Chaos is the oldest God. It was the reason that the earliest humans decided to focus their attentions on the spiritual beyond. Chaos is, almost by definition, something that is not controlled, and therefore seems inseparably related to the divine. Our truest sense of chaos originates from the awareness that we are faced with a universe of unimaginable complexity.
At the same time, there is a more practical side to this drive toward  worship. 
This  pull to the divine  was always followed  by the  need to propitiate these 
unimaginably  powerful forces, since  so little in  this world seemed under our 
control. Cave paintings weren't just decorative - they were part of ritualistic 
performances to ensure a  successful hunt.  The  fertility icons found in Catal 
Huyuk were trusted to ensure a plentiful harvest and large family.              

We've come a long way since those days. We're better than that now. We're smarter, for one, and we're stronger. We have technology that can predict and control a good part of that mysterious void that was nature. The products of our society are not just works of art that hope at influence over nature, but massive dams, roads, buildings, ships, aircraft - acts of technical dominance over nature. We're stronger now. We're powerful. We're safer.

Except we're still afraid of chaos.

Sometimes we can  cover it up  by wrapping ourselves in order,  in the 
understood. Throw up the walls of technology, of medicine, of science, 
of logic.  We can drop a veil around ourselves,  saying, "I understand 
everything.  That which I don't understand is therefore nothing,"  and 
doing this rids us of the larger, more troubling part of the world.  A 
smacks into B and causes C,  and with a little more study and a little 
hard work we can cause C on command.                                   

But Discordians have this all figured out. We worship Eris, the Goddess of Chaos. And she's let us in on the Big Secret. You see, the Fallacy of Chaos is that it exists at all. Chaos is an order that we are not smart enough, not willing enough, or just in the wrong place to see. Order is simply a chunk of chaos that one of us has haphazardly slathered with "meaning". Everything is everything. Bundi ti ubundi.

You know you're close to understanding Chaos when you either see it everywhere or nowhere,

but you're not sure which.