Heavy metal riffs/licks part 1.

Written by Morten Gjermundsen(trollstjerne@yahoo.no)

In this lesson you can learn hardrock riffs and licks written me.Each riff/lick can be heard in Midi so you can hear how they should sound.I´ve also added the backing tracks so you can practice them with drums and bass.On each of these backing tracks the riff/lick begins after 4 clicks.Lets start with a heavy riff.Listen to the heavy riff.Listen to the backing track.



Lets move to the next riff.Listen to this riff.Listen to the backing track.
Now were going to play arpeggios.Click here to listen.Listen to the backing track.

In this lick you´ll only use one string.Listen to this lick.Listen to the backing track.


This is the last lick.It´s pretty similar to the "one string lick".Listen to this lick.Listen to the backing track.


Now i have showed you 5 metal riffs/licks.Learn them and practice them and look out for more metal lessons by Morten Gjermundsen.Thanks for checking out my web site and please come back again soon.

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