The Red Planet Home Pages

Welcome to the Red Planet Home Pages !

I have temporarily suspended my internet activities, being busy with other subjects.
When I settle again, I'll prepare newer versions of these programs.

Meanwhile, maybe wisit a newer but partial only version of these pages, at my new address:

Throbbers ThrobIt is a small program that I wrote at the time of version 3.x of the Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer browsers. This program will definitively help you replace the boring "e" or "N" by another animation that will will eventually become boring as well.
Soon: New version, with animated GIFs support and an "uninstall throbber" option.
Also, I have collected a few throbbers and will offer them to download.
Organic Art Scenes and Backdrops for Organic Art, the best Screen Saver you will ever want !
Soon: all the demos - 3 versions ! - available for download.
ICQ Switcher As we are a few using ICQ on the same computer, I wrote swICQ to help us to keep some privacy. Now, each of us launches ICQ with its own ICQ number.
That's what my program does (and it's free).
TimeZone Israel New ! You will find here another little utility. This one is for Israel only: it sets the correct values for the Daylight Saving Time period (which of course is different each year). More inside...

For Feedback and Comments: Martial Accart - Last update: January 31, 2004 - Counter visitors!