
About the Game

Other Features


Game Website Launched 02.04.01

The Stone of Reikai now has it's own site seperate from the rest of Neo-Jaguar Entertainment. You are visiting it now. The site provides much more information than the single page did on NJE.

-tSlater :: Discuss :: Visit old page

Progress on The Stone of Reikai hits a Roadblock 07.03.01

Progress on the Stone of Reikai has almost come to a complete stop. This 'roadblock' may cause a delay in the release of the Beta version of the game. First of all, there have been some recent problems with the Japanese language support. Thanks to Microsoft, not all of the Japanese charecters are showing up. Some are even showing up as what seems to be Chinese.

Second of all, major bugs in the engine have been found. The game is being re-programmed in The Games Factory using programming techniques that will make it very easy to re-program back into Java. (If it weren't for the GUI, I'd swear the code in TGF IS Java) This may delay the beta for a few weeks. Graphical work, however, is nearly completed now, which gives us all something positive to look forward to.

-tSlater :: Discuss :: The Games Factory

Bilingual Support a Possibility for Stone of Reikai 27.02.01

It is a work in progress, and has gotten much praise so far. So why not support multiple languages? This would definately help broaden the userbase of Neo-Jaguar.

Although it is not confirmed that there will be support for languages other than English, NJE has already taken the step into requesting help from bilingual people on the internet. Japanese is the primary 'second language' being planned for the game. Other languages are still being considered.

-tSlater :: Discuss :: About Japan

First Game Announced 16.02.01

The Stone of Reikai, Neo-Jaguar's first game to be released.

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"The Stone of Reikai" and "Neo-Jaguar" are trademarks of Neo-Jaguar Entertainment, founded by Tony Slater. Web design and content is by Tony Slater, and is property of Neo-Jaguar Entertainment. Extra: Old on-line documentation for SoR.