Sounds of Silence


By Curtis Ramey

My theme was 22 steps away from the electric chair. Every road is arrived at by steps and so is every destination, including the death house. The story from which the theme arose is this: A young man, at age 20, sat in the death row at Tennessee State Prison with only 7 hours remaining before he took the last 22 steps to the chair. At that time, the eleventh hour, the Governor of Tennessee commuted his sentence and spared his life. He went about under "Operation Crime Prevention" telling his story of how he was saved only 22 steps away. He said, "I was brought up by Christian parents, and I had a good education. But you're not sent to prison for going to church or school. I'm in prison because I made the wrong decision." Remember what we said about right values determine right thinking which determine right decisions.

Here are 22 STEPS that just might set your child on the road to the electric chair. Please note them carefully:

[CAROL'S NOTE: Please do not misunderstand this. The next 22 statements are NOT the training to give your child. They are STEPS THAT MIGHT LEAD YOUR CHILD TO THE ELECTRIC CHAIR!]

1. Begin early and give your child everything he wants.
Then he will believe the world owes him a living.

2. Start early in the child's life and do everything for him.
Never permit him to do the things he is capable of doing for himself,
so he will be experienced in throwing burdens on others.

3. Make him thoroughly dependent on you by waiting on him,
until the habit is well established.

4. Permit the child to do as he pleases.
He will want to continue this in society.

5. Praise him lavishly in his presence.
Show him how much smarter he is than other children.

6. Tell religious jokes in his presence and
have a good laugh at the expense of the "Holy Joes."
Tell him these religious people are all fanatics.

7. Lose your temper easily. Blow up and bluster and
blast the air around your child.
Unnerve him and prepare him for tension, headaches and ulcers.

8. Tell people your child never does anything wrong.

9. Ride him all the time and tell him that he is clumsy
and can't do anything right. Tell him things are too
hard for him, and that he should not attempt the things he wants to do.
He will accommodate his life to your expectations.

10. Always find fault with him and never compliment him
on the things he does well. Nag him constantly.

11. Run down the government in his presence.
Cynically let him hear you say that all politicians
are rotten and corrupt, and that young people
are going to the dogs anyhow.

12. Interrogate him every time he comes home
from school or any place about how he did, what he did,
and where he did it. This will cause him to quit telling
you anything and clam up.

13. Avoid using the word "wrong." It may
develop in him a guilt complex. This will prepare
him to believe that when he is punished
later for something that society is "against him" and that
he is being "persecuted."

14. Tell everyone that nothing is too good for your child.
Pamper and pet him, and make life easy for him so if he does
not have everything he wants, when times get hard, then he will
be mentally prepared to take it by force or fraud.

15. Give him more spending money than he needs and never make him
earn his own. Then, he will have little incentive to work.

16. Make him a cynic by letting him get the impression that there is
another "real" story behind the first story. Poison his mind with suspicion tendencies.

17. Quarrel frequently in his presence and he will be prepared
for a contentious life and perhaps a broken home later in his married life.

18. Satisfy every whim, caprice and craving for food, drink and everything
that has to do with the sense of taste and touch.

19. Take his part against teachers, policemen, and neighbors. They are
"do-gooders" and "prejudiced against your child." Believe everything your boy says.

20. When he gets into real trouble, always defend yourself and say,
"I never could do anything with that boy."

21. Try to pressure him into making top
grades when he is naturally slow. This will help
him to be nervous, unpredictable and eccentric.

22. Let him get the idea that it's all right to fudge on his grades,
to tell "white lies," to "sow a little wild oats," and to sneak into functions
and activities without paying. Enjoy a hearty laugh with him over his little
escapades by which he foxed someone with his budding criminal cunning, and
deceived someone else with his disarming dishonesty and crookedness.

These 22 steps may not, but they also may, set your child on a path
that leads straight to the cellblock that is 22 steps away from a shameful death.

My friends, the home is in a process of deterioration. I implore you to help arrest the process. Make sure your home becomes stronger each day. Your children have more need of leaders than buddies, and need a model in you. They may bless your name as long as they live if you give them the vital training they need to live fruitfully in a highly competitive world. Thank You.

Love Never Fails