Eris May or May Not Want You

There are many religions that are slut religions. If you want 'em, they'll take you. As a matter of fact, they'll chase you down, seek you out, ride a bike to your house & knock on your door at 8 in the damn morning on a Saturday just to get you to join. They want people BAD!

Discordianism doesn't work that way.

It all goes back to the Steve Wright koan that says "You can't have everything. Where would you put it?" The answer is, of course, "Right where it is!" Think of everything as One Big Thing, then realize that the bigger a thing becomes, the more it becomes like the One Big Thing. Another way to say it is that the Establishment always sucks, and the only real seat of creative energy is in the opposition. Look at the music. The 60s - sure, they were cool for a while, but now it's and Eric fucking Clapton playing adult fucking contemporary on VH fucking -1. Any dinosaurs remember when MTV was rebellious and cool? How about alternative music? Same thing with politics. Same thing with art. Same thing with religion.

Ever hear Discordians dreaming about the day Discordianism becomes a Great Big Religion? About how cool it would be?

It would suck.

Discordianism would just become a set of buzzwords that boring people would use to talk about boring things. Assholes would use it to call people they didn't like "Greyface". Insecure people would use it to justify whatever they wanted to do as The Will of Eris.

That's why we need to keep things esoteric. We have an obligation to not try to be understood at all times. We need to be like a plague - not so virulent that we wipe out all potential carriers, but not so mild that we die out. Stay in the opposition. When we start getting big, we need to undermine the movement. Dada didn't die by accident.

Eris may or may not want You.