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Supported VCL classes for wiring

Since version 1.2 you can wire any objects or components. For best wiring (include all declared properties, methods and events of object) object must have its TrueRAD ClassInfo class. If TrueRAD Suite does not find TrueRAD ClassInfo for the object, it uses parent class ClassInfo of the object.

Now TrueRAD Suite directly supports 170+ VCL classes for wiring. Look below list of units and classes supported TrueRAD Suite.

actnlist, classes, comctrls, controls, extctrls, forms, graphics, imglist, mask, masks, menus, stdctrls, toolwin, system.

TAction, TActionLink, TActionList, TAnimate, TApplication, TBaseDragControlObject, TBasicAction, TBasicActionLink, TBevel, TBitmap, TBitmapImage, TBits, TBrush, TButton, TButtonActionLink, TButtonControl, TCanvas, TChangeLink, TCheckBox, TCollection, TCollectionItem, TComboBox, TCommonCalendar, TComponent, TContainedAction, TControl, TControlActionLink, TControlBar, TControlCanvas, TControlScrollBar, TConversion, TCoolBand, TCoolBands, TCoolBar, TCustomAction, TCustomActionList, TCustomActiveForm, TCustomCheckBox, TCustomComboBox, TCustomControl, TCustomControlBar, TCustomDockForm, TCustomEdit, TCustomForm, TCustomFrame, TCustomGroupBox, TCustomHotKey, TCustomImageList, TCustomLabel, TCustomListBox, TCustomListView, TCustomMaskEdit, TCustomMemo, TCustomMemoryStream, TCustomPanel, TCustomRadioGroup, TCustomRichEdit, TCustomStaticText, TCustomTabControl, TCustomTreeView, TCustomUpDown, TDataModule, TDateTimePicker, TDockTree, TDockZone, TDragControlObject, TDragDockObject, TDragImageList, TDragObject, TEdit, TFiler, TFileStream, TFont, TForm, TFrame, TGraphic, TGraphicControl, TGraphicsObject, TGroupBox, THandleStream, THeader, THeaderControl, THeaderSection, THeaderSections, THintWindow, THotKey, TIcon, TIconImage, TIconOptions, TImage, TImageList, TInterfacedObject, TInterfaceList, TLabel, TList, TListBox, TListColumn, TListColumns, TListItem, TListItems, TListView, TMainMenu, TMask, TMaskEdit, TMemo, TMemoryStream, TMenu, TMenuActionLink, TMenuItem, TMetafile, TMetafileCanvas, TMetafileImage, TMonitor, TMonthCalColors, TMonthCalendar, TMouse, TNotebook, TObject, TOwnedCollection, TPage, TPageControl, TPageScroller, TPaintBox, TPanel, TParaAttributes, TPen, TPersistent, TPicture, TPopupList, TPopupMenu, TProgressBar, TRadioButton, TRadioGroup, TReader, TResourceStream, TRichEdit, TScreen, TScrollBar, TScrollBox, TScrollingWinControl, TShape, TSharedImage, TSizeConstraints, TSplitter, TStaticText, TStatusBar, TStatusPanel, TStatusPanels, TStream, TStringList, TStrings, TStringStream, TTabControl, TTabSheet, TTextAttributes, TThread, TThreadList, TTimer, TToolBar, TToolBarDockObject, TToolButton, TToolButtonActionLink, TTrackBar, TTreeNode, TTreeNodes, TTreeView, TUpDown, TWinControl, TWinControlActionLink, TWorkArea, TWorkAreas, TWriter. 


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