Summer Sea-Dream (Strange Encounter)
by Kat

Disclaimer: Not mine . . . unless Jake let's me borrow her Munchie I sure wouldn't mind ;)
Rating: PG-13 maybe? Sorry no hard-core porn this time Summary: Hamilton by the beach and Nick Drake's song "Strange Encounter 2" which is the inspiration to this fic
Author's Note: So I wrote this in less than an hour (i think hmm) after I read the lyrics while looking for the words to another Nick Drake song "Been Smoking Too Long". Anyways, "Strange Encounter 2" made me think of Jake and Munchie and times I spent at this beach behind a hotel in South Carolina.
Feedback: Need it Want it Love it!! but please don't flame me if this fic sucks :(

The beach was empty this morning. Save for a jogger and a lady in baggy shorts walking her dog. The footsteps of people were few. My own tracks were erased as the waves washed up the shore. Their sound always brought my ears comfort obliterating all my thoughts.

The way she was able to.

She was up ahead splashing around waist deep in the sea. The water diamond sparkled everytime it reflected the sun. She was in a midnight bikini the same darkness of the dress she wore during our date. She looked good in that color. She was a girl today. Her gender wasn't a mystery the way the daylight illuminated her slight curves.

"Come in Hamilton!" She laughed as another wave consumed her.

Accepting her invitation and excitement I ran into the water after her and felt the pinch of a crab on my big toe.

"Dork!" Came her light-hearted comment as I ran out of the water and away from that fiesty crab. Luckily, I shook away its grip before my explitive finished escaping my mouth.

I frowned at her, but she didn't see it with her back turned from me. She took off into the distance suddenly comtemplative. My attention focused on her lips as her eyes wandered to a ship far away to the right.

The filmstrip inside my mind replayed the quality time spent kissing those lips. At the bathroom the faint smell of Pine Sol and urine didn't stop me from throwing caution to the wind. The first sight of her inside the cotton of a child-like pink dress her mother favored. Many times before class we'd sneak into a hidden corner and times on her bed as she wore baggy boxers. I could tell you more instances but I want some memories of us to be just our own.

She turned around and smiled calling my name out to me. I entered the ocean again feeling the mild shock of the water's different temperature. A wave came splashing me with the taste of salt making my features cringe. She was up ahead a smile I always believed she's have only for me with her fingers outstretched . . .


but as soon as contact came her laughter stopped, her eyes faded, and she disappeared. The only thing that was left of her were the waves . . .

and me

All regrets came unbidden and bitter the same as the after taste of saltwater in my mouth. Her leaving without goodbye. She only said she couldn't do this anymore she said she didn't want to hurt my reputation . . .

or me anymore

I let her go. Tears have been wasted and anger has been brought upon the excessive exercising and pathetic failed attempts at drinking. There's nothing more to say accept for pictures, and words, and memories.

I looked towards the ship the Jake inside my mind was looking at before and saw a dolphin peeking above the waves.

the end

strange meeting II lyrics

continued . . .
