Never the Less-July 20, 2000

1)Give us some background on the band and yourselves, hobbies etc. ?

Well Never the Less has been around about 2 years now. We play all around florida as much as we can. We just put out a record on Boot to Head records (Blaster the Rocketman, Shorthanded, Crux) so were excited! We leave real soon to tour across the U.S. Were hittin Cali and the whole west coast. We just got a new bass player, Danny, who is ryans brother, so its been cool. Around home we like surfing and hanging out at the beach when we can.

2)The last time we saw you, you were meeting up with the Deadlines to do a short tour. How did that go, were you scared?

Yeah we were scared, we didn't know what to think of those guys. Now that we know them we're still scared ,maybe even more, but they were a lot of fun, and put on a great show. We were taking tips from them, but it just isn't as cool when we drool blood. All we end up doing is ruining our clothes.

3)How was Cornerstone? What were some of your favorite highlights?

Cornerstone was pretty cool. There were so many people. It rained the first couple days and mud filled our tent, so we wussed out and got a hotel. As far as highlights, for me it was seein everybody at the main stage at night, There were so many people. It was awesome.

4)We heard yall might have shared Blaster’s spot with Witness Protection Program. Is that how it turned out?

No, actually WPP got their own slot on the underground and were nice enough to let us play a couple songs on their set. It was short, but we were glad to get to play.

5)What/who influences your style of music?

We like a lot of the new and old punk out their. We are influenced by Good Riddance, and No Use. We take a lot from Bad Religion even though I don't think it comes out often. We also listen to 80's stuff, and Brittany Spiers a lot.

6)What are you currently listening to?

Lately we have been rediscovering NOFX, some of their stuff is so cool. They have rad guitar harmonies and that will be influencing us a lot on the new stuff.

7)Boot to Head has a really good roster right now, are you guys excited to be a part of that?

Boot to Head has a great lineup now, were stoked to be a part of it. Make sure you get the Side Walk Slam cd when it comes out! Oh and if you can get our cd too!