"ENOUGH ALREADY, you've reached your quota." Fry's employee to Warren at the 25 cent candy dispenser.

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Tri M Productions was founded in 1787 to promote and matain the new technology of "Moving Pictures" or "Movies." Unfortunately movies were not to be invented for another 100 years or so and we ended up with nothing much to do. Being immortals it is easy to get bored, so we honed up our swordsmanship and started proclaiming "THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!" (Our new book "101 things to do with heads." will be out in fall of 2004.)

"Conner, I never knew ye." Don W. as he gets yet ANOTHER quickening.

We also filled our time dabbling in world affairs, creating untold worksof marvelous invention and having a all around good time. Now we want to rule the world and the people under us, here at Tri M, are helping us reach that goal!

Mayhem, Musicals, and Madness.

If conquering the world is your bag, try TRI M!

 News for April
Will we or won't we be in commercials?
Brian Bennett and Will Fisher, two regular guys, are interested in getting started in commercials. This will help bring in revenue AND give us all experience in areas we need.
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Little CD's are the wave of the Future
Walking in K-Mart the other day, Will Fisher and Warren Bennett (Founding fathers of Tri M Productions) came across and idea to put this web site and other content on small Compact Disks and hand them out like business cards. What do you think? Take our poll!
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