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Vampiress Tsarina

Night Out On The Town
Dressed for a night of Terror, with contacts to hide her blue eyes.


History of Tsarina

I was born an illegitimate child on July 21, 1568 in the lavish palace of  my father Ivan IV, better known as Ivan the Terrible. When he was told my mother had given birth to a daughter instead of a son he went into a rage and cast my Mother out of the palace. I can say now, that we were lucky that he only threw us from the palace instead of ordering our deaths. He ruled with a deep-seated paranoia and ruthlessness;  it's said that he gouged out the eyes of the architects who built St. Basil's so that a cathedral of such beauty could never again be created.

My Mother and I were taken in by one of the master's that had been assigned  to the peasants who worked the lands of the estates my father possessed. I was an exuberant and precocious child with  long dark wavy hair, warm smile and brilliant blue eyes that softened in color as I grew older, but have remained one of my best assets. My Mother always said I could charm my way into anyone's heart with my eyes and smile. At the age of 15, my Mother and I left Russia to seek a better life. Our travels were harsh, but we both agreed that we could endure anything to get away from the cruelty of my Father and his regime. By 1586 we were in the south-east Transylvanian principality of Hungary and were experiencing a modicum of wealth, compared to how we had lived in Russia and during our travels to Hungary.  We had just settled in a village at the foothills of  the West Carpathian Mountains, when Mother became ill and died within a matter of days. I was alone in the world and thought I wouldn't survive without her. My father had died in 1584 and my feeble-minded half-brother, Fyodor, inherited the crown, so there was no family for me to return to.

I was hired to wash dishes at a local tavern and was very happy that I had been fortunate enough to find work. I had heard rumors of Prince Vlad Tepes, also known as Vlad the Impaler or Dracula, but I believed none of them. How could someone that died in 1476 by the hands of one of his own men and buried on the island at Snagov still be alive? In my mind it was impossible and I would not listen to the tales of the villagers. On one warm summer night I went for a walk where I encountered a very young girl laying by the side of the road, crying and visibly shaken. I instantly  went to her side, touching her shoulder I asked what I could to help. Before I could move this young girl had me in a grasp so strong that I could not pull away. As I looked upon her face, she smiled revealing long sharp teeth, my body shuddered in fear. I suddenly felt those teeth sink into the soft delicate tissue of my neck. I began screaming and fighting to get away. However my struggles were in vain, because I felt the energy draining from my body.   I must have passed out, because when I next opened my eyes I found myself  in a dark, dank, musty smelling place. I sensed a strangeness about myself, something was different, but what I did not know. As I looked around I saw the young girl I encountered was standing next to a talk, dark and handsome man. I was amazed that I could see so well in the thick darkness of the room. They both look my way, then the girl exited through a near by doorway. The man came to my side, extending his hand to assist me in rising from the bed. He told me his name was Dracula and that I was to sit by his side and he would teach me of powers that I could never have imagined. I shuddered in fear, wanting to run, but the fear I felt of what he might do if I ran was greater than the fear of staying by his side. 

Over the next few years we traveled in ways unimaginable to me. The young girl that had brought me over at the request of Dracula was called BluTearDrp and we became close during our travels. We traveled  to the southern tip of Africa and then, surprisingly to Russia where I was born. I had been 18 when I was reborn of the undead and eight years later in the year 1594  Count Dracula and I arrived in  Russia. I felt hundreds of years older and very angry at my Mother for dying, at my Father for having abandoned us and at Count Dracula for having me turned into a creature that had to feed on the blood of the living. I felt no hate towards BluTearDrp because she too lived in fear of Dracula.  Soon after arriving in Russia, I gained my courage and informed Dracula that I would travel with him no more and that I wanted to take BluTearDrp with me. He told me that I was free to go, but the price of my freedom was to leave BluTearDrp with him. I cried as I left, but the sweet and loving BluTearDrp, assured me that we would meet again one day.  I left them both and went in search of my half brother Fyodor. After finding my brother I started seducing and  mesmerizing him with my beauty; never allowing him to touch what he wanted so badly. I knew I was driving him even more insane then he already was, but in my mind the torture that I was inflicting on him was for my Father's betrayal of our Mother. Fyodor died in 1598, shortly after I had left to travel the world searching for others of my kind. I prayed to God, even though I knew he must look down on the creature I had become, asking that he help me find others like myself that were not cruel like my Father and Count Dracula had been.

I searched the whole continent finding no other of my kind. Finally, fatigued and tired I  found myself in Ireland in the year 1850, at the end of their great famine. I settled in the ruins of Castletown Castle near Kiltartan in South Galway, which is south of Gort.  I say ruins because Cromwell's artillery left very little of the 13th century castle in the 1650's. Since few ever ventured its way,  I chose this desolate place so that I could go to ground, deep within the rich soil of the castles basement without fear of discovery.

I awoke in the year 2000 and there are no words to describe the changes I found. This time I traveled through out the world  searching for my kind. I came across many creatures that appeared to be of my race, but they seemed insane and I chose not to let them know of my presence. Early in the year of 2003 I came to the city of Ravenblack, named after it's founder. Here I meet a man called Lucius. He invited me into his home, giving me shelter and protected me while I learned the ways of the city. For the first time in my life, I now feel secure in who and what I am. I owe it all to Lord Lucius and his wife Lady ophelia,

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Castletown Castle