Let me introduce you to the madness...

You have inadvertently (or advertently, but that's not a word) found youself at Starbuck's Relationshipper Site where, as a shipper, you can peruse, wander, and explore harassment-free.  This environment was designed to bring you every element of Mulder and Scully's relationship.  Madness is wonderful!

 Mulder & Scully hug I Know Why You're Here...

You're here because you sit down to watch the X-Files every week hoping that there will be an intimate conversation shared, a rescue scene, hands held, faces touched, eyes locked, a kiss exchanged perhaps...?  Maybe more.

You know that Mulder and Scully are soul mates.  They have a beautiful, intimate, trusting, loving relationship that you want to grow stronger.  They're made for each other.  You've got proof.  So what next?  

Well this isn't a site for beginners.  You know who you are.  You know why you're here.  You even know what you want!  <Wow, haven't you got it together :o).>  

So go for it...explore, remember, cross your fingers and make sure you don't have anything else to do Sunday nights because X-Files is on and you wouldn't want to miss one of those moments that makes your heart stop.

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