"Pot-tricia" here. Damn, I forgot that this shitty webpage even existed. Does anyone even visit this thing anymore? Who knows, the most recent guestbook pages are overrun with spam. I suppose, since this page will NEVER be updated again, it's time to come clean. At the time of this page's creation, there were only a certain number of GW anti-sites out there, all very stupid and rather poorly done. I took a random element from every anti webpage out there and PARODIED it. For example, the "Fireplace" is a parody of Wufeisuck's "Hall of Idiocy", the anti duo page also had a broken link to (broken) Duo War Zone. However, only TWO people figured that out, and they thought it was brilliant. PARODY, people. We never even hated Trowa. Sure, he's kind of boring, but hate is waaaay too strong of a word. All the bios were (thankfully) fake! My real name is not Potricia, and I was not 13 when I created this page. Hell, I'm 21 now and I still think it's hilarious.
I don't really give a shit about Trowa anymore. Or Gundam Wing. Or anime. I'm still in touch with "Sandra," and to my knowledge, neither does she. Anyway. Goodnight and Good luck. Drop me a line @ trowa_sucks@yahoo.com
"This has to be the absolute WORST anti-page I have ever seen in my life. I can't believe how stupid some people are. Final Rating: -10. That, is VERY bad, my friends. This is wasting space on the Internet, and isn't even worth your time going to check out. These people need to get lives." -Wufeisucks

"Yes,yes I have seen it. No, I couldn't believe it. Our darling Trowa has his very own hate page. Are you as disturbed as I?" -
Leena, Anti...?
Anti Trowa, aka FLOOR-sama!
Even Quatre sees the Truth!
We hate Trowa, yes we do!
We hate Trowa, so you should too!
Why do we call him Floor?
Why hate Floor?
Gallery of Anti-Floorism
Floor War Zone
Stupid Floor Tricks
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Does Trowa Suck?

Yes No Maybe Who's Trowa? His name is Triton Bloom

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View Ancient Guestbook And to all of you Trowa fans who feel the need to tell me that Floor is sexy: Trowa is about as sexy as a paper clip.  Wait a minute, a paper clip is a LOT sexier than Trowa!  And for some reason, you can only see this page with IE, Netscape just displays the guestbook and my beautiful speech about paper clips.