Carole Fletcher and Heza Night Train

Carole Fletcher is one of the best known trick horse trainers in the U.S. She operates Singin' Saddles Ranch in Reddick, Florida. Carole has trained, performed, and offered clinics with trick horses since 1976, often before audiences of thousands at state fairs, festivals, resorts, theme parks, leading equestrian events, schools, camps, parades, advertising promos and TV Commercials. Her articles appear in numerous horse magazines. Carole has a series of videos on trick- training horses and is an innovator and creator of the TrickHorse (tm) training program.

Visit Carole at her web site. Learn more about her Book "Trickonomerty: Secrets of Teaching your Horse Tricks" and how to purchase it and her videos. Also check out her schedule of clinics and upcoming events at
