
What it means to be a Tri-Stater

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The Tri-States Coalition is a nationwide network of groups and Individuals who share the same beliefs of the Tri-States philosophy. We believe that each person should be judged on the basis of his/her own merits and not on skin color, religious affiliation, economic status or social standing, ethic origin, or other prejudicial characteristics.

 The ideal Tri-Stater (a.k.a. Tser) is hard working, honest, trustworthy, politically aware and prepared for whatever life may bring. He/she strives to reach optimum physical and psychological fitness. Tser's are constantly on the lookout for the best information, ideas and resources available to attain/maintain the ability and knowledge of all preparedness levels.

 We strive to provide reliable sources for Tser's to read, research, and investigate. We seek to provide mutual support and to contribute service to our communities whenever and wherever possible. The acquisition of skills, knowledge, and information enables us to give back to our communities in the best possible ways, as volunteer firemen, first responders, neighborhood watch participants and helping hands during crisis.

 On a local level, you'll be expected to adhere to TS principles, to contribute your best efforts in making your group a viable unit, to assist your fellow group members in whatever way possible to ensure the success of your unit. There is no room for slackers within TSC everyone is expected to contribute in one way or another.

 "In the Tri-States, everyone does their fair share. We do not steal, We do not lie, we do not cheat. Everybody pulls together." - Ben Raines