Programs that are older and/or slower than Tripcode Explorer.

What with Geocities being closed down, these pages have moved here:

Go back to the main page. HERE.
The tripcode explorer user guide can be found, HERE.

Tripcode generating programs for Windows.
Tripcode generating programs for Mac.
Tripcode generating programs for *NIX.
Cross platform tripcode generating programs.
Other tripcode resources.
Tripcode testers.


Regular expressions are accepted.
Does not output to a file.

Usage information:
trip_jre [option] [regular expression] [fixed key]
Use "> filename" to redirect output to an external file.
-s allow spaces in the returned tripcodes
-b allow non-ASCII characters in the returned tripcodes
-w verbose output, organised as below:

!!!!!!!!!! : 0x0000000000000000 : ######## : 11111111111111 : 2222222222222
tripcode : decimal key : password : total searches : searches /sec
Normal output (without -w flag):
üƒ9JfdogSE : #^;3W!!RH

Results are saved to result.txt.
Errors are reported to errorlog.txt
Search terms are located in a text file called target.txt. Each term is placed on a serperate line.
Place ^ before the word to ensure the search term is returned at the front of the tripcode.
? is a wildcard. File is limited to 4KB and terms to 2048 bits each ... I think..
The file can be edited while the program is running and the program will re-read the file every 7800 trips.
You can use bracket expressions in your search terms, ([Aa] or [1-9] or [ABCabc123] you get the idea).
Search terms are case sensitive unless you specify alternatives using bracket expressions.
Example below:

Usage information:
tripmona [-i target_file] [-o result_file] [-l time_limit]
[-c trip_length] [-r]
-i target_file name and location of target file (default: target.txt)
-o result_file name and location of results file (default: result.txt)
-l time_limit how long to search for (eg. 10h or 30m - 10 hours or 30 minutes)
-c trip_length how long a tripcode to return (default: 10)
-r random seed
-x return format to output file TRIP : #KEY rather than #KEY : TRIP
Output file example:
#5z1w8[.d : dogil/2j2E
#bz1y8[.r : dogBKLEK5k
#+z1Y8[.¾ : dogrJXPAGg
#!1mT_a.h : dogttNAlcI

Results are saved to utripper.log

Usage information:
utripper [options] searchstring
-i : ignore case
-sNUM : random number seed
-pNUM : priority (0 to 2, larger number is lower priority)
-lFILENAME : log filename
-r : turn on basic regular expression search
-e : turn on extended regular expression search
-n : random search (default: sequential search)

Output file example:
D6dOGGrOZA : #06!000m} (1)
QsSjQJndOg : #06!000zG (2)
dOGFCfD/Bc : #06!001Fg (3)
iRbDOG6ky. : #06!001T6 (4)

Results are saved to log.txt.
Search terms are located in a text file called target.txt. Each term is placed on a serperate line.
Place ^ before the word to ensure the search term is returned at the front of the tripcode.
Place $ after the word to ensure the search term is returned at the back of the tripcode.
? is a wildcard.
You can use bracket expressions in your search terms, ([Aa] or [1-9] or [ABCabc123] you get the idea).
Search terms are case sensitive unless you specify alternatives using bracket expressions.
Example below:
Usage information:
There are no command line switches that I know of.
Output file example:
�teXtizQgt2 #qé['�M�” 2009/01/19 10:14:54.152 (71 E9 5B 27 81 4D 8D 94/00)
�TEXt.6LKbU #qé['�hàœ 2009/01/19 10:14:54.707 (71 E9 5B 27 81 68 E0 9C/00)
An early development version of this program can be found, HERE.

Results are saved to hit.txt.
Search terms are located in a text file called list.txt. Each term is placed on a serperate line.


There are 2 versions of this progeam, the only difference being that one has option 5 and one doesn't.

I adore for Mac main screen
  1. Case sensitive search, results are displayed on screen.
  2. Case insensitive search, results are displayed on screen.
  3. Runs a quick benchmark and tells you how many trips/second you can expect to return.
  4. Allows you to test what tripcodes certain keys produce.
  5. Allows you to choose how many trips to make and saves the results to a filename of your choosing.


4tripper.c - Searches for a certain search term(s) within a tripcode

To compile you may need to comment out the line which reads (line 45):
extern char *our_fcrypt(const char *buf,const char *salt, char *ret);
To use:
tripper | grep (-i) <search term>
-i switch is to ignore the case of the search results.

4brute.c - Attempts to brute-force entire tripcode(s)

To compile you may need to comment out the line which reads (line 64):
extern char *our_fcrypt(const char *buf,const char *salt, char *ret);
To use:
usage: 4brute [-s string] [-e string] [-t string] [-p num] [-r] tripcodefile
-s string : initial key for search
-e string : final key for search
-k string : characters to use in the keys
-p num : show progress every <num> keys checked
-r : randomise the order of the keytable
"tripcodefile" has the format "username:tripcode", one per line,
there must be a blank line at the end of the file.
Example tripcode file:

Example output:
Username "Mouse"                        Crypt "zIArsem5L."      Tripcode "0GGo"
Username "Poodle" Crypt "epbEdoGduw" Tripcode "$GlI"
Username "Donkey" Crypt "DXXXX1l9Nw" Tripcode "0kxbk"

tripcrunch [options] <desired_tripcodes>
Command line options without arguments:
-2, --2chan                          Search using the 2chan algorithm. (default).
-b, --benchmark                      Display rudimentary benchmarks
-c, --enable-case                    Perform tests case sensitive. (default: case insensitive).
-l, --enable-leet                    Enable leetspeak in comparisons. (default: no)
  -g, --generate                       Generate tripcodes instead of search.

Command line options with arguments:
-n <num>, --nthreads=<num>           Number of threads to use. (default: 1)
  -p <file>, --progress-file=<file>    Keep search state in a file. (default: no)
  -s <code>, --start-from=<code>       Start searchies from this tripcode. (default: empty)

Output example:
Match: "^r encrypts to trip MUUeCdlDOg
Match: "sO encrypts to trip 36pys5dogw
There is no option to save the results to a file.

Cross platform:


Tripcode testers (Web based):

Use these, so as to not annoy your fellow board users with testing threads, really, it may be just 1 thread, but it is annoying.