-[( The Psychotic Bitch Victoria)]-

.::*Real::. .::EWE*::. .::Women's*::. .::Champion*::.
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.::*All the things you said are running in her head...*::.

Well that was shocking! The whole world didn't know who this mystery caller was until earlier tonight. I bet you can't believe Molly Holly is in the EWE! I can't either! Anyways, there is another suprise among the locker area here. And it might not be to your liking. What's up with the whole Jeff and Victoria deal? Will this new suprise ruin what they have right now? And what about Stephanie McMahon? That last attempt to save her tag team partner from losing the Women's Championship title. Many applaude for her. BAB's number is growing... I wonder who's up next as the victim for these three beautiful, yet deadly, divas.
-= End Of Forward =-

~ * ~ Friday, February 7, 2003: 9:37 AM ~ * ~

A very early start for everyone in the EWE, but Victoria was already seen ready and dressed out. She was followed by the camera men to the breakfast lounge where she bites a toast and gets some hot chocolate to wake her up. Terri ran with her little legs trying to catch up to her, just as Victoria sat down, Terri sat to the seat next to her with a big smile to her face. Victoria raised an eyebrow and continued ignoring her.

«°¤°» She-Devil: Terri «°¤°»
"Good morning Victoria. How do you feel about your big match tonight against both Stacy Keibler and Lita?"

«°¤°» Psychotic Bitch: Victoria «°¤°»
"Good morning to you too Terri. Well, it's like this. As you can see, unlike some of the other lazy bunch in here, I am already up and ready for training. Stacy Keibler and Lita are going to have a very tough match tonight, because I will give it my all. It's true that I've been gone for some time now, but this is my third chance to get at the Women's Title. And you know what they say, third time's a charm. And that's exactly what I'm trying to achieve. I really want to get the chance to get that title. I have had my eyes on that for some time now. And now that I have this third chance of being the Women's Champion, I'm going to get it. I know I will, I have my friends 100% behind me and I know that they're going to be there for me."

I bet this has been a really exciting week for you haven’t it? I mean you just get back from a long vacation and now a Women’s Title match right when you got back! And what is the whole deal between you and Jeff Hardy? And what’s up with Molly Holly?

Calm down Terri! One question at a time please! First of all, yes. It has been really exciting. I was really looking forward to coming back to the EWE. I am aware that there have been a lot of things happening in here when I was gone. And even though I will never fully catch up to any of it, I am very glad that I am back in action. I’ve been taking time reflecting as well on the past matches I’ve had. And since I have this handicap match, I thought it would be great to show that I still have a few tricks up my sleeve. It’s not that I’m denying the need of Stephanie McMahon in my corner, but as Lita had said yesterday I do need to come to my own senses. Stephanie has been there the whole way for me. I’m very lucky to have her on my side. The thing that I need to learn though is to be on my own. I know I have shown this for some time against Stacy Keibler and Lita, but this time I’m going to show that I can do it against however many opponents I have. I am a tough cookie. The only thing I was really looking for is a time and place to show that I am. Now an unexpected thing has happened, and unfortunately Stephanie McMahon will not be able to participate. And I don’t know if any of you notice this, but this I going to be one of the toughest things I’ve ever done in my career. I’m going solo this time. And I’m going against two of the most famous names in the EWE. But being famous isn’t going to get them far without skill.

While on the subject of skills, what do you think of Lita winning the Women’s Title for a second time?

I want to congratulate Lita on winning the Women’s Title for the second time. But the only real reason why she got it in the first place is because she won against Torrie Wilson. You might not remember how this all happened, but because I had a really important thing to do that night, I wasn’t able to participate in my match. Torrie Wilson was announced as the number one contender right then. And there it took off. Torrie Wilson was able to take the title away from Lita and Lita took it back. The thing I don’t like about Lita is the way she got it back. There was no reason at all as to why she should have turned her back to Torrie Wilson. Torrie was a fierce competitor, but her lack of determination has cost her to lose the title and to get her ass fired out of the EWE. Now I notice that there are people around me that say I am the biggest bitch they’ve ever met, and lot of people around me say that they haven’t seen a more horrible person than I. But I’m here clear that up right now. Yes, I am probably one of the biggest bitches you know around here. And why is that? Because I have some grudge against one pretty diva that everyone likes? Or is it because I can kick ass and back it all up? Either way there is really no reason as to why people should hate me. And as for being a horrible person, I definitely defy that. I am not, in any way shape or form, a horrible person. I stick true to my friends. Stephanie and I have been together for a long time now. She’s been like a really close sister to me. And now that Molly is in BAB as well, I just can’t wait and see where things kick off.

Now that we’re talking about the BAB and Molly Holly, when did you first think of having her join the EWE roster?

I’ve known Molly for over two years now. We were training in the OVW together and we were dominating the whole damn place. Molly has also helped me with my ring skills by teaching me that even the basic moves take a lot out of the most experienced wrestlers here. Ever since Stephanie joined the EWE in September, I was able to show that I could be a singles competitor as well. For two months I was able to be the woman I wanted to be, the independent woman that could take care of herself. But after those two months, I saw the diva that could help me revolutionize sports entertainment like I had with my former tag team Stephanie McMahon. Molly Holly and I were in a few federations together, like in the WWE. We were able to capture victories successfully against the men’s roster, and also bring hell to the women’s roster. When I got the call from EWE and they asked me to join their federation, I had to choose between Molly and Stephanie. And as I said before I couldn’t turn on anyone that I knew so I went and talked to Molly about applying to the EWE with me. Fortunately I was able to get in on December. But unfortunately for Molly, more training was required at OVW. After two months, Molly has finally returned to the wrestling business with me. And I know already for a fact that Molly and Stephanie are going to get along just fine. If there’s one thing we all hate, it’s the blonde bitches that sleep their way in here. The only reason why Molly had to go back to the OVW was because her competitor in getting that contract was none other than Torrie Wilson. The blonde slut was chosen over the talented beautiful woman. And that was a scorn to the Women’s division. Now that she’s one, I guess they finally saw that Molly was the right diva to be in here. I’m glad that there’s at least one gentleman in this business that appreciates us.

Speaking of that man, I’m pretty sure that it’s Jeff Hardy. What exactly is your relationship with that young man?

There’s really no secret to my relationship with Jeff Hardy. To be completely true and honest, this young man has been with me very step of the way since I’ve come back. What can I say? He saved me from being in a really serious injury just last Tuesday or maybe even a fatal injury. I just want to thank him for always being there. I’m sorry for all of you lovey-dovey little girls out there hoping that there would be a spark created somewhere between Jeff Hardy and I, but I don’t think that’ll happen. Not today anyway. Jeff is a wonderful guy, very athletic, very talent, very bright, and very good-looking. I wouldn’t blame him if he chose someone like me to be with him, and I really wouldn’t say no to him either. But I don’t think that it’s rime right now for Jeff and myself to get together. I respect him for being always a popular name to the EWE, and I’m happy of that fact that he’s here in the EWE with us as well. This guy is truly amazing. He’s probably one of the most talented men I’ve ever been in a relationship business-wise. No one can risk the top rope like he can. Sure there are people like me who do perfect moonsaults, or people like Molly who execute 100% effective maneuvers like the Molly-Go-Round or the Missile Drop-kick, but there is defiantly no other man in here that you can say is the best in aerials like Jeff. I know many of you want Jeff and I to go ahead and do something together, and we probably will tag in the future or something. But right now our paths aren’t crossing yet. It’s not our time to get together. Just not right now.

Just then, a new EWE superstar that no one has seen around yet was walking passed by the kitchen. He seemed to be doing something odd in particular. As Terri and Victoria watched this man, he was passing by talking about how it was the pot’s fault that he got his hand burned. The man picked up the pot and yelled at it, then threw it onto the wall breaking it into pieces.

Excuse me sir. Do you belong here? You’re acting like you’re crazy talking to that pot.

Don’t talk to me that way! I’m Steven Richards! No one disrespects me like that! Not anyone! Not even that pot! No one comes up to me and burns me for no reason. I tried to talk to it and told it not to do anything stupid. I even asked it nicely to just give me a few good drops of coffee, but no. I can’t even ask for that. So I had to pick the darn thing up, and did you what it did? Huh?

I guess it burned your hand?

You guess? You guess?! Look at this! My hand is burned because of that stupid pot! It’s all it’s fault that I got burned! My hands are ruined! And it’s this damn pot’s fault!

Steven Richards started to get the broken pieces and breaking it into smaller pieces, starting to cut his hands. He screams out loud and threw the pieces back at the ground. Terri ran as fast as she can to go get a Medical Kit while the rest tried to restrain him. Victoria pushed them all away and she looked at him in the eye.

It was the pots fault! It burned me first! I didn’t do anything to it and it hurt me.

Don’t worry about it. Pots tend to do that when they’re trying to keep a warm liquid for you to drink.

Terri came back and bandaged his hands. The medical assistants went and helped him out of the EWE arena as Terri starts to have a worried look on her face as if the guy would do more things to hurt him.

God! What the hell is wrong with that guy?

Nothing is wrong with him ok?! If you’ve forgotten, that’s exactly what people thought I was. They thought I was crazy. But look at me now. I am a changed woman but I still feel for those around me. I know people still talk behind my back. But it’s not their turn to judge on other people. Making fun of people is just plain rude, even for someone in your standards Terri.

Just then, Molly Holly saw that Victoria was upset and went to talk to her.

What’s up Victoria? Want me to kick this chick’s ass? It won’t take too long.

No it’s fine Molly. I think Terri here just underestimated one of the newcomers here. A new guy named Steven Richards came here, and he-

Did you just say Steven Richards?

Yeah. How come?

Steven Richards was the guy I used to wrestle with in OVW! That guy is an amazing athlete, a little whacko in the mind though. But once you get to know him, he’s a real sweetie.

Sounds like you have a little feeling for this man Molly, tell us more about it.

Molly grabbed the plate with a gooey cookie on the table and slapped it right on Terri’s face. Terri starts to freak out and Molly “helped out” by pouring hot chocolate on her head.

Oh sorry. I guess that didn’t help. Maybe you could go away now and try and clean yourself up. On second thought… this might be one of the only times I’ve actually seen you almost all covered.

Molly and Victoria laugh as the camera crew helps Terri to her dressing room.

So anyway, do you like this Steven Richards guy?

Me? Are you kidding me Victoria? He’s nice and all but I don’t think we’ll get along that fine. Besides I have my eyes set on someone.

Really? Who?

Jeff Hardy. He seems like a real nice guy, always there to help you out and everything, but whatever. I’m not sure if he’ll go for someone like me.

Oh don’t be so negative Molly. Everything will be ok. Just go up to him and talk to him.

I don’t know.

Just then Jeff walks in and gets in the middle of the conversation.

Go up to whom?

Nothing Jeff.

Hey Molly, weren’t you just asking for training help? Go ask Jeff, I’m sure he’ll be more than happy to help you. Molly

Oh it’s ok Molly. I have a lot of time. Come on, I’ll help you with anything you need.

Molly looks at Victoria with a smile and shakes her head. Victoria walks down the locker area and there was Steven Richards again. The two don’t see each other but bump into them.

Sorry about that…

Its OK...oh hey Vick.

Victoria looks up to see Steven Richards standing there. The two smile at one another.

Hey Steven, haven’t seen you in awhile. How you been?

I'm doing good, and yourself?

I’m nervous as hell.

Ah, first match jitters?

Yeah, it’s been such a long time since I’ve done this... I was out for a while and came back just a few days ago.

I got faith in you. Just don't worry about it, it will come natural to you when you go out from behind that curtain.

I know, and I don’t want to tell Molly or Stephanie, I hate showing weakness.

Hey, we all show it sometimes.

Steven Richards puts his hand on her shoulder and starts rubbing her neck.

I do some times, but beating yourself up won't help a damn bit.

Yeah... but this is my first match. I mean, my shot to show people I can do something. The last thing I want to do is blow it.

You won't blow it. I've seen your training, and you can do this.

I really thank you for this...

No problem. That's what I'm here for.

I know I’m not everyone’s favorite, but I’m glad you’re around to help me with this. I wouldn’t go to many people about this sort of thing.

I'll consider this an honor then.

By the way, how are things with Molly?

We're good, thanks for asking. She's looking forward to getting back into action. I'll tell her you asked about her.

Actually, she’s here in the EWE too. I asked her to come and here she is.

Awesome! I’ll see her in a bit then!

I’m glad ya'll are happy. You deserve it.

Thanks. I see you and Jeff are now on talking terms, if not different terms.

Yeah, things are finally getting better between us.

With Terri out of the group made it a lot easier I guess. Never really got to meet her, and by the sounds of things, it's better off that way.

She might have tried to rape you too... but now the group is done and over... as far as I know.

We might still be running strong, but I'm not certain myself.

Either way, I don’t care. I still loved everyone to death.

I joined the party late, so I'm not sure.

You’re still important to me. You’re like a big brother.

Steven Richards smiles a little bit.

And you're like the hot sister everyone talks about.

Victoria looks at him surprised.

Me hot? No way.

So the boys say.

Yeah right...

I swear. When Hunter and Brock showed up, they first wanted to meet you to check and see if their eyes were playing tricks on them when they saw something that beautiful.

Victoria blushes.

I remember those two from WWE.

Yeah, they use to be at each other's throats. Now look at them, they act like little kids.

And you don’t?

...OK, you caught me there, but I don't throw rocks at people, so...

Steven Richards sticks his tongue out at her and chuckles.

I’m sure you would if giving the chance. So where were you planning on heading on to?

Don’t know to be honest. Probably back to the hotel to spend some time alone with my friend. You got plans with Jeff?

I haven’t a clue where he is at the moment, but I’m planning to head out to the ring for my first promo. Want to come?

If you don't mind, I would love to go with you. Never know if you'll get ambushed or not.

I’m used to sneak attacks like that, believe me.

Mind if I tag along then?

No I don’t mind. I have to pass by the gym area first. I need to tell Molly and Jeff I’m going to my promo.

Ok. I’ll be waiting.

Steven Richards waited for Victoria to get done with her things she needed to do before she went to ringside. They go down the ring, as fans everywhere are cheering for Victoria’s new attitude, but kind of weary of the new guy she’s walking down the ramp with. Lilian names them both into the ring and Steven Richards opens the ropes for her. Victoria gets a microphone and speaks out on her thoughts about her upcoming match against Lita and Stacy Keibler on Slammin.

Now I know all of you already know about my upcoming Women’s Title match against both Stacy Keibler and Lita. To be quite honest, I never really dreamed of getting the chance of getting this title against two women in the same night. To me it’s an experience that I’m definitely not going to forget. This is my one and only chance to get it now that I’ve returned to the EWE. It has been at least a week and half since you’ve seen my face around this area and wrestled against the main divas of this federation. The last match I had was a blast. It was my match against Lita and Torrie Wilson when we went against each other to win the Women’s Title. Unfortunately for me, that wasn’t my night. Everything turned out all fine after I went to the Caribbean and made some photo shoots, but half of the time, I was training in the minor league that they had for wrestling. I’ve developed new skills, Both the Spanish Luchadore style of wrestling, and the Japanese style that I learned from none other than the former three-time Women’s Champion Alundra Blayze. If many of you hadn’t known already, Alundra Blayze was the woman that my friend, and new BAB member Molly Holly has trained to become something more than eye candy in the WCW. This is a chance for me to show that I am in fact the most dominating female alive in sports entertainment today. I know that there are a lot of you doubting my skills in the ring from the past times that I have been here in the EWE, but I promise you this time is going to be better than the last. This time, I’m going to show that weather it’s against two people or not, I’m still going to press on and become the new champion that this wrestling business has to offer. EWE has been my life ever since I came to the business. I’ve been around other federations that have ticked me off and I never really knew what to do then, but since that night when I received that phone call from Stephanie McMahon, I knew it was my time to shine. Stephanie has definitely helped me a lot in my in-ring training, and not only that, but also the value of having the Women’s Title. She has earned it in my opinion, and being the first ever and longest reigning Women’s Champion, I am very impressed. These women in the business today are more than what I really had to bargain for. Stacy Keibler and Lita have truly shown their in-ring skills are more valuable than some of the others that I’ve seen. Sure, I know I’ve talked bad about their ring skills sometimes, hell; I do it all the time. It just makes me wonder why they just let anyone in the business now, it seems like it’s been forever since I’ve seen real talent brought here. And what made me mad the most, was the fact that Torrie Wilson was picked over my best friend Molly Holly to be the new EWE diva. I knew Molly could make it, and that training in OVW was unnecessary. It obviously shows that if they have the look and the body, they are surely to get into the business. It might seem to some that I’m just jealous of them, but look at me! I have nothing to be jealous about. I am proud of who I am and where I stand. I stand as the number one contender for the Women’s Title, and I’m doing it against two of the most unlikely pair of divas that EWE has to offer. It doesn’t really bug me that much if people don’t have the faith they used to have in me. Because after the Widow’s Peak this coming Slammin, then you’ll know who the best is and who the biggest bitch in Ewe was. Stephanie McMahon was one of the main reasons why I came here to the EWE. She said that this federation was over-run by blonde divas that think they’re all that. And who better to call than the Psychotic Bitch, Victoria. I’ve become really well adapted to this place, and I’ve seen the beauty and talent walking down those hallways every day. And I have to say that being here in the EWE has been such an experience. I want to thank everyone that’s been there for me and to the past wrestlers and divas alike that have paved the way for us competitors today. I wouldn’t be here without the legends of entertainment history. Just being able to compete in matches for the Women’s Title itself is very treasured for me. If you had asked me before if I was going to be the Women’s Champion, I probably would’ve thought that you’re crazy. But look at where I am now. I am now one of the top divas that EWE has to offer in its business. And if they ever clash with another federation just in case, they’ll always have me to fall back on. I know I can seem like the biggest bitch that has ever lived in the world, but once you get to know me, you would think otherwise.

Victoria gave the microphone back to Lilian and went outside the ring. Steven Richards looks at Lilian, and then goes with Victoria. They both walk up the ring with people screaming for the truth that Victoria had to say, and the reality of the facts in EWE. Who will be the next Women’s Champion? Is there a chance that Stephanie might come back to her friend’s aid? Will we ever know if Victoria has the will and determination to win over Stacy Keibler and Lita? Does Victoria have enough support from Molly and Jeff Hardy on ringside? Tune in and find out this coming Slammin to see what happens.