If you try to browse www.adultfriendfinder.com you will find millions of people looking for sex dates. Try to count out how many men and how many women are there: you will find that there is only 1 woman every 20 men! You can find the same result wherever you can find sex personal ads (both on the Internet or on real newspapers and magazines).

What does this mean?!
Do men like sex more than women do?!
Course not: you should know that women like and enjoy sex as much as men do! So, what's the reason of such difference?

Usually men looks for DIRECT sex, but such an approach does not make sense for women.

Women are emotional, they need to live a story and to be attracted by someone before having sex. In specific cases the story may be very short, sometimes a few hours, or even half an hour, but it must hit them in a emotional way. So, it is rare that a woman wants immediately to do sex just for doing sex. This may happen, but it is very rare.

Most men, when they see a beautiful and sexy woman, are ready for sex! On the contrary, women need to be charmed by something in a man. Don't worry: is not difficult to charm a woman. However, it is necessary. Your behaviour or speech may be more important than your look.

Men tend to be promiscuos also, while women tend to convey their attention into one man only. Probably this is due to a natural tendency: remember that women were created by Nature to make children, and they need to wait 9 months to make a child, so they need a stable relationship with one man only, rather than unstable relationships with several men. Of course this does not apply for men. So, probably your purpose is to have unstable relationships with several women... These web pages will help you to reach your goal, however you must know that the natural tendency of women goes against your goal. Anyway, don't worry, and remember that it is important for you to know this.

Of course many women love beautiful men (or rich men). However they don't like beauty just for beauty (as it happens for men): they like beauty because it gives them an emotion. You can create an emotion in a woman in other ways also! For example think about ugly singers or musicists or actors or sport stars: even though they are not beautiful, they are able to create emotions in women through their songs or actions or whatever. Don't worry: you don't need to be a rock star to get women. You can charm women with your behavior or with your speech.

I have been teaching in a High School for many years. Many girls fell in love with me. Some of them were crazy about me. However, if I walk in a crowded street or I go into a bar where I can find many girls, they don't fall in love with me, they don't watch at me, and probably they don't even notice me! Strange, isn't it?! I am the same person in both cases! But in the first case, girls had the opportunity to know me well, while in the second case they do not know me and they did not have the opportunity to feel special emotions about me.

Please notice how different are women from men! If a beautiful and sexy woman walks in a crowded street or goes into a bar, all men stare at her!

Imagine a ball in a downhill: this is like sex attraction for men. I mean that the ball will spontaneously go down the downhill. We make this analogy to represent sex attraction in men. They are ready to be turned on. Or, if you prefer, they are already turned on! Now imagine a ball in a flat plain, close to a downhill: this is sex attraction for women. The ball will NOT spontaneosly go down the downhill: you have to move it to the border of the downhill, and then it will go down. If you don't move the ball, sex attraction will never be triggered. This means that the girl or woman you want is "turned off" and you have to do something to create an emotional state in her. If you are able to do that, she is ready to be turned on. But it is silly to hope that the girl/woman is already in such state.

That's why million of men are wasting their time (and their money) on www.adultfriendfinder.com looking for direct sex. Only a few of them will be lucky and will reach their goal with such method. This direct method is really effective only if you pay a whore.

So in Lesson One you learned that:
- You don't have to waste your time in sex ads (or whatever) trying to get direct sex from unknown women (however, if a woman already knows you, it may be different).
- The key to get women is create emotioon in them. In a few words, women prefer love (or feeling, or emotion) rather than direct sex. If you are able to create emotion in a woman, you can get all the sex you want from her...

