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It's a golden oldy so they are entitled to more time.
September 7, 1952

I love you Mom!

Me on the left, mom, and sis.

Remember the days in Galveston?

The sunburn, the sand, and jellyfish?

Nights by the fire and chasing crabs with our toes?

Two pooped out lil kids you had
to lug back to the car!

I'm amazed you didn't leave me there,
with the pranks and stunts I pulled.

You are so beautiful.

And you've only become more so over the years.

Thank you for teaching me to love,
to appreciate a human's soul,
and be tender with feelings.

What a difference you made in my life,
and I thank God you were my mom.

Nobody could have had it better!

Author ~Michael Garland~ 5/12/2001

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