Harry tiredly rubbed his eye, glumly staring at the bright green potion he is stirring for his Potions class. As usual, Snape had separated him from his friends, pairing him with Himeko Katsunagi, a transferee from Japan who was recently Sorted into the Gryffindor House. He gave Himeko an apologetic smile when the latter poured a little of frog's bile into the potion, giving him a curious look.

	"Sorry, I had problems falling asleep last night," Harry whispered to Himeko as Snape passed by Neville's table.

	Himeko only shook her head, a worried look on her face. 

	"Voldemort is keeping you awake, isn't he?"

	Harry gaped at the young Japanese as Himeko turned back to the roots she is skinning. He never realized that there was another youngster who had the courage to use the Dark Lord's name.

	"Voldemort is just another Dark Lord, but he is not the only one, nor the greatest," Himeko continued, her fingers busy with the knife. "His powers are nothing compared to Kazutaka Muraki."


	"Kazutaka Muraki," Himeko paused from her work, turned and gave Harry a level look. "It is not necessary for you to know about him."

	"Then, why don't you enlighten the whole of us, Ms. Katsunagi?" Snape sneered from behind the two.

	Harry could almost hear a soft sigh escape Himeko's lips as the young Japanese witch turned around and regarded the Potions Master with resigned electric blue eyes.

	"Voldemort can only be considered as a child against Kazutaka Muraki even if he is in his full strength. Muraki has the power to drain other people of their powers and life energy, slowly killing them, while he uses them with the help of hypnosis. He also uses the powers given to him by one of the demon servants of the Grand Duke of the Demon World to spread deaths all over Asia. Haven't you wondered why Voldemort never tried to conquer Asia? It was because of his fear of Muraki why he did not try. Voldemort is nothing compared to Muraki."

	"Ms. Katsunagi, you should watch your mouth on what you are saying," sneered Snape.

	Harry became more aware of the troubled murmurs he was hearing from his classmates, they could not believe that there was another Dark Lord in the world.

	"Voldemort would not be able to stand ten minutes against Muraki."

	Harry was surprised by the finality of the tone that Himeko used when she said that statement, it was as if she had experience against Muraki.

	"And how can you say that, Ms. Katsunagi?"

	"Because Muraki never died even with the powers of Touda."


	"A shikigami that controls the black fires of hell that have the capabilities to kill an immortal like a shinigami.


    Source: geocities.com/tritonbarton