Main Page Joining Troop 330

So, You are interested in taking the plunge into the adventure of Scouting! Good for you, lots of adventure awaits for you ahead. But first we have to get past those pesky little joining requirements.

First of all, to be a member of Troop 330, you must have done one of the following:

. If you don't meet either of these requirements, don't worry your adventure isn't cut short, you just need to get in touch with Pack 330. They will help you on your way to join our troop.

If you meet any other these requirements, then the only thing that you must do is have a desire to grow, learn, and explore the outdoors. If you meet this requirement, all you need to do is get into contact with either our Scoutmaster Mr. Mike Woods, our Advancement Chairman Mr. Mark Paladino, or you can send an email to the website and it will be forwarded to te proper people.

Read a copy of the troop By-Laws

Take a look at our Joining packet