Why do we need a contract?
Typh's  Small Animal Petsitting Services needed a contract because:
1) We did not want people to dump their pets here and not pick them up.
2) We do not wish to be taken to court on the natural death of an animal due to stress from a new enviroment or old age.
3)We did not want people to bring sick animals to us and infect the rest of the facility's temporary residents.

Your contract sounds a little harsh, do you do anything to prevent the things on it from happening?
Yes, we do take precautions to make sure the things on the contract are not common. We for example, look at all the animals every day and examine them to see if they are sick. When we do find an ill animal we quarenteen them from the rest of the animals to prevent the other residences from getting sick. We do not want to cause any trouble with people who unknowingly bring in sick animals. We just don't want other  people's pets to suffer.
We also try to keep the stress levels of the animals as low as possible while they stay here to prevent too much stress that could cause a young death.
What can I do to prevent my my pet from getting other animals sick?
We encourage all our customers to quarenteen their animals for atleast two weeks before they come to the petsitting headquarters. This means keeping an eye on them for every little slight sign of sickness, keeping them extra clean, and washing down the cages regularily. If there is any questionable sign of illness you probably should have a vet check out your animal before any accidents happen.
Questions about what you see on this page or about how we take care of the animals? Please e-mail us with your thoughts or concerns.
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