best viewed with a open heart and mind
oh and of course with the IE thingie *LOL*
trapped in someone else's frames??


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9/9/1999 - I have moved most of the pages on this website to my very own domain which I called Dsign By Teacups. I have had a lot of fun in GeoCities, unfortunately with time constraint I had to quit being the Community Leader. I hope when things have settled down for me IRL, I can pick up where I left off. In this website you still have many things to see, if you're a woman and you own a website, I invite you to join my webring "Women of the Millennium".

Thank you and enjoy your stay here.

here to enter teahouse

heartland hallmark site award
HHS award received on 22nd Apr'99

trisha's internet addict certificate heartland select logo

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website created and maintained by trisha val m.ali on April '98
last major update is on 22 Feb. 2000
webgraphics by © Teacups
no authorised duplication of graphics or content without consent from webmistress