then kicked herself mentally as tears stung at her eyes. It wasn't like her to say her feelings outloud in front of someone, even if they were sleeping, and especially to someone involved. This was something that she couldn't, wouldn't talk about with anyone else. AND...She stood up quickly. ...she shouldn't be worrying herself about it right now. She grabbed the breakfast and was about to carry it off to the kitchen when she noticed the still hanging phone. Asahi-kun!
"Moshi moshi?" There was no answer. It was dead silent. Had the phone just automatically hung up? Or was he on the line? Or maybe he had heard her yelling for Getsuei and was on his way? "Moshi moshi?"
No answer at all.
After been out for a while, he had decided to went back home...he was so worried about his princess...and he had a good reason.
That call.
He could hear Hoshi was yelling her name. Something wrong had happened to Getsuei.
Just when he noticed that, he left. He didn't care about the stupid phone...the only thing that mattered was HER.
"Kuso!" Asahi exclaimed. Although he was running as fast as he could, he felt the path was eternal. But finally, he made it.
"HOSHI!" He called her desperately.
"Asahi-kun?" Hoshi looked confusedly at the door and then the phone which she replaced in its holder. Her eyes widened and ran for the door. "You're here!"
He was breathing fast. "Doko?... Where's hime?"
Hoshi backed in and gestured inwards, towards the sofa. The way he approached hime was so gentle and caring, but the expression on his face... It made her worry double and her heart become heavier.
"Getsuei-hime...daijoubu ka?" He said as he hold one of her hands.
"Onegai shimasu....wake up..."
But she remained unconscious.

"What happened Hoshi?" Asahi was concerned since the very depths of his heart.
Hoshi slid the door shut before she turned around to face him. His eyes... "I came by to drop some
breakfast off because of yesterday. When hime answered the door, she didn't look very good but she didn't
want to talk about it. Then when I went to call you, hime..." She made a little gesture as her throat closed up on her. Tears were threatening to overflow. She didn't want anything bad happening to Getsuei, or
anyone. She knelt down next to Getsuei and looked with blurry vision at the too pale face. "She's going to be alright, right? Should we take her to the hospital or call a doctor?"
"Kamawanai who we call! What I want is someone to help her!" Asahi said as he clenched his teeths. He looked at Hoshi with extreme sadness...pain was struggling his soul. Then, he noticed Hoshi was about to cry. He hugged her. "Sis...I swear...she will be alright...let's call a doctor."

"A doctor? Usagi-hime?"

Asahi shook his head negatively. "Usagi's at Jyuban High right now. We can't call her. The best thing we can do is contact a good doctor and pray she'll be fine." He looked at Getsuei sadly. "I don't know what's happening with our hime lately...I feel so useless now!" How he wanted to help he wanted.

"You're never useless!" Hoshi shook her head lightly and looked at Getsuei. "She'd be glad that you're here, but she wouldn't want to make you worry."

She got up and sadly smiled a little. "Da kara it's help just to be by one's side. I'll call my doctor. She's a very nice and very good at her job."

"Hai." Asahi simply nodded.

The doctor arrived in a few minutes. She checked Getsuei and the spoke to Hoshi and Asahi.

"I'm not sure but considering the symptoms I must say she's depressed and that's the main problem that's causing all the disturbances on her health. Phisically, her body is suffering the consequences and besides, there's the fact she seems not to be eating at all lately and not getting enough sleep. The best you can do is wait for her to wake up, make her eat something and let her know she's not alone. I know you two are very worried about her a lot. Tell her how wanted and loved she is."

"How about if I kiss her right now, will it help?" Asahi said, a brilliant light glittering in his eyes.

"Nice joke though it's not time for kidding." The doctor seriously said.

Asahi was pissed by the comment "I really meant it," he sighed to himself.

"Any case, Hoshi-san, give me a call if she doesn't wake up in a couple of hours because that will mean something more serious. Ja ne." The doctor finally said before she left the apartment.

"Hai." Hoshi closed the door after the doctor, worrying about something more serious

Asahi returned to his place besides Getsuei. "Hime, we do love you, Hoshi cares for you a lot and I...I...especially..." He lowered his head. "We need you."

Then he looked at Hoshi "If someone attacks us, Tranquility or a Dark Warrior, we're doomed."


Mayhem almost had to force himself to look upon the statue, knowing what would happen next and dreading it with every fiber of his being. But Chaos had been his King and his best friend, and he owed him this last tribute.
He lifted his eyes, resting them for only a moment on that perfectly carved stone visage, before the magik began to stir, flooding the face with color, lending seeming breath to illusionary lungs.
It was not the Chaos from only a couple of days ago, who had made life-and-death decisions as if a true-born King. But a much earlier Lord Chaos, who seemed to turn and speak to Mayhem, speak to him from
memories, and across the centuries.
"Mayhem-kun. I...sometimes..I..wonder, if we can make it. We two are powerful, yes, but to rally other Mages around us? To topple Lyros, still a powerful Playking, old as he is... I sometimes think that even I can overreach myself." The young Chaos shook his head sadly, a look of doubt stealing across his face.
Present day Mayhem found himself silently mouthing the words he had spoken so long ago, to reassure his friend.
"I can't believe I'm hearing you say that! After all our work, you would start to have second thoughts now? We both ARE powerful, and more than cunning enough to pull this off. Do not let it trouble yourself anymore, together we are strong enough to take on anything fate may throw at us, and win!"
The Magik statue grinned, just as Mayhem had remembered Chaos had, and said "Yes, you're right, of course. As always. We were born to shape destiny itself, not dither over the "how" of it! Come, lets go find some of that feywine I know you are so fond of and think up some new Games to inflict on the unwary!" Statue haos nodded firmly once, and without warning, the magik stopped, like a soap bubble bursting at the slightest touch, and it was nothing more than a statue once more. Cold stone eyes looking out over the garden. Mayhem gulped a few deeps breaths of air to steady himself, and looked around. Carnage and Havoc still stared at the statue in their own private memories, while the other Elven looked around with expressions of curiosity and loss, that he was sure matched his own.

Hysteria slowly looked up at the obsidian statue of Chaos, it seemed cold and a distant look predominated in his eyes. But within moments the magik stirred and infused the statue with life, and those distant cold eyes became warm and almost fatherly in nature. Hysteria looked up at Chaos, the memories taking hold of her as she remembered whimpering at the time he had found her. He took her hand and smiled warmly, lifting her up. Hysteria couldn't bare it any longer and ran in the other direction, tears streaming down her cheeks. A moment passed and she was gone, probably to find solace in her room.

Carnage looked up to the seemingly lifeless statue, but it wasn't, at least not to them. The obsidian glistened in the sunlight, a faint sparkle in Chaos' eyes caught her attention. She remembered him, with his foolish boy grin and long silver hair, with his eyes sparkling in the same manner. It was long ago, before the Court of Chaos was even proclaimed whole. The thoughts drifted to the surface of her conscious and she could again remember a time when he hadn't seemed so foolish.
Aishua lay in the grass on a small mound, drawing into some sort of art book. The sun shined warmly overhead and small animals could be heard chattering in the forest not more than ten yards from her. She hummed to herself an old elven melody about the life of a harlequin, her purple eyes taking in every detail of her drawing with an artist's skill. Aishua set her pencil down and stood up as she heard someone else playing the old song on a flute. Looking around she spotted an elven boy about her age, sitting atop a tree playing his flute. Out of curiosity she wandered over to the tree and waited as he played out the last few notes and stopped, opening his eyes and taking in a fresh breath of air.
"I've always loved that song." Aishua said as the elven boy looked down.
He smiled and jumped down next to her, "The harlequins are great people, if I hadn't already chosen my profession, I think I would have liked to be one."
"My name is Aishua." she said with a smile.
The elven boy bowed in a playful manner, "And I am Chaos, a pleasure to meet you." Aishua arched an eyebrow, "That certainly is a strange name, I hope it isn't the one your parents gave you."
Chaos chuckled merrily, "Oh of course not. This is my self proclaimed title of mass destruction, for the elven court I am rallying."
"I've heard, the Court of Chaos I presume? That certainly is a bold action, forming your own court of powerful elven mages."
Chaos simply shrugged, the smile never leaving his face. "Its still not quite complete though, I'm in need of three more members."
Aishua smirked, "I suppose your being here and playing the song I was humming isn't pure coincidence?"
He grinned and nodded, "I've come to give you a formal invitation to join my court." Aishua looked down at the ground in deep thought, "I'm not so sure, there is still a lot for me to do, and joining this court sounds like a life long commitment."
Chaos flashed her his famous playful smile and held out his hand.
"Common, it'll be fun, I promise."
Aishua was about to turn him down, but then something caught her attention. There was something in his eyes, she blushed in spite of herself. Time seemed to slow down, she held her breath, and reached out to take his hand. "Alright." she breathed out. Chaos smiled and ran towards the woods pulling her along. The light shimmered down through the trees, the forest seemed golden and perfect; and they ran, laughing
all the way.
The laughing form of Chaos disappeared, the bright look in his eyes were replaced by the dark obsidian. The warm memory now turned bitter in her mouth, the carnival had only lasted so long, and now it was
over. It had been fun, as Chaos had promised, but like all good things in her life, it soon faded and washed away. Carnage turned around and stalked out of the area, her path was not as clear set as it used to be and she had some thinking to do. After one last glance towards the statue of Chaos, she disappeared to leave the other elven to their reverie.
Havoc had no need for warm memories. As much as they helped keep him from losing his sanity, he did not look up to the statue as did most of the other elves. Instead he pulled out his mighty Zamba blade and pulled the robe back from his left arm. There were two long scars across his arm, representing two losses he had experienced in his life. A past he wished to forget, but could not. Taking his blade he cut his arm beside the other two scars not flinching in the slightest. The blood dripped down into the soil and Havoc gave the statue a salute. It was a warrior's farewell, the only way Havoc knew of saying goodbye to a good leader and great friend. Following in suit, he turned his back on the statue of Chaos and walked away, not even glancing back as he disappeared.
Riot knew, as did his brother and Usagi. They were the only ones left who truly knew what took place on that horrible day, the day Chaos died. The twins would not allow themselves to forget, and some warm memory of Chaos would not blur out the pain and sacrifices made that day. Riot knelt down beside the statue, setting down two virgin roses, unbloomed and untainted by the world. Chaos and Shinrai, their love would last forevermore, it was the message and reason behind the twins' existence and what they saw would not be forgotten. Riot stood up in thought as Ruckus took the bloomed rose on his chest and crushed it in his hand. The soft petals drifted away, past Chaos' statue and out to the illusionary sea. They say beauty does not last forever, and that love cannot be eternal. And like the rose, symbol of love and more beautiful than any other flower, it too dies over time. But love can be eternal, and friendships can last forever. A new determination took hold of the twins, and as the cherry blossoms swept up and engulfed them, the belief and vows they held grew even stronger.
Mayhem was left alone among the garden and orchard, and paced towards the edge of the cliff. Looking out across the sea he felt compelled to jump, to feel truly free just once. From the folds of his robe he withdrew a wooden flute, the same one Chaos had owned since he was a mere child. Mayhem looked over it with a critical eye, the craftsmanship was excellent and the intricate design added to its splendor. Mayhem closed his eyes and in his ears he could hear Chaos playing, so careless and happy. With all his strength he threw the flute out into the ocean where it vanished among the waves. The grey mist surrounded him and within seconds he was gone, leaving the statue to keep watch over the monument dedicated to Chaos, the last great Playking.


Hikari felt Kakyuu's emotions detachment and sighed. Hikari pointed to the paper's picture and head line of the Starlights article with her finger.

"I'm old enough to understand body language and you were looking at the Starlights, right?" Hikari soothing spoke calmly to Kakyuu. "Now...I'm confused as to why Taiki is still posing as Male. And I'm worried about Yaten also as well as Michael and Usagi."
Kakyuu looked at Hikari with a puzzled, "Do I know Yaten? And who are Michael and Usagi??".
"Well, Usagi is the blond hair girl with blue eyes, like mine who's hair is up in just single buns on ponytails that you meet yesterday. Michael is one of the males you considered monsters yesterday's and has asked that he nor Mamoru enter this apartment while you are here." Hikari cheerfully replied to Kakyuu's question.
Hikari nodded calmly. "Yes, you should know Yaten for she is one of your senshi, Kakyuu."
<<As well as my little Neko-chan from when she was but a child.>> Hikari thought.
Memories of when she spent time on Healer after the battle with Queen Metalia; being a witness, with her sister Queen Serenity of the Silver Age, to Queen Alina and Mihat's wedding. Then becoming Yaten, Loutus and Shanna's godmother. She spent a short time with them as the grew as time permitted her but soon had to depart; but not before sending word to the Queen of Kinmoku about Yaten becoming a senshi.

Sailor Crescent Light had been running to help Kakyuu when she had taken a wrong turn. Her heart was beating fast as she leaned against a wall. "Where am I?" She murmured to herself. Looking around at the unfamiliar location, she de transformed herself hoping no one noticed, turned around and gasped. Someone was behind her.

As Hikari spoke to Kakyuu her thoughts went to Ureshii. She closed her eyes and concentrated on Ureshii's emotional stat to see if she was alright.

Ureshii looked around, she was certain that someone had been behind her. Sighing and sitting down, she frowned as she began to try to remember what direction she had some from. She hugged herself and rubbed her arms as it was getting colder.

Hikari could sense Ureshii's need; she turned to Kakyuu. "I'll be back in a nao-sec."

With that she transported to Ureshii the night before when her present self of that time had left the time stream to get Airashii.

"Ureshii? Are you all right?" Hikari asked with concern as she glanced at the night sky.

"Hikari!? Is that you? How did you get here?" Ureshii said, standing up and smiling gratefully at Hikari. "I'm fine, but I got lost here... how did you get here?"

"Ah followed your emotions. Come on; we've got to get back." Hikari tenderly smiles and took Ureshii's hand. "Kakyuu's at my place at the present."

Hikari only had a few minutes before her present few returns to the correct time which she too better or would be trouble.

Ureshii smiled back and nodded. "Good idea, let's go then."

Hikari nodded and instantly they were in her living room as daylight shined through the window. Before Ureshii could say a word; Hikari lead her into the hall.

"It's morning already?" Ureshii murmured, shielding her eyes from the sunlight.

"Yes. Also Kakyuu has amnesia; so she won't recognize you, Ureshii." Hikari replied with a calm nod; then gave her a recap on events with Kakyuu and Airashii/Amy/Ashley.

Ureshii nodded, listening to Hikari explain everything.

"Would you like to take a quick rest in the bedroom, have something to eat or talk with Kakyuu and I for a bit?" Hikari asked tenderly knowing the other senshi may need some rest since she was taken out of time.

"Well," Ureshii said, "I'm sure it won't take that much out of me to talk with Kakyuu.."

"Okay." Hikari warmly smiled as they returned to the living room; only taking seven minutes.

Hikari sat next to Kakyuu on the sofa; where she had been before. "Back, Kakyuu. This is Ureshii who is one of the light senshi of the Gold Age."

Kakyuu looked at Ureshii then smiled at her and said, "Nice to know and meet you".
Ureshii smiled back and bowed politely. "Thank you," she said quietly. "It's nice to meet you too, Princess Kakyuu."

"Please sit down" Kakyuu smiled warmly. "Tell me about yourself, U.. Ureshii...Sorry, I am forgetful in names..." she continued.


This time, she had shot out her ground like a cannon, waking the beasts by her pool. With a short whistle Aramis came to her, and with a nudge in his sides they were off and running through the rain forest.
"How could she. How could I?!" she snarled at herself, goading her tiger to go faster. He began to clear low hanging branches and bushes, as Ruin wiped an angry tear that threatned to roll down her cheek.
"Usagi no baka!! She's just using me! They all want to use me, my brain!
It's not for public advantage!!" she yelled at Aramis, who growled, feeling his mistress' fury. "I need a release!! I need something!!!" she screamed, as the tiger whizzed up in trees. Then, she remembered it. As the tiger leapt up into the air at the very pinnacle of the 'sky', she leapt off her tiger, and fell with it.
It being heavier, the tiger fell faster, landing on it's four enormous paws and bounding away. Porthos backed off, as Ruin slowed her descent into a small dive, landing gracefully in her spring by the gray
stones etched with flowers.
Her clothes melted away, revealing a light blue linen wrap, that loosely turned with the wave movements of the deep. And it was deep. Deep enough for her and Lord Mayhem. She slowly came back up for air, the coldness of the water soothing her frazzled nerves.
~What to do now? Will Mayhem be angry now that Usagi, and most undoubtedly the rest of the senshi will soon know? Or Ruckus-chan?~
She brought her knees to her chin as she bit on the nail of her thumb. "Not even here a month... and I messed everything up... oh, kami...
I couldn't take being rejected again. I know I can be worthy of my title Sa... Lady Ruin..."
Suddenly, she felt the same twinge. Not really being able to tell the difference in auras yet, she said tiredly, "Whoever you are, you may enter..."
In a flurry of cherry blossoms Ruckus appeared before Lady Ruin. He smiled as if he had no cares in the world and was about to saysomething before he caught the look on Ruin's face. "Ano, something wrong?"
Recognizing Ruckus-chan's voice, Calestria scrambled out of her spring, a light blue jacket and pants appearing on her. She bowed her head quickly at him. "Eh, nothing, just... relaxing."
It was a lie, and she knew it.
Ruckus shook his head in dismay, "Come now, we are friends aren't we? Any friend can tell when something is wrong." He walked over and stood by her side, nudging her slightly. "You know you can tell me anything without worrying."
He was so close to her! Why did he have to stand so close?! Was it hot in here? With a wave of her hand, a cold breeze whistled across her Realm, as she took a few light steps away. "I know... I just..."
Her eyes darted to her tigers. Aramis was panting as Porthos quietly
licked his companion's fur. Aramis finally got up and began lapping at the spring as Calestria made her way over to the sunken marble pillar. She sat atop it, bringing her knees to her chest, as they were suddnly dressed in loose pants and boots. Looked a bit like an Elven Genie, if they believed in such things. She pushed a lock of hair away from her face, not looking at Ruckus-chan, and inquired where Mayhem was.

Standing not too far away, Ruckus simply shrugged, his ceremonial robes being replaced by black casual business attire. "I presume he's resting in his own realm." He took a few steps closer and crouched down
a bit, coming eye to eye with Calestria. "But what is important right now, is you. Maybe it was customary not to speak with your friends about what's troubling you, but that's what led up to this whole mess in the first place."
Ruckus smiled affectionately, "We all care about you here, I care about you. And I want to help you, but the only way I can is if you tell me what's up."
"Honto?" asked Calestria in a small voice. "I... knew I really didn't belong at Chaos' funeral, I'm sorry I left without asking..."
"...But I came upon two people today... well, a few hours ago...whatever your clocks suggest. Anyway, I... fought against Usagi in the ruins of what was illusioned to be the hosting place of the Masquerade.
It just...happened. Something inside me wanted to see her... see her hurt, just as much as I do," she said, adding the last part with nervous frustration. "I don't understand, what is my purpose here? And Mayhem,
how does he feel-...." she trailed off at the last part.
Ruckus quirked an eyebrow but quickly plastered on a warm smile. "The past is the past, so leave it where it belongs ne?"
"But Ruckus-chan..." he held up one finger in a hushing gesture. He stood up and walked over to the sunken pillar she was resting on and sat beside her. "The past is never to be forgotten, but what is important is you and now." Ruckus looked into Calestria's eyes, he was hesitant to use his magik again; he wanted this to be her journey and discovery, not to make her into some sort of puppet.
"I know the pain is still fresh in your heart, I see it in your eyes and the way your lips quiver slightly when you talk about Usagi. But rest assured, these things do take time. I could perhaps force it from you with my magik, but it would only come back to haunt you later. You still hurt inside because you are still focusing on the past and the people that surround it. Let me tell you something..."
Ruckus held out his hand, a beautiful unblossomed rose rested in his palm. The rose opened and bloomed, and then when it could not open anymore, it inverted into the dress of a fairy that began to dance majestically around Ruckus' hand.
"There are only three kinds of people, those who miss the carnival, those who live it, and those who imagine it into life. We are fortunate, that we have the power to create it, as well as experience it. All of
your life, the carnival has passed you by for one reason or another, but now is your chance..."
The fairy suddenly ignited into a nymph of fire, it hands moving about, leaving small fire trails in its path. It danced with passion and soul as if it were possessed by whatever music it heard.
"You mustn't let people like Usagi run your life, or the carnival will fade away. You can't let yourself be hurt by her anymore, no matter what she says. She dared to claim that you were incapable of love, remember? But how can she say that, when I see the passion burning in your eyes? As for Mayhem..."
The nymph suddenly stopped dancing, looked up towards Calestria and reached out to her with outstretched arms. The nymph was snuffed out, turned completely to ice. Ruckus heard her sharp intake of breath. The ice statue was staring at her with its open arms, an almost sad expression on its face.
"It all depends on what you want..." Ruckus said as the nymph disappeared from his palm. Calestria nodded slowly, then gripped Ruckus-chan's hand in hers, giving it a squeeze. "Thank you so much," she said softly, turning and planting a kiss on Ruckus' cheek.
He acted quickly, putting a hand behind her head and moving forward, he kissed her full on the lips. Calestria was so taken aback by surprise she did not resist at all. After a few moments he broke from
her and stood up, a warm and kind expression on his face. "It all depends on what you want." In a flurry of cherry blossoms he was gone. Ruin touched her mouth, his kiss still lingering on her lips. She was so confused, aside from being an elf, she wasn't sure what she wanted now. He had been the one to free her from her past life of pain, and even now after what she did he still cared. But what about Mayhem?
Calestria was so confused.


After waiting for a few hours, Karasu went home. He sat in his empty palace quiet and pondering. As he looked around he realized how lonely it was and wished there was someone there to talk to. As he thought this, the wind howled around outside, he had never really figured out where the wind came from but it came none the less.


He couldn't sleep, and his usual pass time of training wasn't doing the trick. So down the streets of Tokyo Havoc rode on his motorcycle, a newly picked up hobby of his. He wore tight faded blue jeans, a white shirt and brown leather jacket as he picked up speed, riding in his human guise and without a helmet. Humans worried too much about what could happen to them in Havoc's opinion, they missed out on some of the greater joys of life worrying about keeping thier life. Though it was night time in the elven realm, the sun shone brightly overhead, a testimony to the non-existant time in his home. Turning down another street he suddenly felt like taking a walk, for no apparent reason at all. Parking on the side he dismounted his bike and crossed to the side walk on the other side of the street. Havoc stuffed his hands into his pockets and paced down the sidewalk, barely paying attention to where he was going. He had a lot on his mind and wasn't sure where exactly he wanted to go. All he knew was that he had to keep walking. After about ten minutes he was in near downtown Tokyo where a lot of apartment buildings reached for the sky. Turning one corner he abruptly bumped into someone that was also not paying attention to where they were going. Brushing himself off he stood back up, "Geez watch where you're..." he trailed off as he got a good look at the girl he had bumped into.


Mei wearily blinked her eyes. She hadn't gone back to sleep and had been wandering streets after she had seen Hikaru come back with Kakyuu; she had been peering out the doorway of Mamoru's apartment which strangely had been left open with no one inside. She had figured it was better not to approach Kakyuu till Kakyuu had some time to used to the idea of her being good though something seemed different about Kakyuu. Actually, she had thought to look for Hisoka, but...well... she didn't have an address and wasn't thinking too clearly at the moment. She could have gone back and gone to sleep, but for some reason, she didn't want to go to sleep. No, she very well knew the reason, her dreams of the past. With everything that had happened and was said yesterday... was it only yesterday? ... her mind understood better, but her heart still wouldn't accept.

She turned the corner and found a park. It was the one that her sisters had first gathered after so long except for one... her heart painfully contracted...Shinrai. The crater was still there but with a few caution signs. "What did you suffer, sister? If I could have done something..." Mei whispered, trying to hold back the endless tears. "Where are 'you'? I need to talk to you."
Angel Light Feather was heading into work as she came upon Mei in the park. She was in her RN uniform as she stepped next to Mei.
"Hi there Mei." Angel asked with some concern.
Angel still had out away to tell Hikari of Yaten's present state as of yesterday evening. She knew Hikari will not be happy about it; she just hoped that she didn't go looking for Yaten on her own.
At the same time Ashley was heading home from Hikari's apartment through the park and recognized Mei instantly; but she knew the older senshi wouldn't recognize her for the last time she saw her, though she to died back then, was when she was when she was 14. Now she was 17; being born earlier in the present.
Ashley also had a remote recollection to the other as she walked over to the two older woman.
"Hi, I'm Ashley. Are you Angel?" Ashley asked Angel.
"Ah, yes." Angel replied looking at Ashley.
"Mei?" Ashley asked Mei.
"Ye..." Mei stopped and swallowed. It felt like a lump was in her throat. "Yes?" She looked blankly at the 17-year-old girl. Somewhat familiar looking, but she wasn't coming up with a name and she felt too tired to try fighting through the fog that was her memory.
"Oh what luck. I' was Airashii/Sailor Illuminessence though now I'm Ashley Conner. I'm one of Hikari-hime's senshi" Ashley replied with a nod.

"Oh, you're older?" Angel replied curiously.
"Yeah born close to the other senshi that were sent from the Gold Age. So is Sailor Sparkle by Hikari's contact with her last night. So what are you doing?"
"I have work in a hour at the hospital." How about you Mei?" Angel asked with a warm smile.
"Me?" Mei blinked. She didn't think that she had anything to do... But she could remember Airashii, no Ashley now, from the Gold Age after Ashley had said she was older now than then. "Nothing, right now. Maybe find a job a little later. Aira... Ashley-chan, You've grown up beautifully." She smiled for real now.

Ashley smiled; pointing in a direction off to the side. "Thank you, Mei. Well, I was going to head over to my apartment and check mail and messages for the time I missed. Want to come?"Angel replied. "I'm heading in that direction at the moment so; I'll keep you to company for a while."
"Okay." Mei could remember Aira... Ashley, but it was only bits and pieces. One of the clearer ones was when they were practicing and she had teased Ashley, calling her by something else. Seeing Angel again so soon made her realize that she had to talk to Hisoka very soon. "Do you know of any place that I can get a job?"


Artemis is walking down the busy streets of Tokyo. All of a sudden these little brat kids cover the crescent moon on his forehead unabling him to talk.


"A vistior, you said?" Raithe asked calmly, however was nonetheless impatiently tapping her fingers on the arm of her throne. "Who is it?"
"She said I was to introduce her as 'an old friend'." Lestat said, backing up a little.
Raithe sat motionless then, staring Lestat straight in the eyes. Finally, she sighed and sluped back in her chair and told Lestat; "Send her in."
Lestat bowed and quickly opened the huge doors the allowed entrance to the throne room. A tall woman with long, wavy brown hair that seemed to cover her as if it were the mantle of a nun, entered the room. Her face so pale it looked unnatural, even for one of her own kind. Her eyes were so brilliant that they shone even though the golden glasses she wore. Raithe recognised her immediately, and straightened out.
"Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?....Why my Empress, cannot you see that Lydia is the most beautiful Vampire you will ever see." Raithe mocked her visitor.
Lydia rolled her eyes. "Maharet, please. I come bearing no ill will. I come asking for a favor."
"Why should I do you any favors?"
"It is not for me I ask this favor. It is for Marius." Lydia stated solemnly.
"Is there something wrong with Marius?" Raithe asked, almost concerned.
"He has called for another gathering of our kind...and he sent me to this place to bring you, Louis, Lestat, Gabrielle, and Claudia back with me for a time."
"Absolutley not."
"Are you not our Queen?!" Lydia demanded.
"I may be your Queen, however I cannot leave this place. You may take the others with you to report back to me, however I cannot leave." Raithe said with a slight hint of disappointment.
"They all have left already, knowing you would allow it. All but Lestat, that is." Lydia said matter- of-factly.
"I wish to stay here." Lestat said, making it clear his mind would not be changed.
"Lestat will remain here, as he wishes. You are free to leave, and be sure to give all you see my warmest regards. Even Marius."
Lydia bowed. "I will do so." Without another word, she turned and left for wherever it was that Maruis was having them all gather.
Raithe slouched back in her throne again. Finally, some peace. It would give her time to think about things that matter. However, it only left her with one Vampire. She would certainly need more than that to get anything done, even with her shadows and dragons running about.
Lestat, having been able to enhance his ability to read the minds of others, had an instant idea. "My Empress, why not find one of the senshi or such to replace the lost Vampires?"
"That isn't such a bad idea..." She smiled. "Go forth and bring me back one."

Hikari looked at the two tenderly and then decided she would make some snacks to munch on before lunch in a few hours.
"How about something to hold you till lunch?" Hikari cheerfully replied as she stood up.
Ureshii nodded, "That would be great, I'm hungry anyway.."
"Okay." Hikari replied as she headed into the kitchen. "You two talk among yourselves."
Hikari started to fix some milk and cookies. As she did she also noticed that she need a few items at the store; since it looked like she'll be looking after Kakyuu for a while. She came back in with the snacks.

"I have to go to the store for a few items." Hikari placed the snacks on the table before the sofa; then looked apologetic. "Can you two keep each other entertained for awhile?"
Ureshii nodded and smiled. "Sure!"
"Okay. I'll be back." Hikari replied with a warm smile; then headed to the door.
A few minutes Hikari walked out the apartment building and headed towards the store.
<<Let's see need cleaners for the tile floors, more milk, toothbrush . . . hmm . . . other assortment of teas . . . fruit juice....>> Hikari thought
to herself as she looked around. <<Lovely day. Now what else can I get?>>
Lestat was rather annoyed, not at Raithe, but the situation. Ok, he was angry with her, but he was upset moreso with the situation. Where was he ever going to find a senshi who would make a powerfull, and willing vampire? Most of them would make very powerful vampires, but willing to become one, now that was the problem.
He walked aimlessly through the streets, his purple sunglasses sheilding his eyes from the bright sun. It had been some time since he had been in the sun. It bothered him slightly, but not much. To think that he was one of the few that could walk in the sun. The thought made him proud. So proud, in fact, that he became overwhelmed with his pride, and wasn't paying attention to where he was going.
As his mind drifted, he managed to walk straight smack into Hikari, who was looking at her shopping list. The impact caught them both off guard, and Hikai fell to the ground with a thud. Feeling a bit silly, Lestat snapped out of his daze, and helped the young woman up.
"I am terribly sorry." He said, not really wanting to have to apologize.
"Oh, it's alright, Lestat." Hikari smiled at him.
Lestat was taken aback. "How did you know my name?"
"Don't you remember me?"
Lestat stared at her for a moment. It finally occured to him. "Hikari?" He took a step back. "....It's been a...while...hasn't it..?"

Hikari had been thinking about her items to buy that she hadn't noticed Lestat fully till now.
<<Boy he hasn't changed a bit. What am I saying?>> Hikari looked up at Lestat; giving him a warm smile. "Ahh . . . yeeah. . . .it has been a while."

Hikari blushed then got her baring as she looked over at Lestat seriously. <<Just great now . . . I should been more alert. . . .in day? Oh yeah . . .older vampires can be in sunlight.>>
"What are you up to, Lestat, on this fine day?" Hikari asked seriously as she concentrated on keeping to the topic at hand.
"Now, if I told you, I would be in a lot of trouble, wouldn't I?" He replied, in a vain attempt to be humorus. "You forget who I work for."
Lestat thought about exactly what it was he was supposed to be doing. He was supposed to find one affiliated with either the senshi or the elves who would be willing, semi-willing, rather, to become a vampire. He took off his violet sunglasses and looked at Hikari gently. She had beautiful eyes, a wonderous face and an amazing body. To think, if she were one of his kind, the eternal beauty she would have! Not just that, but she was a powerful senshi as well. If she were one, why that power would increase threefold! He had just discovered his prime target.
"Well, Hikari, when was the last time you encountered one of the 'romantic vampires', as we are called? I am interested to know how long it has been. You seem to have forgotten a few things."

"I guess would be in trouble if you are up to making trouble on wait its Raithe now." Hikari smiled tenderly; watching Lestat vary carefully.
"Romantic Vampires, Lestat? close approximation...I'd say about about 200 years when you asked me to dance at a social gathering in New Orleans." Hikari softly replied with a warm smile. "How's Louis and Claudia?"

"Ah yes, I do remember that night. I wonder if you still dance as well as you did then." He said aloud, a grim smile curving on his face.

"Louis and Claudia? They are gone for a time, at Marius' call. But otherwise I believe Louis is just as miserable as he always has been, and Claudia...well, Claudia has finally gotten what she always wanted; and there is no more to it."

"I understand. Claudia has grown up." Hikari nodded as she looked at Lestat's eyes. <<Nice eyes.>>

She blushed then looked up into the sky. Hikari looked at Lestat as she felt the blush fade; she had a cunning smile as her eyes sparkled.

"Are you hoping that I be trying to distract you from this task Raithe has given to you that you are sure I wouldn't approve of, Lestat?"

She realized just then that she felt the presence of two more from the Dawn's system in the Rukbat Galaxy on Earth. They were in Tokyo as well.

<<Oh the store! I forgot.>> Hikari looked apologetic to Lestat. "I have to go grocery shopping. It was nice seeing you again, Lestat."

Hikari turned to face the direction of the store she was going to go to.

Lestat stood smiling as Hikari spoke in that soft and tender voice. 'She thinks I have nice eyes? How cute.'

Lestat wondered why she had run off so fast. Her thoughts suddenly sped up so fast he could not keep up with her pace. 'New warriors, friends? What is happening?' He sighed.

"Hikari....sweet Hikari. You are still beautiful, with your raident eyes, and brilliant face...."

Hikari gather the necessary items times three as she went through the store carefully; wondering just what Lestat could be up to. She still had to talk to Kakyuu and Michael about Raithe.

Something was bothering her about Michael which she couldn't put her finger on just yet. She wondered about her feeling towards the young man she technically meet for the first time only the other day; though she also recalled memories of her child selves that she knew him, but there was something different from the Michael now and the one she knew; that she didn't recall.


Dressing in grays and navy blues, Calestria landed unsteadily in the Great Hall. Taking a moment to balance herself, her eyes read over each lantern, and stopped for a moment on that of Carnage.

~Come to think of it, I don't think I've seen her since the funeral. She hasn't spoken to me as long as I've been here...~

"Maybe I should make myself known," said Ruin with a snile, a small step towards Carnage's lantern.

But something inside stopped Calestria, who dropped her smirk. What was it? Doubt...

With a final glance at the lantern, Calestria made her way to under Mayhem's lantern. Pushing her hands together in a praying like gesture, Calestria concentrated on letting Mayhem know who wanted to see him, trying without saying a single word...


Seiya turned down the winding hallways of their school, with Taiki at his heels behind him. She winced as she passed a group of girls waving at her from the lockers. She ducked behind Taiki, holding him out as a shield in front of her.

"See what I mean?" She muttered.

Taiki blinked, slightly annoyed at having been used as his friend's personal bodyguard. "It's not my fault they can't tell you're a girl! Maybe if you had a bigger chest..."

The Starlight stopped, turned Taiki towars her, and punched him across the cheek, sending the taller Starlight into panicky SD form. "Itaiiii, Seiya....."

She dusted her hands off on black slacks. "Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I have to hit like one!"

"Seiya-chaaan!" Came a squeal from behind the two. Seiya whirled around just in time to be tackled by a tall red-head.

"W... wha...?" Stuttered the reasonably confused Light pinned to the ground. Taiki just snickered.

The girl nuzzled against Seiya's chest. "My Seiya-chan!" She cooed.

Seiya stood up abruptly, dumping the girl on the hard floor. "Look at me! I'm a GIRL!" She shouted.

The girl winked. "I know! But you know, maybe people would stop mistaking you for a guy if you wore a girl's uniform!"

"There's no WAY I'm gonna wear... wait a second... " An enlightened expression passed over her face. "Oh, CRAP..."

The red-head grinned, green eyes sparkling. "That's right! It's me, Erith!"

Taiki rubbed his jaw, trying to lock it back in place as he said,

"Erith...? I'm assuming you have a last name?"

Hissing quickly in the shorter senshi's ear, "Who the hell's this?... Another Amanda...?"

Seiya reached up and tweaked Taiki's nose. He clapped a hand over it. "You have yourself to blame for that paranoia problem."

"High, High," said a nasal-sounding Taiki. Rubbing his sore nose, he took a few steps back. "So, any other girls gonna try their luck? I mean it's not every day the captain of the football team gets her chest nuzzled."

Seiya gritted her teeth. "Thin ice, pal!"

Taiki smirked. "I believe that's Lady Ruin's department."


It was a bright day in Tokyo when suddenly a big bright light appeared on the top of Tokyo Tower. The light then slowly disappeared and left 2 figures on the top of the Tower. One of them wore white cape and the other wore black cape. The wind played with their hair and capes.

"So this is Tokyo where the crystal palace will be build eh?" said the one with white cape.

"Yes" replied the black cape shortly. The one with white cape stepped forward to the edge of the tower and stretched his body, the wind played with his blond hair.

"Well, surely it is a BIG place! That's a good news for me" he said with a smile. His friend looked at him confusedly and asked,

"Why are you so happy for that?".

"Because in this big city there will be LOTS of girls to date than in our home!" he replied with a happy face. The one with black cape fell down with a big sweat drop.

"WE GO HERE TO HELP OUR LEADER!" the black coat one yelled at his friend's face after managed to stand up.

"Well, that is our main job, dearly but until we meet her,

I guess it is not wrong to have a little fun" the white cape one said with an innocent smile. The black cape one threw his cape to his back and then walked to the edge of the tower as well. He looked sharply towards the city with a silent while the wind played with his cape and his black hair. The white cape one then put his hand around his friend's shoulders and said, "Let's our adventures begin from this tower". After saying that, he and his friend fell down from the tower and landed to the ground.

"Well, I don't think our knight clothes are suitable to this town... How about we change our performance?" asked the white cape one. The black cape one nodded then half raised his hand. A blue aurora appeared from his hand and covered his body and then it disappeared. The aurora had changed his knight suits into a Japanese school uniform. The white cape one smirked and followed his friend actions. The red aurora covered his body and changed his clothes into a school uniform as well but different from his friend's.

"Ok, Hitei, we are ready now… Let's surf the city!" said the one who had blond hair.

The one with black hair who was called Hitei thought a while and then he said, "This is a big city so I think we should separate in order to locate where leader is". The blond one pinched his forehead and then he said,

"Well as you say… I'll go right you go left". Then they separated their ways. Hitei walked along the Tokyo streets. All the views in that city were totally new to him and he didn't like it. Then he found a park, a quite place to do some concentrating. But before he did that, he felt that his leader power was strong.

"This must be near her place" he thought then he telepathically called his friend, "Kish, I have found leader's place. Trace my power, I will wait you at leader's headquarter".

Kish, the one with blond hair, sighed, "I haven't even met an attractive girl yet…". Then he concentrated and traced Hitei's power.

Meanwhile, Hitei traced his leader's power and ended up at an apartment. He was totally confused. "Is this building our leader's headquarter?" he wondered but then decided to keep following the traces. Then he arrived in front of a room. He examined it then he knocked at the door (Hikari's door).

Ureshii had been in conversation with Kakyuu when she heard a loud knock on the door. Asking to be excused politely, she stood up and walked over to the door and opened it slightly. Ureshii looked at the two with her curious blue eyes as she toyed with the end of her ponytail which was draped over her shoulder.

"Hai? Can I help you?" She asked the two men.

Hitei didn't say a word instead he opened the door wider, stepped inside and looked around. "Yes, I can feel leader's power in this house. This must be hers" he thought then he examined the surrounding and walked towards the living room.

Then he met Kakyuu. He looked at Ureshii then at Kakyuu then he stepped into the kitchen but didn't find anyone there. Meanwhile Kish had followed Hitei's power towards an apartment then he looked at the building. "Now which of these places Hitei be..." he wondered and rubbed his chin. After thinking awhile he then jumped to a tree then jumped towards a window. He opened the window and pop his head into it. He saw Hitei was standing with a thought in the kitchen. "Hitei, you really give me a hard work! You can wait for me instead of breaking the place yourself" Kish said lazily and climbed into the kitchen from the window.

"It is you who break into this place, Kish. I came into this place from the door" Hitei replied calmly. "Yeah yeah yeah.... Anyway, did you find leader?"

Kish asked lazily while scraching his head. "No, only two girls in this place but no sign of leader" Hitei replied. "Ho ho ho... wait a sec... you said girls?

Csk csk csk you even didn't wait for me" Kish said while shaking his head. Hitei looked at him confusedly but then Kish tapped Hitei's shoulder and said, "Now are they p?". Hitei sighed, "Just look at them yourself".

"Alright. You wait here" Kish said excitedly but before he could walked farther, Hitei blocked his way with his hand and said, "We have no time to do such introduction things beside we must make sure that leader is ok".

Kish smirked, "This is big city, dearly... We can't search for leader in this big city. All we can do is wait for

her here, in her place. So while waiting for her...". Hitei still block Kish way then he put down his hand and said,

"Well, you are right but don't do anything stupid or leader will be angry".

Kish smiled innocently then said, "Surely no".

After saying that Kish walked towards the living room while Hitei sat on the kitchen table. In living room, Kish saw 2 girls there. One with red hair, black hat and quite sexy (since you can see the bare shoulders also transparent skirt) and the other wore ordinary street clothes . Kish then smiled sweetly at the red

haired one and then sat beside her. Kakyuu looked at the black haired guy confusedly and abit scared. When he entered the kitchen, she wanted to asked Ureshii whether she know anything about him. Before she could ask Ureshii, a blond haired guy came out of the kitchen. Kakyuu dropped the tea cup that she was holding. "Huh? How come he changed his hair so fast?" Kakyuu thought confusedly and when he sat next to her, she went pale.

Hitei nodded at Hikari and said, "Yes he is with two girls in the living room and it is nice to meet you again in good health leader". Then Hitei looked at the grocery bag and took the things in it out. He puzzled looking at the things that he took out from the bag and thought to himself, "These things can be eaten?".


Kish put one of his hand around Kakyuu's bare shoulders and his other hand held Kakyuu's hand and squeezed it gently. Then he said with a big smile, "What a lovely lady you are... Tell me, what is your name, flower?".

Kakyuu shivered and replied, "N... Na... Na... Nani o?".

Kish moved closer to Kakyuu and said, "What a sweet voice you have there.... Really sweet...". Moved his face closer to Kakyuu's face.

Kakyuu moved backwards, her face went white and sweats dropped from her forehead.

"Your sweats smell like roses..." kish said smilingly and then kissed Kakyuu's hand that he was holding. "What a tender skin you have there...".

Kakyuu closed her eyes and pushed Kish away while yelling, "Ta... Ta... TASUKETE!!!".

Hitei sighed then walked towards the living room. He then grabbed Kish back collar and pulled him away from Kakyuu.

Kish sighed, "You always ruin my fun!".

"Just look at the girl's face. She goes white all over as if she has seen a monster" Hitei said calmly.

"MONSTER?!" Kish asked in disbelieve voices then he closed his eyes and combed his blond hair back then said with a smile, "Girls always drooling at my face... Such beauty... My greatest sin to have this too handsome face...".

Hitei held Kish's face with both of his hands and moved it to face Kakyuu then he said, "Just look and see for yourself".

Kish looked at Kakyuu's terrified face with a wide eyes and mouth and stood up suddenly and then he faced Hitei and asked him in whisper, "Did you draw on my face again?!".

Hitei shook his head innocently and crossed his hands Kish sat back to the coach beside Kakyuu and closed his face then he said, "This can't be happening...". He then opened his face and faced Kakyuu with teary sad eyes that made him looked like a dumb and said, "AM MY FACE THAT SCARY?!".

Kakyuu opened her eyes widely looking at Kish and then she closed her mouth and giggled.

Kish saw Kakyuu was laughing then he moved forwards and made Kakyuu half lay down. Then he said with a smile, "Ah... I know you were joking... You almost make me have a heart attack…. You become more beautiful when you laugh".

Kakyuu still widen her eyes and closed her mouth with her hands. She though had stopped giggling and now looked at Kish with frightened and puzzled eyes. Hitei sat on a chair next to the coach and crossed his legs. Then he took a cookie from a plate on the table and ate it silently.


Angel entered the Tokyo General Hospital just in time to start her shift. Interns were busy at work as she began her nursely rounds. As she was about to check on Mr. Haas of room 312 when she sensed the arrival of two Asteroid Knights of her home star system of Dawn. She stopped a moment in thought.

<< interesting...but it will have to wait till after my shift is over.>> Angel thought with a nod. <<Un doubtingly Hikari has detected the two new arrivals. Hope they remember that in this system Hikari is Sailor Half Light.>>

Angel returned to her duties as she picked up Mr. Haas' chart and entered the room.

"Good morning, Mr. Haas." Angel announced.


After an hour of shopping she returned to her apartment. As she entered her apartment she felt before seeing two of her Asteroid Knights of the Dawn system. She headed into the kitchen with her bags of groceries to see a young man sitting on her kitchen counter/table.

"Hi. Hitei. It's wonderful to see you. So where's the other half?" Hikari smiled warmly as she put the bags down; here blue eyes sparked with amusement. "Let me guess . . . Kish is keeping Kakyuu and Ureshii company in the living room?"

Hikari had completely finished putting all the items she bought that belong in the kitchen up; during which Hitei had gone out to keep Kish in line.

She walked around the corner which the open to the dinning room lead to the living room and crossed her arms as she noticed Kish nearly on top of a scared and puzzled Kakyuu.

"Kishuku! I'll give you a heart attach." Hikari spoke seriously with a displeased glance. "Now sit properly on the sofa and apologies to Kakyuu for you behavior."

Hikari recalled Kish's antics and sighed. She understood his obsession with the opposite sex; but he was also a Knight and should show some control. She looked at Hitei who sat in the chair.

"Saihetei..." Hikari was about to begin then tenderly smiled. "So what bring you two to Earth?"

Kish released Kakyuu then he stood up and faced Hikari. Then he slightly bow at her and smiled widely, "Nice meeting you again, Leader. It has been a long time we have not met each other".

Hitei stood up from his seat and said, "Finally...".

Kish bowed bit at Hikari again and said, "We come here to make sure that you are alright, Leader. We have felt that the auroras in the galaxy have changed strangely that is why we are afraid of your safety. Right, Hitei?".

Hitei nodded in agreement but said no words.

"Oh..." Hikari's blue eyes sparkled warmly as she thought over what Kish said then spoke tenderly. "Thank you Kish and Hitei for coming to Earth to help."

Hikari went to each night and gave him a warm hug and a smile. She looked at the two who looked as different as day and night. Please call me Hikari, Earth of the 20th century is a little bit different as to senshi/knights identities aren't know to the general public. When not in senshi form I'm Hikari."

"You've meet Princess Kakyuu of Kinmoku. Just Kakyuu in public." Hikari smiled tenderly at Kish as she pointed to Kakyuu. Then she turned to Ureshi, who was playing with her red hair. "This is Ureshii one of the Ancient Light Senshi of the Gold Age here in the Sol System, Sailor Crescent Light."

Kish smiled at Kakyuu and walked towards Ureshii then took her hand and kissed it. Then he looked at Ureshi with a smile and said, "It is nice to meet and know you. I am Kishuku Sou".

Hitei thought awhile then he asked, "Leader, Why did you come to this place? Sol System has nothing to do with us for years. We shouldn't intefere their domestic problems".

Kish looked at Hitei with a smirk then he walked towards him and tapped his shoulder. "Yare Hitei, you have no right to question leader... Beside it is understandable that she want to live in this place".

Hitei looked at Kish in puzzle.

"Hikari . . . please, Hitei." Hikari tenderly smiled; then she sighed. "Though many of the dark forces about know my identity. It's the general public which isn't ready to know just yet of the senshi."

In truth the Sol System, depending on who's time deprivation, associating with the Dawn System was more complicating than Hitei and Kish knew. To them her physical and actual age are one in the same. When Hikari went to Pern for the first time as physically 5 years old she travel in to the future from the Gold Age, spent her four years training to be a Master Harper and then returning again when she was physically 15 traveled forward from the Silver Age.

"The reason I'm here Hitei is that, now, those I care for and knew like Ureshii from the Gold Age and of the Silver Age have been reborn to this time to fight the evil that once plague this system of those times. I'm

here to make curtain that Crystal Tokyo does exist in the future." Hikari calmly replied.

"That is not our concern, Lea... I mean Hikari. Crystal Tokyo is not our jobs to make sure. That is those arrogant outer senshi of Sol system's jobs" Hitei sighed remembering his fight with Uranus.

Kish nodded and said, "Yeah... Those outer senshi of Sol system are really a b----! We only passed their system to go to the another system behind them, but they attacked us without hearing our explanation! I really want to crush their head and made them a mince meat!".

Hitei sighed, "But you like the green wavy haired one right? You talked about her millions of time and have made me remember every sentences you said"

"Well, she surely beautful..." Kish sighed more.

She then gives a playful smile. "What do you mean 'she wants to live in this place' Kish?"

Kish smirked at Hikari, "Well this place has lots of good looking guys, although *combed his hair with his hand* they can't be compared with my beauty but surely they look better than guys in our system. I am not surprise if you fall in love with one of them".

Hitei looked at Kish with wide eyes and said, "You mean Leader fell in love with a man from this earth?".

Kish nodded with a smiled, "I have lots of experiences in love and I know what a girl looked like when she is deeply in love".

Hitei sighed but didn't say a word.

Kish smirked, "What? You don't like our leady fall in love with a guy?".

Hitei shook his head and said, "No, I don't mind if that person is another system senshi".

Kish thought a while then he asked, "What if he is just a ordinary human?".

Hitei didn't reply it instead he just took a deep breath.

Kish nodded slowly but sure. "Naa... He could be a senshi... right leader?

Beside that is a long term. *looked at Hikari seriously* Now leader, we are going to protect you but must we cooperate with those outer sol system b----?".

Hikari had listened to Hitei and Kish speak; realizing that the two exploring knights of the Rukbak Galaxy had traveled to the Sol System at least once before. The two knights were as the descriptions she had been told of. She looked at Kish with surprise.

"I'm not deeply in love with anyone." Hikari blushed as spoke; a thought of Michael crossed her mind for some reason. She turned to Hitei and a serious nod. "Yes, you will at least need to get along with them while you are here, Hitei."

Hitei looked at Hikari puzzled and asked, "Get along with whom?"

Hikari tenderly smiled. "Get along with the Ancient senshi of the Gold Age, the planetary senshi, including the outer senshi, of the Silver Age and the Starlights, you'll have to get along with Hitei."

Kish widen his eyes, "Get along with those arrogant stone-headed senshi?!".

Hitei replied calmly, "Good idea eh, Kish? You have more opportunity to approach the green wavy haired one".

Kish thought awhile then he said, "Well... I think I could get along with that one, but with the blond one?! NO WAY!!"

"Hmmm . . .can you two at least don't cause a disturbance with the blond . . .Uranus while here. . . .speaking of which where are you two staying?" Hikari asked as she looked at the two young men.

Kish rubbed his chin and said, "Speaking of staying.... *tapped Hitei's shoulder* Where are we going to stay?"

Hitei thought awhile then he replied, "We can find some place..."

Kish looked at Hitei with amazed, "Woa you surely know a lot about this place eh?"

Hitei sighed, "I know nothing! But we can find a place!"

Kish held his breath and said, "Up to you then".

"There are apartments in this building you two for rent." Hikari commented tenderly. "We can get you two settled in today."

Hitei replied quickly, "No. That is too dangerous".

Kish looked at Hitei confusedly.

Hikari also looked over at Hitei with a curious glance. "How so, Hitei?"

"If enemies want to attack us, they just collapse this building. That will harm other people in this building. So better split up so that the enemies' attentions not focus on this building"

Hikari understood the logic to Hitei statement and nodded. "Well there are many apartment buildings in the city. Other than looking out for me what else do you have planed."

Hikari looked at the different school uniforms as different as the two young men wearing them.

"Ok, I guess we have to find an apartment ASAP" Hitei said.

Kish looked at Ureshii then at Kakyuu then he sighed, "Must we go now?".

Hitei nodded seriously.

Kish sighed more......

Hikari snapped her fingers as she recalled something. "Oh . . .I almost forgot. Hitei . . .Kish. . . . in two days I, my present form, is going to have to step out of time for a weeks time in which two of my younger selves will be here. You'll be most likely looking after them during their stay. They will be staying at Mamoru's place across the hall."

"Mamoru?" Kish scratched head. "Not know and interested at him" he continued.

Hitei sighed, "I think we shouldn't get involved with the earth people first leader until we learn their cultures. Or they will think that we are some kind of alien."

"Right, Hitei, Angel has been on Earth for the past year. She can help you get settled in and help with the Earth customs." Hikari replied with a warm smile. Then to Kish. "Mamoru is Prince Endymion's present day incarnation, Kish."

Hitei sighed more; knowing two new people for him had more stressing and now Hikari wanted to make him know another one.

Kish nodded listening to Hikari's explanation and said, "Thanks for telling me that, Leader. But No thanks. No more Sol arrogant pig-headed senshi again... That is enough!"

Hikari tenderly looked at the two young men; then she smiled. "Would you two like to join us for lunch?"

"Lunch?" Kish looked at Hikari puzzled

Hitei thought awhile then he said, "Pardon?"

"Yes, lunch a tern for a noon meal here on Earth." Hikari warmly replied. "It's about noon now. Are you two hungry from your trip here?"

"Not me" Hitei replied

Kish rubbed his chin then glance at Kakyuu, "Well... may be a bit".

"Okay. You might be hungry when I finish fixing lunch, Hitei." Hikari nodded she picked up the clicker and the TV turned on. "Why don't you look at the Earth programs while you wait. Ureshii can answer any question you might have about something you see or you can come into the kitchen to ask me. It might help with getting accustomed to Earth sooner."

"I guess we have to find a place to settle first. Then learn about things later" Hitei said calmly then looked at Kish who was still looking at Kakyuu.

Hikari looked tenderly but serious. "Apartment hunting can wait till you eat. It's pretty energy obtain as well as time consuming. It would be best to eat first and then find a place."

"I am not hungry, thank you beside, Kish only consider his below stomach than his stomach" Hitei replied calmly.

Hikari looked over at Kish and sensed his present emotion. "Hmmm...I see. Maybe another time? You will be popping up from time to time to check up on me."

"Before we go.." Kish cut off before Hitei could answer. " I want you to make clear about the two weeks later thingy..." he continued.

"Two weeks later thingy?" Hikari curiously looked to Kish.

"Yes, about helping that Sol brat! To tell you the truth, I won't" Kish said seriously.

Hikari was a tad confused and turned to Hitei. "What Sol brat are you speaking about and in two week I will be back to the present time stream. Hitei do you know who Kish is speaking of?"

"He meant the person called Mamoru. You said we have to help him" Hitei replied shortly.

Hikari realized. "Oohh... No you need not help Mamoru at all. My younger selves will be staying with him at his place when they are here in two days. Just wanted to inform you so you aren't worried about the change of age."

"Oh, ok... so I guess our job only to take care of this lady, right?" Kish smiled then looked at Kakyuu.

Hitei sighed.

Hikari thought a moment about Raithe; wondering if the two would be up to the challenge. "That's mostly up to Kakyuu, Kish but she would need protecting while the Starlight's rescue Yaten. And since I'll be a child of physical 3 or 8 during the passing of the week; I'll need the help."

"Ah... Surely I will help you in this one" Kish rubbed his hands happily.

Hitei sighed, "Not good idea, leader... Not VERY good idea"

"He hasn't meet Raithe yet. In your travels did you ever come by a being called a vampire . . ." Hikari commented.

"Vampire? Nope... Is she female?" Kish asked confusedly.

Hitei shook his head.

"Yes Raithe is a vampire, Kish. In fact she has stated she is now the Queen of the Damned. There are also Claudia and Gabrielle who are also part of Raithe's court as well as Lestat and Louis who are males." Hikari started. "A vampire is an undead entity which survives of the blood of the living; though these vampires are old enough to not need blood they will enjoy taking it just the same. Raithe has chosen to play with Kakyuu right now."

Hitei sighed, "Leader, I guess it is better that Kakyuu with Mamoru and your youngest ages with us. If she is near Kish, she SURELY in deep danger rather than with Raithe".

Hikari nodded. "It sounds good. But I have no control over my past selves for they appeared where and when they did by accident. They just wind up at Mamoru's. You will have to speak to Mamoru or Mei after my physical 3 year old self appears in two days. Mei is the one who found me and since she was staying with Mamoru that is where I ended up."

"I have better idea" Hitei said firmly

"Aww, Hitei!! You always screwing my happy time!!" Kish growled.

"What's your idea, Hitei?" Hikari sighed and looked tenderly at Hitei.

"How about we, Kish and I use our power when you are going to go to the past so that your past form will be teleport to our place?" Hitei said seriously.

Kish sighed, "Here goes my fun..."

Hikari thought back as to memories long ago forged. "If you are with me when I'm about to leave it would work but I don't recall it happening like that."

"We don't have to be in the same place leader. We will concentrate our power in our place the same time you are going to go to the past" Hitei explained.

"That's what happened." Hikari recalled something about a tug that had awakened her from her sleep. "Then it almost would have worked. My 3 year old self was dreaming while the time travel to place about a forest close by that still in untouched but I wound up at the park instead."

<<Could there have been a third partly to this that I don't recall telling myself?>> Hikari thought to herself.

Hitei looked at Hikari confusedly but he decided not to say words. Then after a while of silent he finally spoke, "Well, in that case we will be leaving now".

Kish said, "Btw, what is your phone number? so that we could call you as soon as we find our settlement".

"My phone number for the apartment is 553-7354, Kish." Hikari looked at Kish and calmly replied. "You could also us the communicator; since I do monitor the sequence the Dawn System Senshi use still."

Kish nodded with a smile, "Ok, then. I will use the communicator instead of the thing called telephone".

Hitei then walked towards the door and said, "Well I guess we have to hunting for an apartment now and set up the communicator so that we could in touch with you asap. *gave a signal to Kish* I guess we will be leaving now... Good luck leader". They walked out of Hikari's apartment. While they were searching for an apartment, Kish said, "Aaa.. Am I becoming nuts or our leader has forgotten us?".

Hitei thought awhile then he said, "She is over cared to those sol system senshi... Even want to risk go to the past only for those senshi...".

Kish looked at a huge building and tapped Hitei's shoulder, "I think I have found our home...".

Then they entered the building and to the lobby.

"Good afternoon, how may I serve you?" said the recepcionist, Kish smiled widely and said, "Well, could you give us an apartment to live?".

"Sure. Let me see.... we have penthouse and ordinary one. Which one do you want to rent?"

Kish replied, "The best room in this building".

"Ah, so you want the penthouse... Ok... that will be 1 million yen for a month".

Kish looked at the recepsionist puzzlely and then looked at Hitei and asked, "What is yen?".

Hitei thought awhile then he replied, "May be that is this earth currency".

Kish shocked, "We have to pay for an apartment?!"

Hitei nodded, "I guess so...".

Kish sighed, "But we are the famous knights! We even didn't have to pay anything in our home! What a materialistic world this place is!!".

They then walked out of the building and looked around.

Kish then asked, "So, where are we going to stay? We don't have this earth money".

Hitei thought awhile then he said, "I have an idea... Let's find a land".

Then Hitei started to run. Kish followed him until they arrived at a place outside of Tokyo city. Kish looked around and smiled widely, "Well well well... This place is so beautiful and fresh... I think I like this place. But there is no houses or apartment here... Where will we stay??".

Hitei raised his hand and made the school uniform changed into his knight clothes again. Then he took out black balls from his pocket and replied Kish, "In these".

Kish looked at the balls then smirked, "Well... with that many we could build a castle here".

Hitei didn't reply Kish, instead, he took several of balls and floaded them to the air and then he collected his energy between his hands. The balls went towards the woods and seperated in several directions. Hitei focused his mind and the energy around his hands became more and more and then it became large. The surrounding became deem and the balls disappeared and began to transform. They slowly transformed and connected each other then after quite long, they became a house.

Kish smirked and said, "Good design! Here we are... our home sweet home in this planet.... Hitei?? Hey?!".

Hitei collapsed. Kish held him and carried him into the house and put him on the sofa. He searched for the kitchen and took a glass of water and gave it to Hitei to drink. Then he said, "You shouldn't use your energy too much.... We have used almost half of our energy to arrive here...".

Hitei didn't replied Kish, instead he stood up and walked to the stairway near the sofa and climbed it.

Kish helped Hitei climbing the stair towards his room. Then helped him laid down. "Now, you go to rest... I don't think you will recover fast since you almost lose all your energy and this is not our system... But I hope you recover soon. Seems that leader need our help asa we learn this system regulations".

Hitei nodded, "I will try to recover soon... Meanwhile don't forget to make the stairway invinsible. There are many important things here".

Kish smiled and nodded, "Will do so. after all you need silence in order to gain your energy back. Ok, I will learn the culture now. You rest here". Then Kish went downstair. He raised his hand to change himself back and then he collected some of his energy to the stair and make it invinsible. Then Kish used his communicator to call Hikari.

Hikari was finishing up washing the lunch dishes. The day was almost half over and there was a lot to do. As she picked up a plate her mini computer/communicator sounded.

"Oh..." Hikari quickly placed the plate back in the water and dried her hands off. Hikari got her mini-computer out and answered the sequence of Dawn System used. Kish's image appeared on the screen and Hikari smiled. "Kish. I guess Hitee found a place already."

Kish smiled then he said, "Aye, leader. We have found home sweet home. So, are you going to invite us for dinner or the reunion of Rubakk galaxy? I really want to try this system food".


Usagi was starving, she thought it was her worry which made her more hungry. After had spoken to Taiki, she believed he didn't know about what happened to Ami.

"Usagi-chaaan!" Minako called her. "Aren't you eating lunch with Mako-chan and me?" She winked. Usagi didn't answer. "Are you still worried because of Ami?" She asked. Usagi nodded.

"It'll be fine...I'm sure nothing bad had happened to her" Minako smiled, trying to be optimistic although she was also concerned. Usagi looked at her.

"Yeah. She'll be alright" She knew it was not true.

"So, let's go!" Minako said.

"If you don't mind, I want to be alone...please." Usagi requested.


"Yep, I just need a little time with myself"

Minako shrugged. "Fine. See ya."

Perfection is all that could be said about it. Ruckus stood on a bamboo pole, perfectly balanced on its fine edge as his mind ran through the recent events and information. The rules of the game changed, and with new players and old rivals it would be hardly the time for slipping up. Their path lacked focus, something they were rarely without. The elven warrior stretched out his arms and leg, twisting around he tightened into a ball while ducking down, then sprang upward opening outward like a blooming flower. He often practiced this technique, a very old almost forgotten elven focusing technique. Just before he landed on the pole again his eyes widened as an image flashed in his mind, of a blonde princess with tears streaming down her cheeks. Her expression was so sad, a pain deeper than the ocean echoed and reflected in her eyes. Ruckus gasped as he realized who it was, and he lost his balance, falling into the spring below. He quickly jumped to his feet, his lungs burned as he grasped for air. His brother hastily rushed beside him,

"Brother what is it?" Riot asked.

He quickly shook his head and took control of his senses, "I must go see the princess of the moon. Brother, I want you to find the man responsible for prematurely ending our game." Riot nodded an agreement as Ruckus stood up straight, a look of determination set in his eyes. Soft cherry blossoms drifted past him, sweeping up into a blizzard of pink and white, engulfing Ruckus before he disappeared. From what he could recall of human calendars, today was a school day so his best bet was Jubyan High. Ruckus appeared and disappeared at will from rooftops and poles at the High School looking for Usagi. After about ten minutes of searching he finally found her, with her legs tucked in and resting her head on her knees against a large oak tree. His elven features melted away to more human ones, his eyes softening to a more sky blue, and his hair became long and brown in a pony tail. Putting on a pair of light glasses he disappeared from the rooftop and appeared ten yards behind her. Ruckus calmly walked over and sat next to her against the tree, Usagi looked at him questioningly.

"Excuse me miss, but what's troubling you?" he asked in a soothing voice. She wasn't sure who he was, but it never crossed her mind to ask. She almost felt compelled to just tell someone, to let out her pent up anxiety.

"Have you ever acted so stupid that you hurt people you really care about?"

She simply asked, like if she was speaking with her own self instead of With him. Ruckus didn't answer, he knew all too well that he would have to tread carefully here, this was dangerous ground he walked.

"I've been so stupid that I betrayed love itself...I betrayed friendship itself. And now... dou shiyou? Nothing. Although one of my problems had been solved, I feel I'm still guilty. And the other one...I guess can never be repaired."

Usagi looked away as tears ran down her cheeks, finding its final home in the soft grass.

Those tears again, like the image that haunted him, eyes that could level him with just a glance. The game didn't seem so important anymore, and his features melted away to his elven form before her. She looked at him in question.

"We meant what Riot said, that day Chaos died. We never meant such pain to befall you." Ruckus turned his gaze to her, his wintry blue eyes lost their piercing

and dreaming look, they were simply soft and almost dull. He seemed almost human, as if he was really sad for once in his eternal life.

Those eyes, the realization dawned upon her. "You? It was YOU!" Usagi said as she looked at him directly in his eyes. A mixture of anger, sadness and disbelief stirred in her soul. "You were... responsible for...." Her voice trembled

Ruckus nodded sadly, "I was the one, the day of the Masquerade, that stole from you that kiss. And what was meant to be a test of your love turned into a misguided nightmare."

"How could you do that? How?! You played with me! You used me as a toy! YOU...!" Usagi could not find the words to adequately voice her anger, her whole body trembled with a rage she could not describe.

"The truth is, your pain was not meant to be so aggravated. Our purpose was to test your love for Mamoru, and we know now that it is true. With our magik, your pain would have been lifted from your heart, forgotten within a week as if the entire event never took place, as is the nature of our magik. But there was outside interference, I suppose some friend of Mamoru's, he somehow forced Chaos into the position of prematurely ending our game. Chaos used his own magik to destroy ours within Mamoru and you, but because he never truly understood our magik, there were side effects. The nightmares which Mamoru and you have been dreaming each night..." Ruckus sighed, "As well as myself." He hesitantly added.

Usagi's anger wavered a moment, but her feelings swelled up like a fountain, fueling her desire to seek retribution for her pain. "I think you have never been in love! Never suffered for love! Otherwise, you wouldn't be doing such horrible things!"

Ruckus' eyes widened, but he remained silent, no one would ever know what happened to Riot and himself.

"How cruel you were! Any excuse you can make can't repay me! Repay us!"

Suddenly, she stopped, she realized something. Ami. Ami turned into an elf. A long silence claimed place. Usagi reconsidered what words she should say...

"However, I cannot forget what you've done to me...I can live with the nightmares...but Ami-chan...doushite?" She said as sadness was again overtaking herself. "I've hurt her, but why did you take her and make her one of you...doushite?" She repeated the question.

"Please...give us back our Ami...I can do any sacrifice! Even my own life! ...whatever you ask me to..." Usagi cried silently. Everything she had said was the truth, but these last few words came more from her heart than anything else.

"I did not make that choice for her, she wished to become like us. I will not force her to come back to an existence she despised, to peers who ridiculed her and to friends that didn't support her. Ami is now Lady Ruin by her own choice and I will not deny her the freedom she has gained."

Usagi choked on her own sobs as the tears flowed freely down her face. She was to blame, she had pushed her to the edge that day she said Ami was incapable of love. Ruckus rested a hand on her shoulder which she quickly pushed away, "Don't touch me!" she hissed at him. Ignoring her Ruckus helped

Usagi to her feet, she could barely support her own weight. She felt weak and helpless, to help herself or Ami.

"You humans will never understand us, how can you, when your lives are so short? Your love can be eternal, but your pain is nothing before ours. Yours will only last a few more minutes, but thanks to the

Reverie, mine will last the rest of my life. You could not possibly know the suffering we have endured, but that is the human's nature to be selfish. For your feelings and your thoughts, and what you see as fair and what you judge as right or wrong. I wonder, have you ever stopped to consider what others want? For Ami it was release, and I have given it to her. All of your pain is centered around how you feel and what you want... You judge me, saying that I do not know love or suffering for another. Yet I am here to relieve you of your pain, to take away the hurt and confusion. I cannot bare to see the look in your eyes any longer."