Thank you for choosing TRIXTER page.
Here you will find anything and everything you have wanted to know about the TRIXTER

Check out my new studio page:
It has all the info about the movie stuff me and my wonderfull crew have done.

Click the image above to enter......

Here is our trip to Starfest 2004

I am 32 years old and presently living in Greeley Co.
I do not ski or spend time in the mountains.
I work as a computer tech support agent and try to have fun as often as i can.

Some of my hobbies include:

  • Sword fighting
  • Costuming
  • Gaming
  • Effects filming

  • I have started my own effects Studio I have named:
    13th Hour F/X Studios

    CLick here to go to studio

    I also have done my first haunted house this year.  It was great. We had a ton of fun running it and watching the people get scared was the best.

    Here you can see the house.

    As you can tell i like the vikings a lot, I belong to a medieval re-enactment group known as..
    The Society for Creative Anachronism, or the S.C.A. for short.

    I also enjoy a lot of cartoons from the 80's
    I am truly an 80's child. Some of the great ones
    i watched were:

    Now of course I still watch cartoons and such, like the Power Puff Girls.
    Below you will see links of all the sites I have made that I enjoy as time wasters.

    Scooby Doo

    Darkwing Duck

    PowerPuff Girls






    Pages Created By:
    TRIXTER Pages
    copyright 04/1/04