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“Perspective – one’s mental view of facts, ideas, etc., and their interrelationships. – The ability to see all the relevant data in a meaningful relationship.” (Random House Dictionary)


Perspective is a luxury that survivors did not have when they were living in the hellish existence of the abuse and may still not possess proper perspective. Sexual abuse is confusing, terrifying, enraging and horrible for a child and may still be for the adult survivors. There is simply no sense, no reason, and absolutely no justification to sexual abuse, rape, torture, or torment. Sexual abuse is an attack on the mind, body, senses and spirit.

And for some survivors there may have been drugs, alcohol, emotional abuse, blackmail and physical torture that occurred during the abuse, therefore the ability to put the facts in perspective may have become very difficult for the survivor. Survivors may see images and feel through a haze of chaotic, frightening emotions.

Time and actions become distorted or jumbled in the survivor’s memory. (See Dissociation and PTSD) Memory has a very important role in the survivor’s life. There are those survivors who are unable to put memory into perspective. The memory may be so horrifying that it may seem unreal. Putting the pieces of the memories into perspective is essential to recovery. But do not try to force traumatizing memories to be recalled this is potentially harmful to the survivor and there has been enough harm done in a survivor’s life. Memory like recovery should be taken slowly at a safe pace.

How could a child or an adult think logically when something so horrible happens to them and continues to happen to them?

For some survivors that were forced to do things to others with their bodies, either by force, torture and blackmail, perspective is a very foreign term. The key terms are forced, torture and blackmail. It is never a victim’s choice to be sexually abused, raped or tortured.

There is no such thing as seduction of a child. The truth is the female/male predator forced their depraved will on a child, a defenseless, isolated, controllable child.  There is no such thing as seduction of a victim. No is NO it does not matter if it is a woman or a man saying NO. The truth is the female/male predator set the victim up, isolated, terrorized, and blackmailed the adult victim. 

The truth is the predator fears power and authority. That is why the female/male predator preys on the defenseless, the controllable, and the vulnerable, isolated child and adult. That is why they commit atrocious attacks in secret that is why they resort to terrorizing the victim into submitting to their depraved wants.

The ‘Why?’questions may be constant for some survivors. And this is where the Blame issue comes into focus.

A trained professional and appropriate book(s) can help you know the true perspective of the Who, How, and Why. The books listed can offer true past and present perspective of the sexual abuse.

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Types of Predators

Types of Predator Behavior

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