Troop 124

of Royal Palm Beach, Florida

Welcome to the offical Troop 124 website. Only here can any member of the troop access photos from past troop events, keep track of upcoming events, and much more. At the momment, many of our past campout pictures are available, as well as the schedule of the five remaining campouts this year. I'm sill working on making the pictures enlargable, and adding other fun features. There are currently 156 pictures up, and I have more to come. The pictures you can see now are from the following events:

2002 Pictures are here!!

* Highland Hammocks - 1999 * The Mega Scout show - 2000 * Tanah Keeta Campout - 2000 *

* Slim's Fish Camp - 2000 * Myaka River State Park - 2000 * Scout Masters Camporee - 2000 *

* Skymont summer Camp - 2000 * Highland Hammocks - 2001 * Fort Pierce Inlet State Park - 2001 *

Here is a list of the campouts to come. Try to attend as many as possible. I will continue to add other things to the site periodically, so don't forget to come again.

Date Camp Location Activities
Jan 10 - 13 Highlands Hammock Keys Rockets, Photography
Feb 21 - 23 Scout Masters Camporee Sunrise Contests, Show
Mar 21 - 23 Lion Country Safari Loxahatchee Zoology
Apr 11 - 13 Lox. River Raft Regatta TK Contests
May To Be Announced

Scouting Resources

Boy Scouts of America

Eagle Scout Resources


This Page was last updated: Jan. 28, 2003

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