Winter of my Love


Your vision yet pervades my mind

pale beauty haunting from above

you're among the clouds held fast in time

in the winter of my love


I miss your tender laughter so much

the soothing calm from just one touch

gleaming eyes that would melt my heart

I never dreamed we'd ever part

this way

any day

my love


Your vision still invades my mind

your beauty haunting from above

the clouds hold you in frozen time

in this winter of my love.


But angels call when ere they must

so to their hands I gave my trust

our lips in touch as you faded by

your spirit loosened to the sky.


Please send me angel breaths below

so I will feel you where I go

those angel kisses from above

for the winter of my love.

~Author Michael Garland~


Music provided by
Yuko Ohigashi