-[(Lizzy Meinzen & Riley Smith)]-

.::*Lizzy::. .::Meinzen*::. .::Riley*::. .::Storm*::.
Friends Hobbies Grade Achievements Bitch List
This layout was made by Nikkie. She was good enough to let me borrow this and use it for my roleplaying purposes. The rest of the things such as the banners and roleplay are all mine.
.::*All the things you said are running in her head...*::.

Ring, ring, ring, ring! The buzzer makes an annoying noise and Lizzie puts the pillow over her head. Chris, her brother knocks at the door loudly to wake up Lizzie.

Lizzy: What do you want?

Chris: Wake up Lizzie. It’s your first day as a Raven sis, it’s going to be fun.

Lizzy: I’m shu- its- gon- lots- fun.

Chris: What? You’re mumbling! Lizzy wake up!

Lizzy: Fine, fine, fine! I’m awake I’m awake! Now will you please leave?

Mom: Lizzy, listen to your brother. He’s just excited that you’ll be in the same school as him.

Lizzy: All right! Going!

Lizzy goes over and gets her robe and towel and makes her way to the bathroom. She looks in the mirror and takes out her toothbrush. As she brushed her teeth and took a shower, she thought about the things she needed for school.

Lizzy: All right. I think I have everything… oh! I almost forgot. I need a black folder for choir. This is such a pain! I hate school!

Suddenly, the phone rings and Lizzy runs to it while getting her hair blown dry.

Lizzy: Hello?

Riley: Hey babe.

Lizzy: Riley! Hey. What’s up?

Riley: Nothing, just checking on you. Are you ready for your first day at school?

Lizzy: Yeah, I’m getting ready as fast as I can.

Chris: Lizzy come on!

Lizzy: I’m coming! Hey Chris, I’ll see you later ok? There’s about to be a WWE Smackdown in the Meinzen family.

Lizzy puts on her low cut jeans and her cut off tan top with string hanging down. She runs downstairs and grabs her bag and an apple.

Lizzy: Bye mom! Bye dad! Running late! See you later. Love you both.

Lizzy runs to her brother’s Jeep and he shakes her head at her then they drive off.

Mom: She never fails to be running late on the first day of school.

Dad: Well on the plus side, she’s never really late anyway.

Mom: So she’s in high school now I guess. This is a new life for her.

Dad: We’ll see how everything goes.

Her brother parks in the front of the school where the rest of the freshmen are. She starts to leave the car but her brother hands her a jacket.

Lizzy: What’s this?

Chris: It’s a Ravens jacket. I thought I’d give it to you. Congratulations on making it to high school.

Lizzy: You’re funny. Thanks Chris.

She gives him a hug and goes off with the rest. Chris shouts back at her.

Chris: Do you have everything you need, lunch money and stuff?

Lizzy: Yea! I got ‘em! See you later!

He drives off and Lizzy goes and joins the rest.

Riley: Hey babe, we’re just with this student teacher guy.

Lizzy: Oh great, a life of boringness.

Taylor: What’s going on?

Lizzy: Oh we’re just in the orientation. This should be a little fun since he’s a student teacher.

Tristen: Can you believe this? First day of school and we’re already going to a field trip. My, my, who is this young beauty.

Tristen goes over to shake her hand and Riley just stands next to her with a smile on his face.

Lizzy: Elizabeth. Call me Lizzy for short.

Riley: And I’m Riley, the boyfriend.

Tristen: Oh, hello. And this other lady is?

Taylor: Taylor.

Tristen: All righty. So what are you guys into?

Taylor: Skateboarding.

Lizzy: Lot’s of sports and things like shopping and talking on the phone and stuff.

Riley: Playing in my band, sports, things.

Tristen: Interesting.

Mr. Sapphire: Hey guys. I’m Mr. Sapphire and I am a student teacher here in Devlin High School. I was a Raven myself when I went to school and now I’m trying to be a teacher here. Well we’re going to have a fieldtrip to the skate park.

Taylor: Hell yea.

Mr. Sapphire: Just to remind you guys, the reason we are doing this field trip is because we want to get to know each other better. You’re going to be in groups and you’re all going to have an older student to be with. Group 1 will be Taylor Vivits, Riley Storm, Elizabeth Meinzen, and Tristen Stone. You guys are going to be with Gabriella Silver, a Junior here in Devil. Group 2 is Leana Shafer, AJ Peterson,---

Gabriella walks up to them and gets them all together in a group.

Gabby: I guess you’ve all already met. This is going to be a fieldtrip, but remember this is to get to know each other better ok? Now let’s sit in a circle here.

Tristen: How long are we going to take?

Gabby: Well, we’re taking twenty five minutes to get to know each others names and remember them. Then we’ll go to the buses and go to the skate park.

Taylor: Can we bring our boards?

Gabby: It’s a skate park, so I’m guessing yes. Just be sure to wear your helmets and padding.

Taylor: Fine.

Gabby: We’ll go around in a circle and you say your name and something you like doing and something that describes you that both start with the first letter of your name.

Riley: Come again?

Gabby: I’ll start. My name is Gabrielle, the thing that starts with the first letter of my name that I like is… guitar and I’m… gorgeous.

A smile and little laughs from everyone, and Tristen, next to Gabby went next.

Tristen: Do we really have to do this?

Lizzy: Yeah, this seems kind of… middle school-like.

Gabby: Oh you little Freshmen, thinking you’re already old enough for little games like these.

Riley: You really can’t blame us.

Gabby: I guess not. Well, I say we take a walk.

Taylor: Where to?

Gabby: Follow me.

Gabby stands up and tells Mr. Sapphire. She then walks back to the group and comes back. She tells them to follow her and they all go to a corner.

Gabby: Ok, I told him I was going to show you around school.

Tristen: Oh man!

Gabby: Shh! That was only a cover-up. We’re going to walk over to Sonic and get something to eat.

Lizzy: Are you sure they’re going to be ok with this?

Gabby: Not really, but we’ll go anyways.

Taylor: Come on, let’s go.

They all cross the street and make their way over to Sonic. They order their food and get a seat nearest to the school in case they had to run back.

Lizzy: So how is it being a student here at Devlin?

Gabby: It’s fun most of the time, sometimes there are just too many things happening at the same time.

Lizzy: You’re telling me.

Tristen: What are the people’s social standards here?

Gabby: Well we really have a diverse school. We have different groups of people and I think it’s good to have different kinds of people.

Taylor: Are there rules about lunch? As in do we have to stay in school grounds at all times?

Gabby: Yeah, the school is kind of strict. They want us all to be safe so no one is allowed to get out of school grounds during school hours. You can go outside though, it’s still school grounds.

Riley: Are there any rules or people or teachers we should watch out for?

Gabby: Well, most everything here is ok. Just watch out for that Match teacher Mrs. Hittle. She has to be one of the worst teachers in here, not because she can’t teach, but because she is a major pain in he ass.

They all laugh and finish their food while talking. They start to walk back to the school where they were just starting to load the buses. Riley and Lizzy went to the very back of the bus where there was only room for two people. Taylor sat in the seat in front of them and Tristen sat on the seat next to them. Lizzy and Riley talked as Taylor listened to her music and Tristen wrote poetry.

Riley: So this is going to be our first high school year huh?

Lizzy: I guess so. Are you excited?

Riley: Of course I am! I’m pretty sure that this school isn’t half bad than what we thought it was going to be, and the best part is seeing you here everyday in classes we wanted to choose ourselves.

Lizzy: You’re so sweet.

Riley: Thanks. Hey do you want to do something after school today?

Lizzy: Like what?

Riley: I don’t know, go to a movie, go shopping, my treat.

Lizzy: It’s not that I’m complaining or I don’t want to go, but what’s the occasion?

Riley: Because you’re my girlfriend and this is our first year together in high school.

Lizzy: You are such a sweet guy, you know that? I’m so lucky to have someone like you.

Riley: I’m lucky to even be holding you right now.

Lizzy kisses him then rests her head on his body as he holds her. Lizzy falls asleep in his arms as Riley talked to Tristen.

Tristen: So you and Lizzy huh?

Riley: Yeah, that’s right.

Tristen: So how does it feel?

Riley: Well to be honest I don’t really know how to explain it. I moved here from Kansas and I thought that I was going to have a hard time in California. But when I first moved in I noticed her moving in as well. I walked up to her and asked if she was new here too, but she just moved to another house.

Tristen: So are you ready for this new life?

Riley: I was born ready.

Tristen: Cool.

Riley looks over at Tristen’s papers all over beside him on his seat.

Riley: What are those?

Tristen: Just things I do.

Riley: Like?

Tristen: Just poems and drawings I do. I do some deep thinking once in a while.

Tristen hands Riley some pictures and poems. Riley looks at the picture and stops at one of them.

Riley: Wow.

Tristen: It was a quick sketch. I thought the way that the two of you were was a nice site. So I drew you guys.

Riley: Damn! You’re a good artist.

Tristen: I’m trying to be.

Riley: Can I keep this one? And sign it please.

Tristen: Go ahead. I can make a better one, but you can take that one if you’d like.

Riley pockets the picture and a few minutes later, they arrived at the skate park. Group 1 went to the bowl where there were people skating. Taylor geared up and got to skate right away. Gabby, Lizzy, and Riley all sat down and watched as Tristen walked around and took people’s pictures.

Gabby: So how long have the two of you been going out?

Lizzy: About a year and a half now.

Riley: I moved here in seventh grade. She was the first to notice me.

Lizzy: Who wouldn’t?

Gabby: Young love. It can develop to be more.

Riley: I’m hoping.

Lizzy: I’m sure it will be more.

Lizzy notices something at the corner of her eye. Some skater guys were crowding around Taylor as she tells them not to get near her. Taylor starts to run and the rest of them go after her. Lizzy, Riley, Tristen, and Gabby all ran to Taylor who was trying to fight off the others. Riley and Tristen keep others from close to her and Lizzy pulls a girl from Taylor and gives her a right hand across the face. Taylor and Gabby join in and suddenly there was a brawl. Mr. Sapphire comes over to break things up and the other skaters get away from the scene. Chaos created was suddenly died down. They all go back to the bus and head back to the school. At the back of the bus, they all talked and tried to figure out what was up.

Lizzy: What happened Taylor?

Taylor: Nothing, none of your business.

Tristen: Taylor we just helped you out from people we didn’t know. What was up with that?

Riley: Come on Taylor.

Taylor: They were getting a little too pushy. That’s all.

Taylor puts on her headphones and they all just sat back and waited until they reached school.

Mr. Sapphire: This is the end of the trip, I hope you all had fun. Now each of you has your locker numbers with you and a combination. Keep those to yourselves. Now you all have a great time here at Devlin.

Lizzy and Riley hold hands and find their lockers. Lizzy was at locker #185 and Riley as #187. He raises an eyebrow and waits for the person who was #186 to ask if they could switch. Suddenly, Tristen goes over to them and goes to locker #186.

Riley: Hey Tristen… you wouldn’t mind if we…

Tristen: No need to say another word man, this locker is as good as yours.

Lizzy: Thanks Tristen.

Tristen: No big. So what are your first classes?

Lizzy: I’m in vocal music.

Riley: I’m in Comm. Arts.

Tristen: I’ll see you at CA Riley. Lizzy, talk to you later.

Riley gives Lizzy a kiss and they go separate ways to their classes. Lizzy makes her way down the hallway and enter the music room. Inside, her music teacher welcomes her and asks her if she had brought a black binder.

Lizzy: Yep! I almost forgot it earlier, but I’ve got it.

Ms. Grey: Good. Now all of you realize that you all have responsibility even though you’re in choir class right?

Bobby: Can we just sing?

Ms. Grey: Actually, I thought maybe you could answer this survey first.

She hands the survey out and the kids take them.

They all turn it in and the day went on. After school, Lizzy and Riley were seen together.

Riley: Hey babe, how was your day?

Lizzy: Fine. Thanks for telling me that you had practice.

Riley: Oh God! Sorry, I forgot. I’ll make it up to you I promise.

Lizzy: Don’t worry about it. So are you coming home with me?

Riley: I have to stay for practice.

Lizzy: Oh, ok. Well I’ll just see you later then.

Lizzy walks away and looks down and thinks. All of a sudden, Tristen walks beside her.

Tristen: Hey Liz. How’s it goin?

Lizzy: Good. Just walking home.

Tristen: Oh, mind if I walk with ya?

Lizzy: Not at all. So don’t you have practice or something?

Tristen: Nah, only the football guys have practice after school today.

Lizzy: I already knew that.

They reach Lizzy’s house and she tanks him for walking with her.

Lizzy: Hey, I’ll see you tomorrow ok?

Tristen: All righty. C-ya Liz!

She changes and goes upstairs to do her homework.