The Rules To Play BallPlay

BallPlay is played on a field of 14x12. The object of the game is to complete the requested mission with as little balls destroyed as possible. A minimum of balls that should "survive" the puzzle is required before you may proceed to the next puzzle....

The missions could be:

Now comes the tricky part.... The balls cannot be controlled in any way... You have to change the level to make the balls go in the direction you want. You can place plates (see the section below), walls, or you can use bulldozers to remove plates... However, every tool is limmited... When you run out of a specific tool you cannot use that one any more.... It's very important that you think twice before using a specific tool. When you got plenty it doesn't really matter, but in some puzzles you really got a low supply... Always remember that!
The tools you can use!

These tools are meant to allow you to influence the direction of the balls. It's quite a matter of logic thinking to figure out how they way. Once you've seen it, there's no more explanation required 
Walls are used to block balls or other objects. Be carefull when placing them, because a wall that's set can neither be replaced nor removed!
With the bulldozer you can remove plates and nothing but plates. 

The Things a puzzle can contain
The balls. The things the whole game is all about!
You will need to control these balls in order to complete the puzzle. You can influence their movements with plates
Droids are not controllable by plates and basically they follow the way up and down, unless influenced by arrows.
Balls that touch droids are to be destroyed so watch out!
Ghosts are controllable at the same way as balls. That can make it easier to avoid them since they destroy balls that touch them!

The red and the green balls, will be in the "Color Split" levels.... 
Their movement is EXACTLY the same as that of the normal balls, so that remains the same, however, the green balls need to be brought to the green exit and the red ones to the red exit. It's very important not to mix this up, because balls that reach the wrong exit will be destroyed!

These are the plates, and they work the same as the ones in the tools... They can be standard in the level, and that van either help or bugger you!

These blue plates basically work the same as the red ones, however, the red ones can be removed or replaced, while the blue ones can be neither replaced or removed!
Blue fields do nothing at all except removing your possibility to place plates or walls in that area.... :P
All moving objects that touch an arrow will go in the direction the arrow points to!
Teleporters are there in 16 diffrent colors. When an object touches is it will be teleported to another teleporter with the same color!

Walls... Just block objects.... Most things that touches it will go to the opposite direction.
Break away blocks, in all kind of colors.... These blocks will be broken away when an object touches them.
You'll find most of them in Break-Away or Break Free levels were you must break them all away!
Water... Balls, droids or ghosts that get in it are lost
Mines.... Whatever touches it will make the mine explode, taking the object with it.
However after a mine has exploded it'll be gone as well...
Bring the balls here.... Any questions?

Bring the green balls to the green exit and the red balls to the red exit..... Mix them up and loose you ball.... Any questions?

With that you know all you need to know about playing the game...
Only one final remark on the "Jokers"...
When you start playing you start with 5 jokers.... When you don't have enough balls to complete the puzzles you can (if you want) use jokers to pass... You need as much jokers as the balls shortage, so when you bring in 2 balls when 5 were required you must use 3 jokers to go furth to the next level...
Be carefull on them, you only get 5 and you have to do it with them throughout the entire game, and you won't get new ones!

And that makes all you need to know... really... Go enjoy playing BALLPLAY

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