The Revelation of the LORD to His Chosen

Known as the Book of the Messiah

I saw in the night visions, and the shadow of the highest hovered over me, and I cried out. The LORD of hosts came to me, he granted me a vision of these last days, O Mighty God!
The LORD God revealed me this truth. Long had I searched for Him and truly He said that the one who seeks for Him will find Him!
Strife and wickedness burn in these, the last days before the coming of the LORD. There are many godless even the children of Israel, even those following the false Messiah.
No more need we wait, no more need we long for a Messiah, for the Messiah has come! He has been rejected and ignored, relegated and forgotten. But no more. The LORD has revealed him, he has taken his name and set it on high, and no more may we plead ignorance in the Day of His Coming.
In the days of old the Messiah came, a son of God born into the world to herald the coming of Day. He was rejected by the people of God, he is rejected by those who claim to be children of God, but the remnant know the truth.
The Seeker after Righteousness knows the truth, the Seeker will reveal it.
The shoot of the stock of Jesse, the son of David, came as a lowly man. He scorned palaces and soft living, but lived with the poor and meek.
This is the word of the LORD of the life of this Messiah, John son of Zacharias, the Baptiser into righteousness.

Zacharias was a righteous man before the LORD, a priest in the Temple of God. But the sadness of his heart was that his beloved, Elizabeth, was barren. He performed his obesiance in the Temple when, lo! the angel of the LORD, Gabriel appeared to him.
"Zacharias, your prayers have been heard, and the LORD has granted them. And so Elizabeth shall bear a child in her old age, and he shall be known as the son of a virgin, for she shall have no issue beside him,
"He shall be great in the sight of the LORD, and with the spirit of Elijah shall he baptise the people into readiness for the kingdom of God. His name shall be John, but his life will be sorrowful for the LORD."
And Zacharias was amazed, "how may I know that this is true?"
And the angel replied, "because you have not believed, you will be dumb until his birth, as a sign to the people that the Messiah is near". And it was as the angel had said. Zacharias was stricken dumb, and the people wondered what manner of sign this might be.
And Elizabeth grew great with child, and the people rejoiced at the mercy of the LORD. And the angel of the LORD came to Zacharias, and bade him visit the town of his ancestor David, that all in that city might know of the greatness of God.
And Zacharias and Elizabeth travelled to the city of David, that Zacharias might praise the glory of God, and declare his son to the people. And in that town was the child born. Then was Zacharias filled with the spirit of God, and he spoke once more, prophesying that the child would be a mighty prophet, who would bring salvation to the people before the dreadful Day of the LORD. And the people wondered at the child, for the hand of the LORD was upon him.
And the child grew great in wisdom and, obeying the command of the LORD, lived in the wilderness until the appointed time.

John wore clothing of camel hair and ate locusts and wild honey in the wilderness, that he might be closer to God.
At the appointed time John declared himself to the people of Israel, and stood among them and proclaimed, "Repent! For the kingdom of God is near". And he baptised the multitudes, for the remission of their sins, in the Jordan.
And John gathered disciples, and taught the Way of Holiness to them.

"My Chosen, sacrifice is good in its season, but the time is coming when you will no longer sacrifice to the LORD. Yet do not despair, for has not the LORD said through His prophet Hosea - "I desire steadfast love, not sacrifice; the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings"? Instead of a lamb we must sacrifice ourselves to His glory. Not riches, nor power, nor renown is greater than the esteem of the LORD, and all we do must be for His glory."
"My Chosen, it is good to live in the wilderness of Judea, but the desert of a purified soul is pleasing to the LORD, for "justice shall dwell in the desert and righteousness live in the fertile land" [Is 32:16] If you would be righteous, make your heart fertile for the LORD's teachings, if you would be just, make your heart a desert, purged from sin. Those who are righteous are at peace, and seek not to war with others, but live in quietness."
"My Chosen, seek the Way of Holiness, [Is 35:5-10] listen to my teachings, take heed of the LORD, and you shall be at peace. A man on the Way is both a desert and a glade, he is purged of evil and brings wisdom and joy to those who follow him."
"My Chosen, be just in all your dealings, bring no harm to the innocent, for this the LORD hates. Be blind to evil, and deaf to the song of the wicked. [Is 42:19]
"My Chosen, who is just but the LORD? Who among men may declare another guilty? Only those by whom the LORD speaks may judge others, we are none of us worthy of His role."
"My Chosen, be comforted, for the Day of the LORD's coming is at hand, and the wicked shall be destroyed. [Mal 3:1-4] For the sake of the LORD and of righteousness you shall bear many trials, you shall pass through refining fire that you may be clean before the LORD. Do not despair, once you have found the Way of Holiness, hold fast and the LORD will not desert you."

And the disciples of John understood this not, and the words of Isaiah were fulfilled, they were "ever hearing, but never understanding" [Is 6:9] until the appointed time, after the desolation of Israel.
John continued to baptise. And the Pharisees came before him, to receive his baptism, then John said:-
"Vipers! Do you think that a little water will spare you from the LORD's wrath? You must truly repent in your heart before the LORD will forgive, empty phrases mean nothing!"
The Pharisees hated John from that day.

And the cousin of John, Jesus the Nazarene, came to him for baptism. This is he about whom it was said, "how are you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn!" [Is 14:12-17] for this Jesus taught things of the LORD, but sought to exalt himself above the Most High, and his followers are deceived to this day. And after John had baptised Jesus, the word of the LORD came to him, and explained the words of the prophet, "is this the man who shook the earth, and made kingdoms tremble? You are cast out of your tomb, like a rejected branch, you are covered with the slain" [Is 14:16-19] For the followers of this Jesus lust for slaughter, and he was cast out from his tomb, this rejected branch of Jesse.
And John was grieved by his knowledge, and spoke little with his kinsman. Soon afterwards, some of John's disciples forsook him to follow this Jesus, and John freely let them, for the LORD had ordained it.
John took his remaining disciples, and he spoke of what must befall the Messiah.

"My Chosen, you have seen lately that your brothers have left to follow the Son of the Dawn, and my heart is heavy indeed because of their betrayal. Yet it must be so, and even you, my Chosen, you will desert me, and follow the flag of the false Messiah. But God wills it, and I will be obedient to Him, even to death. For you have seen how the leaders of this nation despise me, and one day they will destroy me. But from death comes life."
"My Chosen, trust always in the LORD, the God of our ancestors, for in Him is our hope and our salvation. Without the LORD we can do nothing, and all are works are as dust in the wind."
"Prayer and fasting are the works of righteousness, and love of the LORD is greater than kings, or palaces, or riches. Those who hope in the LORD, and not in man, shall be saved."
"The Day of the LORD approaches, when the wicked and the godless shall be destroyed, cast down utterly into Sheol. There will be evil done in the days before His Coming, and the innocent shall die with the wicked. The land of our ancestors shall be broken, broken beyond redemption, and there will be war until the last days."
"My Chosen, if you continue in my teachings and live in the fear of the LORD you shall come at last to the LORD God, and dwell with Him forever. You shall be as the angels, abiding in heaven until the Day of the everlasting rule of the LORD and His servant."

John continued to baptise, teaching nothing to the public except the love of the LORD and expectation for the kingdom, he did not reveal to them his identity. And the Pharisees sought to find evidence against him, but could not find any, for he was without deceit, and blameless among the children of Israel. The leaders of religion found an excuse, and contravened the Law, and punished John for discouraging the use of the Temple.
As he had done no wrong, and the people revered him, the Pharisees could only have John flogged. They beat him severely, so he became disfigured, and his face was changed, that people might ignore him because they were appalled. And so the words of Isaiah were confirmed, "he had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him" [Is 53:2] They let John go, and he returned to the wilderness for a time, sorrowful and longing for the LORD.

And in the wilderness the LORD spoke to John:
"Do not be sorrowful, my servant, for this is My will, that the people may be redeemed. Men will mock you, and turn their faces from you, but be still in your heart, for I, the LORD, am with you. I am with all those who follow your teachings, though the people of this age shall reject you. Take heed, my Anointed, for once this time of sorrow is ended, and the mourning for a world which will not repent is finished, then shall you be at peace until the day of your reign."
And John replied - "truly there is none mightier than the LORD God of Israel. I will follow your will, although I will suffer, for the prophecies must be fulfilled, and the remnant saved."

Refreshed in spirit, John returned to his disciples although many had deserted him for the Son of the Dawn. And when he met with them, many of them spat and mocked his disfigurement, saying it was an affliction from God, and others turned their faces from him, for so unsightly was his appearance that he no longer looked like a man. But John did nothing, he did not hide from insult or mockery. [Is 50:6]
The majority of the Chosen had now left their leader, he was left with only a few disciples, and even they left him, at the end.
And John went to the Temple of the LORD [Mal 3:1] and cried out:-
"hear O Israel! The LORD will come and purge you with fire! He will purify His people, that they may be acceptable to Him! Only those who revere His name will be saved. Your king will come, but not in your lifetime, he will come in the dreadful Day of the LORD and rule eternally in the city of David! Beware the false prophets, for they shall come like lambs and entice you to another god, one who claims to be the LORD God of Israel. Do not listen to them, cling to the Most High and do not worship men, for you will be numbered among the wicked if you follow them. The Son of the Dawn is among you! He will rejoice in your suffering, O Zion, he will cause your destruction and rejoice in your blood. He stands among you, in Ariel, and though you kill him, he shall be cast out of his grave and deceive many. Only a remnant will be saved in years to come, only those who follow the Way of Holiness shall survive. This is the word of the LORD."
The common people were alarmed, and the disciples of the Son of Dawn were angry, and scoffed at John, pulling out his beard [Is 50:6] and jeering. But John bore all patiently, for this had long been ordained.
His message to Israel delivered, John withdrew to the Jordan, for the time of his death was approaching. And now, at last, his one remaining disciple came to him, and wept, and asked John who was the Messiah, for the followers of the Son of the Dawn had told him he was the Christ, and his heart was troubled.
"My Chosen, the last of my disciples in this age, do you not see? Do your ears not hear? The LORD has appointed me to be a prophet in this age, a voice crying in the wilderness for the Day of the LORD is near. My heart is aching with sorrow, my eyes with tears unshed, for all will desert me, and I go to my death. I am the servant of the LORD, my Chosen, I am the shepherd of his flock. Pray to the LORD, ask Him who I am."
And the disciple prayed, and cried to heaven. And the angel of the LORD appeared and said - "John, you are a faithful servant of the LORD, He is pleased. Be not afraid, your glory is near, though they shall kill you, your task will be complete, and you shall be exalted among us in heaven. You are the Man of Sorrows, one of the sons of God, and you shall rule in the Day of His coming, world without end." And the angel of the LORD departed.
The disciple of John prostrated himself, and knew indeed that John was the promised Messiah, and swore never to leave him. But John sighed, for all of his disciples, this one among them, were destined to desert him, for it was God's will that he be rejected by men.

Then the day of John's intercession approached, and he knew he must die. Heavy of heart John asked for, and received, a donkey from one he had baptised, and rode to Jerusalem. And the people he met sang and shouted, for the prophet had come to Jerusalem. [Zech 9:9] Yet they knew him not for the promised King.
And John was summoned by Herod, Tetrach of Galilee, and he entered his palace. There he found Herod, reclining with his wife, who had been the wife of his half-brother before him, and was his niece. And John spoke aloud and condemned Herod - "Herod Antipas, your doom is upon you, for you have committed adultery with your brother's wife, your niece, which is against the law of God. I tell you the truth, you will not see the end of your life as Tetrach, you will be deposed" And Herod grew angry with the prophet, and ordered him imprisoned. Now Herod made his judgement on John, who was innocent of all sin before God, he judged him in his pride and found him guilty. And Herod ordered him executed like a common criminal. And so was the prophecy of Isaiah fulfilled "he was assigned a grave with the wicked" [Is 53:9] And the soldiers brought John before Herod, and he stood silent before his opressor, though the soldiers beat him. And Herod ordered a spear to be plunged into his heart and his throat slit. And John died. His heart which had sorrowed for many was stilled, his voice which spoke up for righteousness was no more. Yet by his death all can be healed, for has not the LORD said "he was pierced for our transgressions, and by his wounds we are healed" [Is 53:5]
And the people shouted in the streets, and threatened Herod for his sin in killing a prophet of God, and he released John's body to them, in order to placate them. And the people of Jerusalem buried John, they buried him amongst the rich, for many had received his baptism. The disciple of John mourned, and wept for his master. He stood by his tomb and prayed to the LORD.
Then did the heavens open, and an angel of the LORD come down, shining white and with a voice filled with joy. And the disciple looked, and realised the angel to be John, and he was amazed.
"My Chosen, why do you wonder? Did I not tell you that I would be with the LORD after my death? Though my mortal body may decay in the grave, I have been given a new body, and an everlasting life. For truly has the psalmist said "you will not abandon me to the grave, nor will you let your Holy One see decay" [Ps 16:10] I will return on the Day of the LORD, to rule over the remnant of Israel, the Chosen, beside the LORD for all time."
And with this speech did John known as the baptiser depart the earth until the time came to reveal these secrets to the world. But the last disciple of John, he did not understand John's words, and he failed to keep fast to the Way of Holiness for the LORD had hardened his heart. He told no one of what he had seen, and what John had told him, and no one knew who John was. The disciple turned his back on John, and joined the Son of the Dawn. And when the followers of the false Messiah taught about John, they taught the last disciple's lies, that John had bowed before the Son of the Dawn, and acknowledged his claim to be true. And so the prophecy was fulfilled, "he who shared my bread, has lifted up his heel against me". [Ps 41:9]

And so we, in these last days of the earth may see that the Messiah has indeed come, he came and bore our sins away. Those who follow the Way of Holiness are his Chosen, and will not taste death, but be among the angels, if we are not present in the Day of the LORD's coming.
All races and peoples may follow the Way, for the LORD has decreed that all peoples may worship Him. But those who reject the Messiah will have no part of his kingdom, those wicked shall be trampled underfoot in the Day of the LORD.
The Chosen will be persecuted in the world, particularly by the followers of the Son of the Dawn, the false Messiah, Jesus, for they love slaughter. Hold fast to the LORD and you will be vindicated.
The Seeker after Righteousness has revealed it, to him has it been granted to know the teachings of the LORD. As the LORD has revealed it, so also is it true. May the Day of the LORD come swiftly and the kingdom of the Messiah be without end!

"For you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will arise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall. Then you will trample down the wicked; they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day when I do these things, says the LORD Almighty" [Mal 4:2-3]
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