Triopia High School

Class of 1966

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Class Photos from Arenzville and Chapin Gradeschool

new_small.gif (908 bytes)Notes from the Reunion! new_small.gif (908 bytes)

new_small.gif (908 bytes)Photos!new_small.gif (908 bytes)

The reunion date was Saturday, August 18th. You are invited to leave a message in the guestbook for others to read and to explore this web page to help refresh your memories about Triopia, your classmates, teachers, etc. Help us keep in touch with you so we can share information about our next reunion.

If you like, send a paragraph about yourself and any photos you might like to post on the web site (current picture of yourself, grandkids, etc.) Since this is a free web site (sorry for the annoying pop-up ads), the space is limited, but we'll try to use what we can.


To help us make sure our the list of addresses for class members is up to date, please send your current address to Sara Burrus at 2407 Brookens Circle, Urbana, IL 61801, or send email to

If you have contact or know how to reach any of the following persons, please let them know about the class reunion plans and encourage them to attend. Sara is needing current addresses for these members of our class:

Kay (Berry) Parker
Larry Cox
Rena Saylor
Ruth Ann (Lawrence) Williams
Jack Wilder


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