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• thoughts •

23rd August 2004 \ 2.36
Listening to: the fan and my dad telling me to get to bed

But I have to finish this first la. Anyway haven't really been updating anything here or at Cityinthesky over the past few weeks, I've been thinking a lot, but a lot of the thoughts just sound so boring and childish once you spell it out in words, so I thought, forget it. Been too busy anyway, what with Hong Kong, and that new ops manager, bleah. But, on the good side, I've finally finished another article, yay! haha looking at the dates, I actually did like 4 articles in 1 year and 1 month. this is so NOT the way to become a writer, then again, I never really had much chance la.

13th June 2004 \ 23.53
Listening to: the TV...whatever is on now I have no idea

I just discovered that...
My inner child is six years old today

My inner child is six years old!

Look what I can do! I can walk, I can run, I can
read! I like to do stuff, and there's a whole
big world out there to do it in. Just so long
as I can take my blankie and my Mommy and my
three best friends with me, of course.

How Old is Your Inner Child?
brought to you by Quizilla

hahahaha actually that's kinda scary...:P

In other news, I haven't felt like updating either here or at City In The Sky for a couple weeks now, i think coz the weather has turned warm again, uggghh, i hate this kind of sticky, headache-forming weather, hope it turns a bit cooler soon, then i'll come update what i missed these couple weeks...

1st June 2004 \ 00.04
Listening to: Hoobastank The Reason
Mindsay is down leh, alamakz....i hope it's up soon, and I hope i dun lose my stuff like that guy did. but at least he did get it back, thank goodness.

anyway, N came back from our HQ finally, and decided not to take on the new post. Something disgusting happened to her there. I mean, it wasn't bad or shocking like leave-a-permanent-scar-on-the-soul or leave-her-paranoid kind of disgusting, but it's something u never think happens in real life. you always think stuff like that happens only in the movies or on tv, or hear about them in those slutty-receptionist-who's-sleeping-with-the-boss situation in some other company, but this is happening for real. I mean, is the HQ like some hotbed of sleaze or what? This is not the 1st thing I've heard about, there's been other rumours about other things as well, but that's neither here nor there.

what was even more disgusting about it was the way they covered it up. I mean, he said he was a liberal guy. SO FUCKING WHAT!!?? that doesn't give him the right...and that definitely doesn't give those others the right to cover it up. She was pretty unhappy about that. Ok fine, so maybe they were covering up for one of their own, but I expected boss to do something and say something about it. All he asked her was if she would regret giving up the post another few months down the road, and whehter she would be uncomfortable in dealing with him even if it were just through mail or over the phone. HELLO!!! the answer is soooo obvious rite!! I do have a lot of respect for boss, but this broght it down a notch or two. I mean, granted, he couldn't have said or done anything about it, but he treated it so ... clinically. Well, I don't know the entire story, so I guess I can't comment any more on it.

But this has finally opened my eyes up to the management here. I've been fairly unhappy with them all along, esp with their way of dealing with employees and the whole HR management. I don't know if it's the European way of dealing with employees, but they have never seemed to care about their employees. To them, we're just another number to be crunched, another statistic to be analysed, another form of output, production and, hopefully profit. If we quit, fine, just go get another number to fill up the space. what a load of fucking crap. I thought only stat boards and that big fat ass did that, looks like I've been proven wrong.

The turnover rate here has been so high recently, I barely get to hear of some new employee before he ups and leaves and some other new guy comes along. I mean, what kind of bloody kink in their management-soaked brain convinces them that hiring and training new employees and then letting them go is cheaper then spending some well-deserved money on staff benefits and rewards? I don't know who dictates this sort of policy that HR is handled this way, but I think I'll be better off living without it, the sooner the better.

Having my meeting with boss tomorrow, don't what to say to him.

31st May 2004 \ 00.15
Listening to: the whirring of the fan
hmm, haven't been updating here for some time, Mindsay makes it so much easier and convenient. I don't want to stop this blog though. Wondering if I should mirror my Mindsay blog here as well...oh well, I'll have a think on it and decide later.

Anyway, wrote this on 1st May, but i forgot to put it up. Stumbled across it after I was clearing out the rubbish in my HDD.


朋友本來就不多﹐結婚的結婚﹐生了孩子的生了孩子﹐拍拖的拍拖﹐大家過著自己忙忙碌碌的生活﹐我反而逼著自己去習慣獨來獨往﹐me against the world, 還覺得滿酷的,。一個人搭巴士﹐一個人搭地鐵﹐一個人逛街﹐一個人看電影﹐一個人聽音樂﹐一個人上班﹐一個人下班﹐一個人吃飯。難道真的要寂寞的過一輩子嗎。

年輕真的就是驕傲。從來沒覺得寂寞是一種難過﹐今天突然間覺得我真的能這樣的過下去嗎。 我看, 還是得撐下去吧.

15th May 2004 \ 09.30
Listening to: clanking of the air-con duct again
Grammar God!
You are a GRAMMAR GOD!

If your mission in life is not already to
preserve the English tongue, it should be.
Congratulations and thank you!

How grammatically sound are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

yay! ^_^ V hehe something to entertain me while i resign myself to being back in the office on a nice hot saturday, ..., at least there's air-con...

12th May 2004 \ 14.21
Listening to: clanking of the air-con duct thank goodness those people stopped
The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Fifth Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Very Low
Level 2 (Lustful)Very High
Level 3 (Gluttonous)High
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Very High
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Extreme
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)High
Level 7 (Violent)High
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Very High
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Low

Take the Dante Inferno Hell Test

haha finally went back and found this test which i accidentally deleted off. I think i'm still as evil as before, I remember I was 5th or 7th level of hell ^_^ ok la, back to work...

12th May 2004 \ 14.07
Listening to: colleagues arguing *bleah*
I am 34% evil.
Are you evil
I could go either way. I have sinned quite a bit but I still have a bit of room for error. My life is a tug of war between good and evil.
Are you evil? find out at

alamakz, I thot i'd be more evil than this. 34% only, i'm doing something wrong here kekekeke.

8th May 2004 \ 13.39
Listening to: a cacophony of drilling and hammering sounds from the upgrading project
I'm sooo tired this week, stayed late in office on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Almost everyday, i came home tired out, and collapsed into bed immediately. I'm really getting old. Even a couple of years ago, long working hours like this wouldn't have phased me. I'd have come home, bathed, ate dinner and gone online till 2 or 3 am. Maybe I just need more excercise. Even yesterday night, it was just office till 7, rushed over to Lot 1 to buy the ¤ý µá tickets, dinner and then home. Even so, I petered out at about 1+ and went to bed early and slept till an hour ago. To think I was supposed to go in to the office today! well, I almost made it too, woke up at 8.15, and was so disoriented I thought I was desperately late for work, then I realised I wasn't, stumbled along to the toilet, said morning to my dad along the way, and stumbled back to collapse into bed again. Yup, i need more excercise. Why are things that are good for you always so hard to do? Then again, over-sleeping isn't that good either, everytime I sleep in late on weekends, I get this horrible horrible headache and backache, crap! that's really what we used to call in poly, "Äеæ©R ", can't even enjoy life when given the chance. :P

I've been thinking of whether to combine my City In The Sky with this blog here, but still haven't come to a decision. I wanted to leave City In The Sky for my Mayday ramblings, but sometimes end up putting other stuff there as well. Sometimes Mindsay is just easier, no need to write any code, just type type and type and the blog is updated at the click of a button. And another is, Chinese Star doesn't seem to work on my comp anymroe after I upgraded to XP, and the other Chinese input stuff that I use doesn't seem to go very well with this HTML s/w I'm using, so that's quite a bleah thing as well.

Ohh, piano lesson on Monday, and I haven't practiced, crap! Hungry though, feel more like eating then playing piano, oh well, we'll see. And ohh, haven't called up IWI as well. Supposed to call Cristofori too, feel like taking some guitar strum and sing lesssons. oh yah, and Attitude Music too, bass guitar lessons. Why is there always so many things to do and so little time to achieve to do it in?

The other day, I was thinking about how Ashin manages to write so many songs, and the conclusion I came to is that, talent is a huge part of it, and somewhere in there, is also the fact that he doesn't have a 9-to-5 slog fest like we do. ²{¹ê¡M §Ú¦n°Q¹½§A !!

Listening to: Nothing
Installed somthing called Windows Blinds that makes Windows XP skinnable, then I downloaded a skin that makes my Win XP screen look like a Mac on OS X Panther, down to having the buttons on the left-hand side of the window! ^_^V If I can't have the real thing, I guess I'll settle for having something that looks like it. okie, off to bed, totally shagged out today.

3rd May 2004 \ 2.19am
Why do we need sleep? Is there something that'll keep me awake throughout the night, and yet I'll still be energetic enough for a day's work later? These couple of years, been feeling that I've wasted so much so much time. The only way to get it all back seems to be to sleep less, it seems that I don't have enough time on my hands anymore, there's just so much to do and achieve in so little time. I'll be 32 soon, and I'm dreading that. But what I'm dreading even more, is that 40 is looming in the near distance, waiting just around the corner to pounce on me.

Why, why, why? why am i like this? I've asked myself before, why can't i just act my age, and not hang around with a bunch of kids 10 years younger? why do i have to love music and bands that belong to a younger generation? Why don't i just be some old fuddy-duddy where the only thing that matters to me is money and family? Why? If I acted my age, maybe I wouldn't dread it so much, I'd just accept that I'm slowly walking towards middle-age.

But I just don't want it all to end like that. I've wasted enough time, I just need to find more time to do what I wanna do. I wanna compose a song, learn how to play bass properly, maybe even jam with a band at least once, meet Wubai, learn to drive, lose some weight, get a job i really love, to write, visit Taiwan, meet Mayday, go back to Hong Kong, buy a house in New Zealand to retire in, shop in Paris, go to England, fall in love, make love, fall out of love, get rich, be rich, open a pub, climb a montain, go wherever I want, be healthy, be whatever, whatever I've always wanted to be. Why can't I remember my dreams anymore? Have I really become the adult I never wanted to be?

1st May 2004
Watched ½²©ú«G and §õ±d¥Í movies today, ¤£¨£and ¤£´². So many thoughts on them, no time to put them down in words. Drank quite a bit too, haven't done that for a while. those ¥j¤H knew what they were talking about, drinking really is something you do with good friends.
29th April 2004 \ 23.29
Listening to: Mayday's ¦V«e¨«
y'know how they say 'don't let da man get you down', well that stupid big fat ass in my office got me down again. I really wonder how he got so far in his career, when he's just such a fucking asshole. The only way he gets his staff to do anything is through sheer force, nothing else, he has ZERO human management skills. Nobody wants to go against him, of course not, he's the manager after all. Who would want to put their job and income at stake for a big fat ass like him. I really don't see why management puts up with him, he's already received so many complaints from the staff. stupid company...

did OT today, after months of declaring I wouldn't stay late at the office for anything. boss just gave me that disappointed face, and kept forcing for numbers, numbers, numbers, what could i do...Ended up I still have to bring home the reports to do. Everybody wants us to perform well, and give them everything early, and nobody sees how bad a situation it is for us, I mean it's not terible, but I still feel like killing all of them sometimes...damn.

Everybody's so down nowadays, there's no morale so to speak of in the office, and yet boss is still closing one eye, pretending not to see, or totally not seeing or caring. N's preparing to leave as soon as she gets an offer, i think, what a waste. The company totally doesn't know how to appreciate the good pple they have, just keep letting them go, and all we're left with are a bunch of losers and misfits. No IT support, no managerial support, and pple just keep pushing for results but don't provide any resources...fuck.

sometimes i just feel like saying bollocks to it all, and go find some other job. and then i remember wat boss did for me when i first joined, then i feel like i should go on doing my best for him...but how to bloody do it, when everybody's intending to leave. I think if N leaves, i'll prob leave too. I don't think I could handle the work without her around.

shit, this whole post is all about work, that sucks. Luckily, MD's ¦V«e¨« is on my mp3 player these days, it's such a pickmeup when i'm groggy and grumpy in the morning, or just plain tired-out on the way home. I wonder if this is all there is to life now, just slog slog slog day in day out, can't achieve any satisfaction in what I do a meeting wif boss on monday, i duno what to say to him. should i just pour everything out to him? but he'd just tell me to go settle it myself. If I don't tell him, he wouldn't know. so how? then again, it's not like he'll really listen anyway...sometime i feel that he listens, but he doesn't hear...that sucks, he's a great boss, but he only listens to 1 person in the office.

28th April 2004 \ 2.05
Listening to: ¸³¨Æªø 1st album
Was digging through my drawers today, through stuff I haven't thrown away since my poly days, and I chanced upon an old empty box of Virginia Slims... i haven't smoked since I was...what...24 or so. It just didn't seem a worthwhile habit to keep up, not when everybody was on your back to 'give up that filthy habit'. But looking at it, i finally now realise why why and what I am

I picked up smoking in school, in poly actually, coz why? 2 reasons, it kept me awake at nights when we had to do all-niters just to submit up our drawings and projects, giving me something else to do with my hands when i got tired of drawing. And becuase it was kinda cool. Because it fit in with my ideal of 'rock', of ·nºu at that time, the idea of a dimly lit bar, some cool jazzy tune playing in the background, lit cigarette between your fingers and a clinking glass of vodka in your other hand, just another night hanging out with friends.

And it struck me...since I can ever remember, I've always been so in love with the idea of the dream that the actual deed didn't mean that much as long as the idea was there. Architecture, ID, smoking, writing, music, bass guitar, piano, keyboards, song compo, all i have ever done was to chase after the idea, but once reality set in, and i realised that the final result wasn't as easily attainable as the idea, i gave it up. Ideas are just that, ¾ÌªÅ·Q¹³, but dreams , dreams are not that easily fulfilled.

I don't even know what I want anymore, that's laughable. Me. 31 going on 32, but feeling more like 21 going on 22. At 32, I'm still where I was at 24, I don't what I want in life, I don't know what I want to do when I grow up, and I don't how to work hard to achieve my dreams and I haven't achieved anything. Laughable. I've been making excuses for myself for so long...studies, money, work...don't people cope with these day in day out? I'm not the 1st, I won't be the last, so why have I let it stop me all these years? all these wasted years... i think i'll juz pick up smoking again and go on from there...

26th April 2004 \ 0:06
Listening to: ¸³¨Æªø 1st album/ UFM 100.3
Nice interview done by KeNing on UFM with Mayday just now, more on it over here at my City In the Sky. haha she's playing Jack Black's School of Rock album, lolz, funny one, he's doing all the old-school Doors rock, wooo, so shiok :)

other than that, not been doing anything recently, too busy in the 1st sux, D*** sux and that B**** is the worst of the lot, and now too sick the whole week to think of doing anything other than sleep. i think I must have slept 1/2 the weekend away, at least 14 hours a day on Saturday and Sunday, and I'm still having a headache, bollocks.

hope to have more updates soon, in the meanwhile, guess what I did! i adopted a useless blob! it's soo cute!! hahaha! ^_^ i think i'll call it ... PhooBloo.
Adopt your own useless blob!

8th March 2004 \ 21:27
Listening to: Nothing damn, my mp3 player ran out of batt today once i step out of the house, didn't even bring my charger...oooh that reminds me
aiyo, it's been raining non-stop for 24 hours least it's not so hot, but the traffic got miserable cos of this, and I skipped my piano class again... :P jialatz, better not get into this stupid habit. all the stupid office fault, duno why they decided to let the bell ring 5 mins later, that means i miss the earlier bus, and I'm always late for the 6.30 class. Looks like I gotta change classes, but I like my teacher leh, she's fierce enough so I'll practice, but still quite friendly, hmmm, how ah

Heard that 500's gonna have a concert in HK in June, wonder if I can get tix. I really wanna go HK again, miss it a lot. It'll be a great bonus for myself if I could go HK for another concert ^_^ wonder when's the NATAS fair gonna be?

7th March 2004
Listening to: Evanescence - Fallen
Crap...just saw the ad for Wubai's CD+VCD reprint of ²\¾ô. Avex to come up with this lame way of earning more money. The bloody VCD has 3 MV's, count 'em, 3. That does not constitute a reprint fercrissake. I mean, give the man a bit more respect la, he doesn't need this kind of lame boyband way of making more money for his record company okay. Anyway they can probably make more money doing a few more reprints for that lame boyband they have. I'd rather they just sell 500's VCD off as some single, even if there are just only 3 MVs, I'd be more willing to shell out the money just for that...Crap.

5th March 2004
Listening to: Evanescence - Fallen
yay, signed up for our own domain Mayday Mayday . net today ^_^ flo n boh will be responsible for getting the stuff up soon, but it's great to have our own webby :D heard that ys has 1 too, but later on realised it might belong to the MD fc, so, wooo, dun thk i'll be going there that often.

today's ktv was fun hehe, talking to the others about the project, getting their input about it, then blasting our MD anthems haha. altho we did say this would be the last meeting, I do hope there'll be a few more in future :D

1st February 2004
again Listening to: Nothing
Highlight of the week has to be the video screening i went to today. It's a docu-movie made by this lady Ronda, a HKer, all about chinese music in HK, Macau, Taiwan, China and even Japan. China/Chinese New Muscic 2002-03 gives a fantastic insight into the Chinese music industry now, and it's totally NOT about the mainstream industry.

1st February 2004
Listening to: Nothing
arrgh, dun actually feel like doing this, but there's been a lot happening the past week, and I've been too lazy to put anything down here. got a lot of thots running thru my head which i wanted to record here, but it all boils down to plain lazeenesss...oh but i got excuse la, been having flu since sunday, coughing and sneezing. My cold has been getting worse, now my nose and ears are all blocked, arghh.

anywayz, it's been a good week music-wise. all thanks to The Esplanade and Mouse Music. They've been bringing in the indie bands from around the region, there's King Lychee, Dzap Dau Dau from HK, ¯ä¥Ö¦K and LGF in Singapore, Tizzy Bac from Taiwan, and other greats like ¶ÃÐÞ and ¶Â°\. The ¶Â°\ gig tonight was fantastic!!! I never thot i'd get to see them live in Singapore in my lifetime, but i did ^_^ yay! truly enjoyed it, but i realised that i was surrounded by a majority of China nationals, mostly of student age. Are they not popular with Singaporeans? Or are they too mainstream? haha. I can't believe their 5th album is going to be released soon. I think I stopped listening to them after the 1st or 2nd album. chinese indie rock is truly not easily gettable here.

Caught King Lychee too, wow! another band with a great stage performance, and the way they howl their lyrics :D wooooo! i'm really impressed with their canto lyrics especially. at the risk of getting beat up by KLC fans (lucky this webby is virtually unknown...), Riz's howling in english was fantastic, but for me, it's a bit of "been there, done that" coz we hear that with lots of bands from US or UK, but Canto? that's a language only the HongKongers use, and to incorporate that into this hardcore rock music, to me, that is the wow factor.

Tizzy Bac was very good! I've heard their name here n there, esp on PTT, but never heard their music before. they're a 3-man, well 1-woman-2-man band. She's on keyboards and vocals. Their songs are pretty funky, i think it could be due to a lack of elect guitar, with a strain of alternativeness in the music. Her voice is really special too, kinda alternative Faye-style, but it's really a sound all her own. It's not girly-shouty like some other girl bands are, and is a really refreshing change from the male-dominated band scene right now. Another thing which impressed me was the bassist, a geeky yet funky kinda guy, whose bass playing is terrific, and he could even produce E.G. effects on his bass. wow!!! no wonder they dun need an E.G. in the band ^_^ I didn't realise their CD was released in SG, much less it was on sale at the gig!! *cry* now i gotta go spend an unreasonable amount of money at evil money-grubbing HMV, bah!

23rd January 2004
Listening to: David Tao Ultrasound
2nd day of CNY, i'm bored...nothing to do sia, mothing to watch on tv, nothing to tranfer to my new fone ^_^ sigh...just discovered something tho... i am
Which PPG are you?
hahaha finally discovered the attraction of the PPG after so long, i always thot they were juz some icky cartoon characters created to earn a quick buck off little girls all over the world, haha but after watching the Powerpuff Girls movie, now i KNOW what is it about them. I love buttercup and bubbles! the garang and the cute ^_^ nwow trying to find PPG stuff to personalize my T610 with.

18 January 2004
ohhh, i changed my fone finally, to the one i've been drooling over for sooooo long, the Sony Ericsson T610, in a gorgeous Aluminum Haze. That silver is sooo chio...wooo shiny... hehe, now busy d/ling midis, pictures and themes so i can transfer them to my fone after i get an IR device. finally i have a poly ringtone phone, wow, waited for so long, after eyeing everybody's fone so enviously hehehe, i got something to show off too :P

15 January 2004
Listening to: ¥î¨Õªº Live 1995 / Mayday's ®É¥ú¾÷ / ¥î¨Õ¾ðªK©t³¾
Wow, yet another month without entries...New Year 2004 came and went with a whimper...for me at least, it was B O R I N G. I actually stayed home the whole night watching TV (NOT TCS bleah) and smsing my friend. Can't believe my plans got cancelled after all. Nothing much happening this past few weeks. I went to watch LOTR: ROTK 2 times, once on 30th Dec coz i was on leave and again on 3rd Jan. Hehe, not a bad way to start the year, watching ROTK.
the one on 30th Dec was terrible in a way. I went for the 10am show at Orchard Cineplex on purpose, getting up at 8.30, then going all the way down to Orchard just to avoid the crowd. Got my tix, got my drink, got my popcorn, made my way into the dark cinema with a thrill I haven't felt for a while, then the movie started. I burrowed into the soft seat, and DAMN!!! The speakers were spoilt!!! at first I didn't realise it, coz it was Gollum/Smeagol's flashback, and i thought the muffled sound was on purpose. When it continued on for 1/2 hour, I gave up and followed the few guys who actually went to complain out of the hall.
Finally after 15mins of flustered and uncoordinated explanations from the staff (and one of the managers i think) and some grunts and complaints from some of the audience, they finally stopped the movie, and went in to explain that they would restart the movie, but NOT from the beginning, coz it would disrupt the screenings for the rest of the day. They offered a free extra ticket to everybody there, and we were allowed to choose between going on with the show, or going to watch the next screening...2 hours later. Well, it wasted my time, but I defnitely watched it from the start again. The most entertaining part had to be this woman in her 30s with a couple of kids, who, after the manager said "we are going to restart this screening here in this hall", kept asking "BUT ARE YOU GOING TO RESTART THIS MOVIE????" ... 3 TIMES! Felt like slapping her, omg...
Thank goodness the one on 3rd Jan, again at Orchard Cineplex was okay, same hall somemore hahaha. I still have that free tix, feel like watching ROTK again.
Can't wait for the DVD to be released. I already have plans to buy all 3 extended versions, then have my own LOTR marathon at home to make up for missing the one at the cinemas...wooo 10 hours haha.
And THAT, is probably the most exciting thing that happened...haha, well, i'm too lazy to type more entries for now anyway
Oh yah, started the song compo course at Hark Music, hope I'll be good at them, dun wanna muddle thru stuff again after paying a bomb for it. Starting piano lessons again too at Cristofori, next Monday, hope I don't give up ^_^ *wishful thinking* I wanna get at least a Grade 5 hehehe

10 Dec 2003
Listening to: ¥î¨Õ's ²\¾ô
omg, juz came back from the ABC concert, it felt more like a ¥î¨Õ concert ^_^it's 2.00am, but i've just started doing the write up on it. in english 1st, but am thinking whether to do it in Chinese as well...

3.30am, finished writing and posting up, should I go to sleep? ...

8th Dec 2003
Listening to: ¥î¨Õ's ²\¾ô
19-deg air-con going at full blast makes me sleepy. by the time i reached home today, i just went straight to bed and slept for 2 n 1/2 hours.

Been blasting ¥î¨Õ's new CD on my discman the whole nite, and omg, there's a skip at the 9-second mark for track 2,3 and 6. shit! can't believe it. i saw some pple complaining about it over on the PTT board too. wonder how ¥î¨Õ¦Ñ®v feels man, his 1st album with Avex and after 2 years, and it comes out this way. Heard some of the PTT pple saying there's a lot of noise on tracks 2 and 3 as well, but i thk my listening is not as pro as them bah. wonder if i can get a refund or exchange somewhere.
yay, clearing my leave, so i'm off work for Tuesday and Wednesday, gotta get all my stuff in order these 2 days, been leaving too much work piled up

7th Dec 2003-more
Listening to: ÀR¯ø's side 2
i like ¤£·QºÎ, i think it's one of ¤¸¤d·³'s songs if i'm not wrong. anywayz, juz added that chatterbox thingy on the left, it looks butt ugly on this page, still juz test it out for a while, see how it works ^___^ ugly, ugly lo, like webby like owner mah hehe

7th Dec 2003
Listening to: ¥î¨Õ's ²\¾ô and ÀR¯ø's ÅÊ·Rªº¤O¶q
wow, 1 month...can't really remember what i did this month, hmmm, but YES, finally ¥î¨Õ¦Ñ®v released his new album ²\¾ô on 5th Dec. I rushed down to the CD store on Friday to buy it ^_^ and bought ÀR¯ø's latest album+compilation as well. before i could listen to either of them really well, i got pissed drunk and went to bed, couldn't walk straight or squat down or lean to the side or eat till saturday night *_- hahaha, din know a little vodka could do that to you, but that's enough of that story... really can't hold my liquor nowadays hmmm, dat's pretty bad, gotta start training again (shir, hehe, if you read this, you're lucky, i didn't say anything about you ^_^)

woo, big news, ¥î¨Õ has left Magic Stone/Rock and signed up with Avex Records, wow, I never expected that he'd leave Mo Yan, but I even more din expect Avex, coz they don't seem to sign rock music artistes, or do they? correct me if i'm wrong anyway. But anyway, that's his decision, maybe it'll do better things for his music :). ohh, watched an interview of his on E-news, he's sooo shy haha, kept looking at his shoes (adidas!!!), now i know why he's so 'dao' in front of the camera ^_^ and his reaction when they asked him he was gonna do any publicity stuff like school concerts!!!! haha he was like, man, u gotta be kidding, u shld know better than to ask me that, i NEVER do publicity!! and his immediate reaction to ¶ºÄ{'s questions. what would u say if ur gf told u she was pregnant now: Oh Shit!!! what would you say if she said the baby wasn't yours: Oh Shit!!! haha, questions a bit lame, but man, he is the coolest, yeah. And the best best thing he said! he's gonna have a concert next year!!!! hope he comes to singapore!! crossing fingers and toes

downloaded a couple of newspaper interviews, seems he's suffering from his rheumatism (??) again, poor guy, so jialat, but he's taking medication. haha the funniest part was he said he's still continuing to drink, after all, that's what he's taking medication for what!! yeah man, ¥î¨Õ, my rock god!! rock on!!! ^_^

ohh yeah, Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King is premeiring in Singapore!!! And I couldn't get the tix to the Marathon screening of all 3 installments, damn...the tix to 4 cinemas sold out within 1 night, 1 NIGHT!!! all these people, are they true fans anot? now i see dozens of marathon tix being sold on Yahoo Auctions, and selling for like double the orignal price, fucked up people looking to make a quick buck, assholes. Guess i'll just have to watch it some time after it actually premiers.

eeek, the damned Star fucking Awards is on today, looks like i'm not getting near the TV tonite, double damn

changed the text to 8.5 points, hope it's better and won't make pple go blind.

14th Nov 2003
Listening to: Mayday's ®É¥ú¾÷
another back-dated entry, ^_^ coz i was too excited on getting this album haha, finally! 2 years we had to wait for it and 3 more days before it made it's way to SG, taiwan fans got it on the 11th *pout*, but i must say it's extremely worth it. My love and respect to these 5 guys who did it against so many odds and so little time. I love this album!! it's happy and sad all-in-one, especially knowing all that happened during the time they were trying to push out this album on time. Guess it's really a bitter-sweet victory for them this year, it's their 5th birthday as well in 2003, so the album means so so so much more to them and to their fans.

My fave fave fave songs from this album has got to be ¤E¦n²y (composed by monster!), §Ú­Ì(®É®É¨è¨è), »Û¶¯¯ÛÊ^ (oh yeah, the way ashin sings it, together with ³¯¬À©g on backing, haha it's fantastic, soooo sexy ^_^). Coming in 2nd would be ¦Ó§Úª¾¹D (seems like a lot of people are speculating on the story behind this song), ½ä¯« (the flamenco guitar is a fantastic new sound for Mayday) and ®É¥ú¾÷.

Of course, I love all the songs on this album, including the µf¥~½g which has ¤p®É­Ô, so it's really really difficult to make a choice between 1st or 2nd, to me, everything is 1st!!! ^_^

writing this 3 weeks after the release of the album, there's been funny and sad parts... funniest part, º¿Ú¯ and ©ÇÃ~ indulged in a spot of streaking somewhere in taipei near their studio!!! haha omg, and they showed it on tv, bare butts and all!! all because ©ÇÃ~ decided to bet with ªü«H that they couldn't make it for the album release on 11th Nov, and º¿Ú¯ got dragged into the bet without even knowing what it was about.

sad parts, how tired they look all the time, really feel ¤ß¯k for them, always appearing with black eye rings and 1/2 awake faces, and the media juz keeps calling them "the band who's always late"...geez, just give them a break. imagine, ming's knee is still not okay, monster's mum is still lying at home, and all 5 of them have barely got to go home and see their families and friends since god knows when. haha monster really summed it up after the filming of the »´¤u MV, when he told ashin to write songs with much more relaxing lyrics/titles like ¦Y¨ì¹¡¡A§j§N®ð¡A¦ÛµM¿ô, hahaah really fell off my chair laughing at that. just saw another clip this week (4th Dec i thk) when they secretly filmed a clip with ashin's mum saying some stuff to him, and monster's eyes juz went red and he had to turn away for awhile.

hmmm, i really feel happy for them on the great sales and their even greater popularity after they came back after their NS, but I can't say i'm even anywhere near ecstatic about their punishing schedule of publicity stunts, and it doesn't look like it's gonna stop soon. Good thing their «Å¶Ç joe flared up about all the complaints they were receiving. Just hope they get a good long 24 hour sleep and a few good meals before coming to Singapore, dun mind if they come later, just want them to feel great when they come.

5th Nov 2003
Listening to: «í¬Pªº«í¤ß
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2nd Nov 2003
Listening to: Yes 933 ¤p®É­Ô is on! ªB¤Í±oªB¤Í!!!
aiyo, all my posts are sooo Mayday-centred haha. anyway, other news now. The Matrix: Revolutions is premiering next week on 5th November!!!!!!! oh my god, the long-awaited for finale, finally! We get to see whether The One is really The One, or just one ^_^ ohh, there's a Matrix Marathon on at Golden Village cinemas. It's supposed to be 6th and 7th November, starting at 2330 at night with The Matrix, The Matrix Reloaded at 0230am and then The Matrix Revolutions at 0600am! All in all, if Revolutions is abt 3 hours long, you'll spend 9.5 hours inside the cinema :O hahaha $20 for the 3 movies, including breakfast, doesn't sound too bad ^_^ I feel like doing it, but none of my friends are on for it, no Matrix mad ones, and it's no fun doing it alone *sigh*
Ohh, and Lord of the Rings: Return of The King is premiering on December 17th! hehehe these 2 months are going to be seriously busy, yayyy ^_^ more news when i get it.

1st Nov 2003
Listening to: Mayday's songs on their new album ®É¥ú¾÷ - ½ä¯«, »Û¶¯¤ë¦PÊ^, ªü¥À´µ§§, »´¤u,«í¬Pªº«í¤ß (awww, my heart melted when they played it for the VERY 1ST TIME at the SG concert!!) ^_^ and Meteora
HA! no updates for 1 and 1/2 months. ^_______^ (ªü«H's fave 'smiley' on PTT hehe), Can't believe it's November already, 2003 just swept by like that, I didn't even have time to dwell on anything. Been busy with other stuff i guess, actually I've been coming home from work and watching tv and going online till 3 am daily since the Mayday concert last week. Can't believe it's already been a week!! It seems waaaay longer than that! Ohhh, ¥î¨Õ's new album will be released in December!!! Mayday's 4th album ®É¥ú¾÷ will be officially released 11th November, 11/11/2003. ok ok a little summary:

26th Oct - hehe, airport again. we sent them off, and gave them our scrap book, boh passed it to ©ÇÃ~, haha he really recognizes him, sooo lucky. i was standing with latte, and we called º¿²ï, and he gave us a little wave ^_^ i'm gonna stick with the 2 tall ones from now on haah.
haiz, MD's gone, life back to normal, so boring.

25th Oct - ¤­¤ë¤Ñ¤ÑªÅ¤§«°¤µ¤Ñ¦b·s¥[©Y«Ç¤ºÅé¨|À]¤ÞÃz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONCERT! CONCERT! CONCERT! CONCERT! CONCERT! hehe, i was supposed to be out of the house at 3pm, i was ready to go at 2pm haha, we met up for dinner at Suntec, can you imagine 9 pple all in the same black tee-shirt??!! people were giving us *LOOKS* haha by 6pm, we were over at Indoor, waiting for the doors to open, aizz, i really can't talk about it, got mixed feelings, the concert was fantastic, but a week later, talking about it, i feel kinda down, duno how... I'll copy my posts at the forum about the concert over here later.

24th Oct - Deepavali!! Mayday arriving!! haha back to airport yet again, was commenting that I've been to the airport more times this year, than I have been in the past 30 years added together ;P ªü«H didn't turn up again!!! they said he was recording some last minute stuff so could only come the next day, concert day itself. ¥ÛÀY brought ª¯ª¯ along!!!! I didn't see her when they arrived, only when they left, she's so pretty! her hair's v long now, haha they look so sweet together. and ¿Î©ú brought his model girlfriend, quite ok looking ;P hehe *sour grapees NOT* ©ÇÃ~ and º¿²ï came alone, poor them ^_^ everybody was wondering whether ³J³J came along with ªü«H, we heard she did, but din even get to see her anywhere. poor them too, can't even arrive together coz of all the media :(
ha, we went to town to K at partyworld so as to pass the time while waiting for ªü«H's suppposed flight later that day, not the best place, i'd rather stick with K-ster hehehe. we headed back to the airport, but when we reached, got some last minute news, he would be arriving the next day. we had a good time hanging out there anyway hahaha

19th Oct - turned up at Flo's house again, to finish up our scrap book. hehe haven't written the ·P·Q yet, aizz, am already out of the habit of writing to a deadline nowadays... haah was also trying to catch all those little mayday reports on Ch 55/56, eeeks, we even saw our stupid Q&A session by the ®T®a¼½¹D reporter, ·nºu¹ï§A¨ÓÁ¿¬O¤°»ò? *bleah* hahaah, oh and we watched doudou's v8 recording of the J8 performance, woooot!! can't wait for her to get it d/led

15th Oct - Linkin Park's in KL, but i can't afford to stay for so long!!!

13th Oct - HA! summarize the weekend in a word - FANTASTIC... haha i gotta expand my vocab again. The Beyond concert was out of this world, they played almost all old songs, Paul's voice seems to have gotten very ¨F°×, very rock, and can tell Ka Keung's voice has changed too, more mature now. Oh and the stage!! it was detachable and thet were like 20m away from me, but really high up!!! AHHHH!!! SCREAM!!!! ^_^ happy sia, we shouted, we scremed, we sang for 2 whole hours, and the weather was fantastic. i still know most of the beyond songs, ^_^ only forgot lyrics of those really really old songs, oh and i managed to memorize most of §Ü¾Ô20¦~ on the coach on the way up to KL ^_^ haha! There was a 16 year old gal in front of me at the concert!! with her mum!! poor mother, she juz sat on the chair while every single person arnd her was jumping up and down on the chair itself. the crowd was the best too, we were up on the chairs the very minute the lights dimmed, and nobody asked us to sit down, they juz stood right up!!! what a difference from singapore audience.
oh and in other news, i finally bought the addias shoes i've been after for how many months now, and an addidas jacket too, ^_^ everybody says the jacket looks good *happy*, more on the shoes later ^_^

10th Oct - 4 days at work this week, and I couldn't concentrate, arggh, all these concerts area wreaking havoc on my mind hehe. I'm leaving for KL tomorrow morning!!!!! BEYOND!!!!

6th Oct - haha back to the airport again, Mayday's leaving. it was a mess, we wanted ¥ÛÀY to complete our auto'd posters from 2 years ago, but it was a mess, and i couldn't even get near him -_- *bleah* hate it, hate all the xmm, hate those pple who bring babies to entice these artistes, can't they spare a thought for the kid...

5th Oct - eeek, lame record company, declared today is Mayday, laaaammmme! ouch, woke up really early, 8am, coz 2 pple messaged me before 7.30, and i really couldn't get to sleep again. I haven't woken up this early on Sundays for like forever! ^_^ anyway, took a cab, met up with fizz and fool and rushed down to J8. We managed to reach there at about 10am, the queue was already there, it wasn't that bad. Met temp too, she was in the front of the queue, and we finally joined her after a while, lucky nobody protested that we cut queue. ohhh met fish too and her sis, another good mayday friend haha, she was the one latte and the others met in Taiwan for ¤ÑªÅ¤§«° on 816. haah they cut queue too to join us. The security is a bitch tho, threatening us about cutting queue etc when nobody else was protesting. Felt like telling 'em to fuck off, what's their problem? they should go control those xmm during those 7788 and joleen auto sessions man, ha but i guess they dun have the balls to do it, those xmm are FIERCE!
11am!!! the 4 of them turned up for a small rehersal! everybody scream!!! haha they went about setting up their instruments and equipment and ¤hªN was helping out, he even sang ·Å¬X when they were rehearsing it!!!! lolz, the whole thing was like a mass karaoke session!! haah oh and ¤hªN is like a star on his own man, people kept taking fotos, asking him to sign stuff and giving him presents. actually problem is he's not a *star* in SG, and to get to know him juz coz he's 1 degree of separation from mayday is kinda despicable. I wouldn't mind getting to know him for himself tho, he's a really corny guy haha the sun was blazing, so we dumped our stuff in the queue, and went into the shade to chat with the rest. *SKIP all the boring parts while waiting hehe*
The best part had to be the live performance!!!!!!!!!! omg! they were so high especially ªü«H who turned up finally at J8 (he wasn't even on time for the Àsªê³Äthat morning)!!!! WOW!!! that had to be one of the best live ¤­¤ë¤Ñ acts I've ever been too (altho I haven't been to a lot) He kept grinnig and joking with everybody and the other 4, and they got infected by his mood too, soooo happy haha. We kepy saying that the jab his doctor gave him had to have some other substances in it ^____^ somebody put up a transcript of what happened that day on our forum, i'll go find the link and put it up again.
haha the auto was really fun, there wasn't really that many people. maybe less than 300? so they took their time to sign everybody's stuff and talk with them. We all got a poster, ªZ¸Ë CD single and a sheet of mayday stickers ^_^ haha i even went twice with fizz, coz 2 din turn up, so we used their tix to sign again. ©ÇÃ~ told me "¤S¬O©p??!!" argghh stupid me could only grin at him, dumb dumb dumb -_- haha ªü«H really pro, he juz put his pen on the poster and signed, all the while looking up at me and smiling haha, he's really got this auto thing down pat lolz.
after the whole thing was over, they even did it with time to spare to get to their next session, we rushed down to HMV, which really sucked. it was a lame meet-n-greet session, and you were supposed to buy a mayday CD from HMV in order to get in, but in the end, there wasn't enough sales, so everybody got in, stupid HMV, don't they understand that Mayday are not some sudden pop phenomenon, people are either their fans from long ago OR not at all, you can't garner any sales from long time fans.
Really met up with a lot of other MD fans today, very fun. Mayday going off tomorrow, Monday, i'm on leave ^_^

4th Oct - haha went to the airport again today, Mayday is here! ;P can't believe that I'm running to the airport and their auto sessions like a small kid, haha but I can't help it leh, just have to see their faces for my own eyes. They barricaded the area up again, alamakz, what the hell is that man! ©ÇÃ~ was wearing his favourite cowboy hat again haha, seems like he took to wearing cowboy hats after ªü«H told him that he looked good wearing them ;P hahaha º¿²ï, ¿Î©ú and ¥ÛÀY looked as much as ever, ¥ÛÀY looks sooo good with his new hairstyle ^_______^ º¿²ï got a big welcome haha, imagine we haven't seen him for 2 years! BUT ªü«H didn't turn up on the same flight!! alamakz!!! we finally got news that he was sick and had to go to the hospital for a jab, and would be coming tomorrow... tomorrow!! auto session at J8!! yayyy!!

26th Sept - YAAAYYYY!!! i'm going for the Beyond concert in KL!!!!!! woooo, 10 years!!!! This feeling is indescribable man! 10 years since I've seen their live performance, and now it's right at my feet...i'm going even tho I have no money to spare ^_^ juz booked the coach tix and waiting for the Hotel Travel Network to confirm my booking at Hotel Grand busy finding people at Beyond Forum to meet up with in KL ^_^ 2 more weeks ... and Mayday will be here next week... my cup runneth over hahaha

21st Sept - haha i actually managed to break one of my bass strings, the D, and had to go Davis to get a new one. wonder if i'll ever learn to play it properly or not, i can't even manage 3 quick notes in succession, but no money and more importantly, no patience to go learn it properly -_- went to collect my lenses too, quite a weird feeling, imagine being able to see clearly without glsses perched on your nose...but i gotta cut my habit of sleeping on the bus if i'm wearing lenses...

13th Sept - Energy concert yay! nice one, haha although Toro couldn't make it...(sigh, he's definitely out of E now) their dancing was as fantastic as ever ^_^ even ªü§Ì altho he was injured *g* he showed everybody how his leg was all plastered up... poor kid not even 21 years old and his body is like that of a 40 year old. all in all, a fab concert, good dancing, not bad singing =) altho the very loud sobbing from a few gals behind me was really too over-done ^_^ *err, hello, not your parents died, y'know* ;P. I have to get their E3 album soon, last chance to have an E album with Toro on the cover

12th Sept 2003
Listening to : None
-_- arggh, can't believe it, i got gastric flu again, that's the 2nd or 3rd time this year, that's so sick, now I dunno whether I can make it at the Energy concert tomorrow damn. Fed-up, no mood to update anything today

10th Sept 2003
Listening to : David Tao Ultrasound
^_^ been listening to Ultrasound since last Friday until I feel a bit sick haha time to change CDs tomorrow. Too bad now no money can't buy all the new stuff :(
took another eyesight test yesterday, hmmm, the myopia in my left eye seems to have dropped to 0deg *_* but my astig is still at 175-200deg, whew! trying to get the toric lenses, but they told me dunno whether can get anot...wonder how much it would cost to get them specially made -_- anyway, i dun even know whether I'll be able to stick with the lenses or not, eyes too dry most of the bleh, hate it

7th Sept 2003
wooo, woke up with a headache today, so quickly swallowed 2 panadol. Recently been feeling like sleeping too early and waking up too late on weekends is a waste of time, so many hours that culd have been spent doing other stuff ^_^ so basically slept abt 6 hrs each day this weekend. Ahhhhh, but today got karakoke!!! haha last minute decision with fizz n gang, finally met shir from channel too, we went over to K-Ster at Lucky Chinatown, not bad, quite a good place, and most importantly, cheap ^_^, less than $10 each for the 6 of us, for 4 hours. Best part was, they actually provide a mouse for you, wireless of course, for picking the songs, no need for fiddly remotes and 6-digit codes!! ^_^ suh-weet!
They must hate us tho, haha, 6 of us kept blasting Mayday songs, really loud! and shouting out the songs!!! wooo! it really felt like a concert, i couldn't even hear myself! ^_^ I think quite a number of pple walked past our room covering their ears, and I know the next room had to blast their music too hahaha what a laugh. really enjoyed ourselves today, down to the zhe cha dinner we had at new bridge road market, think we were all starving after expending too much energy at the "concert" ^_^ ohh, speaking of energy, energy concert this sat!! can't wait to see ¤û¥¤ dance, that guy's hip-hop is power sia. They've got some really slick moves this time, too bad I dunno how to dance... worse, I don't even know 1/2 their songs, dunno how to survive on sat ;P

6th Sept 2003
arrrghhh, it's a hot weekend again. went to Hazel's office warming, nice place, she's really a go-getter, developing her career and branching out while the economy is in the dumps, well, all my best to her!! headed back home around 4 with my feet full of blisters, note to self: never wear new slippers when you're gonna be walking around for more than 1 hour!! aiyo, when am I gonna learn... haha
headed out again later around 8+ to meet shan, arggh wasted my money on cab, idiot me, anyway, quite worth it la, coz I went to watch Sai Wing at Beyond97!!!! wooo, what a rush, haven't seen them for so long!! even if it's just him, it's good!! haha he was playing rhythm guitar that night, and shan n i turned to each other, when did he learn how to play guitar??!! @_@ lolz, well, i guess hanging around with kakui, kakeung and paul long enough, you'll pick it up somehow. He did a 45 minute gig, playing mostly Beyond songs, with some of his own. He also dedicated one of the songs to his lou por, the one he wrote for her, after she died last year *sigh*. Oh, and he brought along William, their guitarist in the very first Beyond, wooo, his hair omg, so long n curly, haha shan commented he looked like ¦Ñ¯R ­}§J¤û¥J omg! haha
ohhh, Wing also brought along a band, EVER, they're prttey good, altho need a bit more experience *g*, they started out with 3 covers, the 1st one was ²×µ²©t°, lolz, when he announced dai yat sau gor hai zhong git gu dan (²Ä¤@­ººq¬O²×µ²©t¤¦) i was like *blink blink* *blink blink* haha then they just rushed into the song, i didn't have time to think, just kept grinning at their not-so-accurate-Mandarin rendition ^_^, wish I had a recorder then, record it down and get it to Mayday somehow, thk they'd be very happy to hear that. EVER's own songs were pretty good, very rock, a lot of slashing guitar ^_^ i like, but dunno what the titles are, I dun even think they have a CD out yet, or do they?
Finally made it home at 2.30am, they really kept us waiting at the pub, was in at 9, wing only came on at 11+ arggh, then when I reached home, starhub's damn cable was still down, so I hung out for a bit, ate noodles and went to bed ^_^\/ karaoke tomorrow!!

5th Sept 2003
hmmm, quite a boring week, except today. ^_^ went to david tao ³³¦N¦N's auto session at marina square. y'know it's a pretty good place for auto sessions, coz the artiste is all the way up there, so everyone can see them, and the area is big enough for everybody to squeeze in. I wasn't actually that keen on him before this, his songs are good, though very radio-friendly, but they're not the typical bubble-gum teenybopper blah pop music *grin* then again he's not a teenybopper haha was telling my friends that he's the only artiste so far who's auto I have, who is older than me hahaha, oops, revealed my age... Anyways, I wasn't that keen before, coz he always has this really arrogant look on his face ;P and a attitude I can't stand. But at his auto, he was pretty friendly ^_^ or maybe he can act?? He signed everybody's CD with this scrawl that I can't make out, looked up at every single person and gave them a grin and a thank you. hahaha i was my usual lame self, told him I was looking forward to his concert, and he said thanks, hope to see you there! weeell, he left kinda a good impression on me hahaha but I don't think I'll ever be his biggest fan ^_^ Fl, SH, fizz and me then stayed at BK talking and laughing about all our usual subjects ie. everything under the sun esp ¤­¤ë¤Ñ until about 10 before we headed home ^_^

31st Aug 2003
^_^ changed colour again, today very bo liao, woke up at 1pm, then nothing to do, so updating the webby, now having headache, dunno whether izit sleep too much or not enough haha...don't like my keyboard, very hard and noisy :D

30th Aug 2003
hmmm, our Mayday merch got stuck at the postal office, seems like they want us to pay GST on the stuff, unbelivable, those things are for personal use, not for selling, but the officer mentioned that any goods that are above SGD400 are subject to GST arrgghh idiots and he was so unfriendly and unhelpful. At least the lady I spoke to in the afternoon was nicer. Too bad Ariel has left Rock Records tho, I have a feeling she'd be able to help me with this mess. The guy I spoke to ¤pµ£ sounded helpful, but I had to keep calling back (my fone bills are gonna be really high this month), he always said I'll email or I'll fax, but I still had to call back. Well, can't blame, there's supposed to be thousands of orders, according to what Shirley found out.
hmmm, wanted to wake up early this morning and make the trip down to the postal centre in Paya Lebar, but I really couldn't after going to sleep at 5 this morning. can't believe they arranged to go to China Jump and then Ir* decided not to go. Alamakz, China Jump was fun, but the 2 of them looked so bored most of the time, can't believe that they can sit so still in China Jump, if I sat so still, I'd have fallen asleep haha. It wasn't really bar-top dancing, more of sofa top, but it was still funni, the Indian guy was lame, funny but lame, but at least his dancing wasn't as lame as that stupid faggot!!! omg! dance until like that, soooo gross ewwww haha and his friends were actually cheering him on, I was cringing with disgust hahaha. The music there is good, a lot of retro and Top 40s, sure it's not as kewl as techno or house is, budden I hate techno and house, so booring, I've gotta get some friends down to China Jump again soon, fun ones, pple who will drink and dance haha.
took a day off on Monday, coz the MAYDAY TIX ARE ON SALE!!! haha can't wait to get the seats that we want. the synopsis at the Sistic webby is quite good, at least not as unknowledgeable as some people are in Singapore about ¤­¤ë¤Ñ. check this out:

MAYDAY is back!

With much anticipation, MAYDAY finally fulfills their promise to return to the Chinese music scene!

This popular rock band took the Chinese music scene by storm in 1999 with their Travis-like display of songs featuring love, friendship and youth aspirations. The quintet¡¦s garage-style rock music, which contains a flawless mixture of dialect and Chinese lyrics, quickly gain recognition among the younger and hippier audience. MAYDAY then disbanded temporarily when some members were enlisted in the army in 2001.

Couldn¡¦t join in the fun at their reunion concert in Taiwan? Then this is one concert that you definitely cannot miss! Join MAYDAY as they mark their reunion with powerful live renditions of famous hits such as ¡§Tender¡¨, ¡§Ok Lah¡¨, ¡§Pure¡¨, ¡§Crazy World¡¨, ¡§Terminate Loneliness¡¨, ¡§I¡¨, ¡§Zhi Ming & Chun Jiao¡¨, and also brand new songs from their latest album, right here in Singapore!

With ever-strong enthusiasm for rock music, the much-matured MAYDAY will definitely bring you an unforgettable night full of all-time high live performances and surprises!

Not bad, still can say it's pretty well-written ^_^, well, remember to get your tix, folks, and remember, ROCK THE NATION, Stand up at the concert, and bring your blue lightsticks!!! ^_^

27 Aug 2003
PARK YONG HA!!!!!!!!! haha, he's sooo cute, but I can't believe I actually went to the airport to send him off yesterday, and took 1/2 day off from office to do it ^_^ well, my 1/2 day was supposed to be last Fri, but since they got me to stay in, I'm still entitled to it. Anyway I don't care, he's sooooo unbelivably cute, haha, with that amused face all the time. But I can't help feeling he's very 'ging' all the time, the interview in ST Life, and the pic, gave me the impression he's still really very much a small kid inside, the scene in Loving U where Duoli gives him the seafood also, then he gives this really really kiddish grimace and *pokes pokes* at the seafood, hahaha so cute no wonder he's so shy, but he's expeced to put up this serious front all the time. hmmm, i guess that's korean culture for you, but he did turn up at the airport in t-shirt and berms, haha so casual. But he's still such a sweet sweet guy, EuJin is sooo lucky. ahhh, can't believe Tid* actually got to take a photo with him, and he put his arm around her *sigh* *envy envy*
Ha, all I managed to get in the end were 3 signatures, 1 on the CD lyric book, 1 on the Aug 2003 calender and 1 on my 6510, arggh, but i think that one will fade if I don't take care. I don't think the fotos will turn out any good tho, everybody was rushing around him, esp dat idiot big guy who kept pushing pple out of his way to take fotos, so what if he's trying to make some money argggh
hmmm, last few entries really v PYH haha, better stop now
sian, after PYH left, now i'm so down, but lucky i'm not feeling as down as when Mayday comes and goes. Oh well, just have to buck up girl, anyway Mayday is coming soon ^_^ yayy! Can't wait for their album and concert!!!! ÂŦâ»Èº·¥ú®ü, wonder if that will happen in singapore, the concert-goers are always soooooo laid-back, until they can't be bothered to do anything, juz go to indoor stadium and plonk their fat butt in the seat for 2 hours...doesn't their butt hurt from sitting all the time??? omg hate them,can't they just stand up for once, it's not gonna kill them....
I'm just totally bored today, can't wait for the weekend to come. I couldn't work the whole day, N was on MC, SL on leave, and I just sat there and read i-weekly the whole afternoon, by 4.30 I just couldn't wait to pack up and go.
arggh, talking about i-weekly I-¶g¥Z, both i and u-weekly had 2 pages on ¤ÑªÅ¤§«°, but they went and used the same photos!!!!!??????? unbelivably omg behaviour, how could they? U mean none of them took any pix at all??!! All they could do was go there attend the concert, and come back to singapore and hand in the press pack to their editor... omg! the best part of it was, the i-weekly journo wasn't even a fan, he definitely did a more sympathetic piece on ªL¦ö«Â, well not that i don't sympathise with the guy, but...Mayday!! oh well, can't account for some people's taste.
sian, I have more to say, but I'm just weeping now from all the yawning.... bed time.... note to self: record down what I do everyday, so I can update this site...nitez...note to self: dream of PYH tonite, saying saran geyo hahahah omg stop it girl

hmmm juz remembered that some of the chinese coding is rubbish, looked thru and changed, but do let me know if it's still garbage... i keep changing my chinesestar encoding while updating here, so it goes wrong sometimes

25 Aug 2003
Back to work sianz, a bit tired, but got kopi-o gao gao to help me *g* and PYH in my ears to comfort me, haah the last week or so, entries are very PYH centered, haha, gotta get off that soon. Now looking at budgeting my money so that I can spare an extra $200 to go to KL to watch Beyond in concert, sooo many concerts, tired leh, but satisfying :D more to say tonight,it's 2pm, get back to work, girl.

24 Aug 2003
waahaha, today was hilarious, I'm becoming one of those idol-chasing xiao mei mai, or rather auntie. After waking up stil tired and aching this morning around 10.30, we decided to head down to Junction 8 for PYH's auto session. Fizz helped me buy the CD at Sembawang, JP, we actually got the last 2 CDs in the whole of JP, I never imagined PYH was THAT popular in Singapore. Then we made our way down to J8, doudou was already queueing, and the sun was scorching. YM was there also haha, she's also another mad one like me, and she was much more ahead in the queue. The crowd was pretty big, all female of coz, with a few token males sprinkled here and there. It was another long tiring hot wait, queueing up there, waiting for him to make an appearance. Junwei compered, but I think I still prefer the 933 DJs a bit more to him. He really changed after coming back from his study trip in US years ago.
Well, PYH is the more important one here haha, he finally appeared, sang a couple of songs which were beautiful but I didn't understand any. He's really kinda shy, maybe because he wasn't familiar with the people or enviroment, and really polite, think all Koreans are like that *g* After a loooong wait, he finally started his auto session. The 1st 100 were let in and some even talked to him *envy envy* altho I wondered what they said and how they said it haha. We finally got our turn after forever, and he is really gorgeous hehe he took his time signing the CD cover, putting down the date, and finally looking up at each person, handing it back, and shaking thier hand *sigh* such sincerity in his eyes *melt melt* haha, it could have been good acting, but I still melted, and dropped the damned thingy when he handed it back arrgghh
hmmm, after we came off the stage tho, I couldn't wait to get a drink and sit down somewhere. We heard Junwei say that PYH had told his assistant he was kinda tired and giddy, poor guy, must have been the heat. We headed down to Mac after that, the crowd in front of the stage was too thick to take good fotos anyway. But after his auto, he headed downstairs and toook fotos with 20 lucky winners!!! ahhhhh, YM didn't tell me!!! *sigh* well, it was too good to last anyway, I'd already shaken his hand anyway *melt melt* again haha. After drinking and eating, we headed out to take a couple of photos, accosting an innocent mother and daughter to take our lame pix with us holding PYH's cd and signature :D Then it was home and more liquids and bed! haha, fell asleep listening to PYH, soooo romantic his songs...

23 Aug 2003
woooo, spent today at latte's house making our scrap book and our new secret weapon hahaha so fun!!! Even tho fizz n I had tix to the Zpop concert, we were sooo unwilling to leave her place haha, it's the 1st time an "arts project" has held more attraction for me than a free concert *g* But we made it to Zpop anyway, althought it was all nice n crowded and muddy and hot. haha all girl nite out, just to see Park Yong Ha, *screeeaaam* so funni, we were like those mad xiao mei mei, all drooling over that tiny figure on the far-away stage. We were there around 7+, almost 8, the ground was still very wet, and the crowd was pretty tame n quiet, think because a lot of people came to see PYH or Tension or JJ.
Ha,will not bore everyone about the concert la, anyway starting from about 9.30 or so, i was pretty stoned with tired feet and aching shoulders. I'll just say that PYH finally appeared around 11 or so, and everybody went mad haha. And he had that bemused look on his face, like "Who are these mad people??" haha. Anyway, his songs are nice, and his voice is gorgeous! I didn't really expect a lot from his singing, coz I thought he was juz another pretty boy, but his performance prved me wrong. his voice is not too deep, but it does have a clear quality about it, and i couldn't fault him on his zhuan ying (how do you say that in English). Anyway his voice didn't shake or waver when reaching the higher notes, and I guess for me it's good enough haha.
After that, we were hungry, tired and extremely thirsty! So we headed down to S11 for supper around 11.30. I finally made it back home around 1.30, bathed, onlined for a while, and collapsed into bed around 3am. Tomorrow is another story!!

21 Aug 2003
HA! been spending almost every night online chatting about mayday and beyond and rock music, everybody's keyed up coz Mayday's finally back :D All getting excited about the concert which is still 2 months away. Me now trying to get a bit of stamina to jump and rock the whole night on 25th october with them now, haah even if I don't get in shape, a bit of stamina will be very very good already

19 Aug 2003
wah latte, boh and tidey r back, and they brought a lot of stuff and news back! haha can't wait for a total rundown of the concert, can't wait to see my new Mayday t-shirt, can't wait to see that gorgeous gorgeous poster, can't wait for their Singapore concert!!!

17 Aug 2003
Finally, after 2 years of talking and planning, Px and I headed over to Fizz's house to start on the scrap book, it's gonna be hilarious, especially with all our Wax Museums all over the place. hehe, cna't wait to see our finished product, I wish I could be that proverbial fly on the wall of their ¤jÂû»L studio when they read the book hahaha.

16 Aug 2003

15 Aug 2003
Hahaha, Ashin went on Enews today, with that Liu Zhi Han as host, and the 2 of them were patronizing each other until I can't take it. haha "ooh, please come to our concert, u must" and "errrrm, I'll try to make it as long as I'm not busy"...alamakz, such fake politeness, think Ashin also felt awkward...haha can tell from his body language. TOMORROW!!!

14 Aug 2003
WAAHHH, Tian Kong Zhi Cheng is 2 days away, some of the irc gang flew there today *envy envy*. Haha, been watching Yu Le Xin Wen this whole week, Mayday is counting down to their concert, and comiing up with silly clips to count down haha. Their dancing has got to be hilarious. Haiz, everybody is arguing about the concert tix for Singapore, to go or not to go with "THEM", can't make up my min right now. And that stupid SISTIC, the thingy is announced so early, but still no updates on their website. Aiyooo, getting impatient.

08 Aug 2003
Arrgh, boring week. I gotta do my updates daily, I'm actually doing this on 25th Aug, and already can't remember what I did 3 weeks ago... getting old, 1st signs of senility, I gotta jumpstart my brain soon. Anyway, had a company lunch today for National Day, food was good, but dat idiot customer turned up and showed us hi ugly face YUCKS!! I HATE HIM!!! IDIOT!! haha...tomorrow's National Day, no plans, just hang out at home again, it saves money anyway. And I'll get to listen to Mayday's radio program too.

02 Aug 2003
hmmm, boring birthday, dunno why, the older you get, the less important your birthdays are, can't be bothered to celebrate or anything, just stayed home and played D2 and surfed the whole day, and of course thinking about Mayday! and their Tian Kong Zhi Cheng. Forgot to listen to their radio show, must remember next week. Not much updates today, I'll probably watch Loving U and go online later tonite. Park Yong Ha is sooo attractive haha, relac relac....

01 Aug 2003
Wow, August already, unbelivable, the year has just flashed past, and I'm hitting 31 in 1 day's time...O M G !!! Was on the bus thinking about Mayday today ^_^ been thinking about 'em ever since last Friday when they finally got back together. Then today on the bus, was remembering all the past events like the auto and the concert, *sigh* I really really miss them. Can't wait for them to release their new album and COME TO SINGAPORE!!! :D Monday's Yu Le Xin Wen was hosted by ©ÇÃ~'s cousin, ¶À¤hªN together with ¤XÂz, »¯¤§Âz. haha they're really funny, then Mayday came on, and it was laff-a-minute chaos, esp when they re-enacted how ¤hªN lost his cool and started puking after their drinking session to clelebrate «Û©ú's birthday lolzz, it must be really cool and fun to have them as friends, juz your average ­ô¨à­Ì, also not bad ^_^ *dreaming*!! haha ¤X«H finally managed to get their auto sessions correct, in a way, not like Friday's WQYL, totally din noe wat he was saying *g* Hope they come soon, I'm getting edgy and jumpy and restless thinking about them, as usual, dunno why they do dat to us...

29 July 2003
aiyoo, had to attend a full day seminar today, 7 QC tools, what the hell is that?? and the lecturer was a real nutter, i'm talking serious koo-koo, man, waste time, and tomorrow is another full day *_*
Just visited this huge Wubai fan site today, three words, W O W !! This lady must be one of his biggest fans in the world, you have to visit and read her profile just to believe it. After reading her articles on her 2 visits to Taiwan, for Wubai's concert ... I have made up my mind, I am going there for his next concert, nothing in the world will stop me.

28 July 2003
arrghh, 3.45am, still can't sleep, dunno why oso. tomorrow, or rather this morning, sure to have headache at office again. Put up a new article about fandom on Saturday...suddenly just felt like writing it, but ran out of steam somewhere at the end, so it might be a bit lame, still that's how I felt. Also decided to re-start keying in my chinese article about the Mayday '01 concert. Hopefully it'll be up soon. Might also start my Mayday website, but I gotta brush on my Flash first. Note to self: get that soft-touch keyboard soon!

26 July 2003
New article and new color for the site. I don't think this color will stay long, althought I love orange, but it's giving me a headache just reading a few sentences.

16 July 2003
Ooh, people, remember to get Avant Browser. The best thing about it is the pop-up stopper. It gives a little blip everytime it blasts a pop-up page, and keeps a count of how many pop-ups it blasts. It's also tabbed windows, so you don't get so many open windows on your taskbar down there, difficult to find a particular window, no?
*sigh* can't make it to Taiwan for ¤­¤ë¤Ñ's concert ¤ÑªÅ¤§«° anymore this August. FED UP! The bank's chasing for my student loans again, I've got to pay off at least 1 third, or more of it, by Dec. How?? Hmm, how did that woman manage to get people to donate to her online...?
Ooh, Buffy's been on for 10 mins, gotta go.

14 July 2003
Wow, Beyond just had their concert in June, there's a leetle article in I-weel;y, still trying to get my friend to scan it for me. They had the lone mic standing in the middle of the stage again, out of respect for Ka Kui. It's a reminder to everybody that Beyond may be 3 people physically, but they'll always be 4 in spirit. Ka Kui's spirit will live on the the Beyond ºë¯« forever and forever, esp for die-hard fans like me.
At the concert, they also reminded fans to join the mass protest that was held on 1 July, against the anti-subverson law that China wants to pass in HK. It's because the law wil; work against artistes and composers like them, who enjoy freedom of speech in their work and music. Y'know, if you don't know Beyond, or don't really know them well, get to know them because of these things, the things that tell you Beyond is not just a fancy-shmancy boy-band. They've got the brains to prove it! ... well, not that I don't like boy-bands :D
They've a new compilation out, Beyond ¶W¶V Beyond Live 03. It's basically a compilation album of their older songs, in the Ka Kui era. I haven't got it yet, will probably head down to Outram when I get my salary.

13 July 2003
I think I'm slowly going blind. Right now, my face is about 30cm from the 15" monitor, and everything is blurred and doubled. Die. By the time I hit 40, I probably have to use 21" monitors and stick my face to it just to see properly.

Note to self: buy a good soft touch keyboard. This keyboard is giving away all my late-nite typing.

12 July 2003
How?? Want to go Taiwan or not? $60 for concert tix and $500 for the airline/hotel package. But I still got that damn credit card bill to pay off. How long does one take to pay off an $8000 debt? But it's the 1st Mayday gig in 2 years leh, I miss them, sigh.

7 July 2003
I finally switched HTML coders to Stone's Webwriter 3.5. They haven't sent me the registration code yet tho. I got it off the .net magazine CD. Yay .net, I like to buy it for the web design articles, and esp the free stuff on the CD-ROM. Their website doesn't seem to be working tho.
Ooh, yes, I have to say that I finally got my new HDD, WD Caviar 40GB. I wanted a 60GB, but the guy told me that 40GB was the max for a PII, otherwise I'd have to flash my BIOS. Well, I'm no flasher, so I decided that 40gigger would be good enuf for now...until I upgrade my PC *g*. Of course, I had trouble installing it, all my PCs never cooperate with me. I spend hours plugging in, taking out, tyring all sorts of stuff, and nothing works. The brother comes along, takes out a cable, re-plugs it back in, and voila, everything works *growl*
Well, at least, my PC's running faster, doesn't need 2.5 mins to boot up anymore, and best of all, I can install all my games at once, not have to uninstall 1 to install another! AND, Diablo 2 works juz fine ^_^ no more stuttering characters yay! ... Now, I wonder if PII can run 128MB of RAM ...

4 July 2003
Collected my YGBS DVD from Flo, yay! Thanks, Flo! haven't watched it yet tho, I wonder what me parents will say to me wasting time watching Mayday over and over again. Esp when it's such a "brainless" show, only meant for die-hard fans.

3 July 2003
Yikes, no updates for 2 years, what am I doing? Anywayz, I got it into my mind to keep a weblog again, if I can keep it up. Hope so. Was thinking of signing up for one of those weblogger thingies, wonder if they're good. I saw 1 guy's weblog, and he's updating via SMS, wow!

1 November 2001
It'z been a pretty good day today ^_^ I woke up this morning with the opening bars of 'Wen Rou' in my head, then spent the rest of the day singing 'Xiang Xin' to myself...*grin* hope nobody heard me. Met a couple of people from #mayday, then met my friend for dinner at Jurong Point Swensens. I swear the service industry is getting from bad to worse. First that TITLEWAVE bookshop, now Swensens. Anyway, what was good was that my friend and her sister complained about the service, and we got our meal on the house because of that. I don't normally go looking to complain about service staff, but stlll, bad service is bad service. I felt bad for the manager though, coz she had to handle our complaints and give us a free meal on top of that. My compliments to Hoi Yee, she looked harassed, but her service was waaayyy better than another 2 managers, who looked liked they were hanging around waiting for closing time, and she took the trouble to listen to us and apologize AND give us the complimentary meal. The service industry needs more people like her

31 October 2001
Updating The Bookmark today, I remembered something that happened on Monday. I was at Jurong Point, and spotted a magazine that someone on #mayday had recommended, so decided to get it for myself and my friends. I wanted 3 copies, but there were only 2 on the shelf. So I took the 2 to the counter and asked the girl if she had another copy. I don't remember being really rude in any way, but she gave me a really dirty STARE, not even a look and used her index finger to point, 3 TIMES, to a spot behind me, indicating that the magz were kept there.
The shop is called TITLEWAVE, and it's located on the third floor of Jurong Point. I have no qualms publicizing this, as that girl does not know what is called service!!! What makes it worse is that, I've interviewd for a position in that shop before, and the lady boss told me one of the qualities she was looking for in her salesgirls was FRIENDLINESS!!! Friendliness...too bad I'm not some good-looking dude, eh. Don't get me wrong, I don't begrudge that job position, the hours are too long anyway, but having been both in sales and consumer positions, I know what I want, and I deserve to get it!

31 October 2001
I thought FreakyLinks was kinda kewl in a way, altho a crappy script (better go clone some Buffy writers) and average acting didn't do much for it. In fact, searching on the net tonight, I realised that the show has been CANCELLED!!! Of course, then again, I've lurved Ethan Embury since Empire Records, so that may have helped. The plot's pretty good, and you get all that shaky-cam stuff that's kewl but makes you puke after a while (produced the good people who gave you The Blair Witch Project, whaddya expect)

30 October 2001
Tuesday has become interesting again since Buffy The Vampire Slayer is back on TV. Yesh, yesh, the Buffmeister is back once again, and even better than that? Spike's back, of course!!! But piece of shite that I am, I managed to miss Buffy vs. Dracula tonight...stupid, stupid, stupid...then again, how come TCS always changes its schedules, I thought Buffy was at 11 p.m., shite!
Well, with FreakyLinks and Dark Angel around, Tuesdays are gonna be TV nights around here once again. Check out TV links to link up to the official sites, and some really great fan sites.

29 October 2001
Wooo, I finally made it through a novel, that wasn't for school. Alexander Besher's Rim: A Novel of Virtual Reality was a refreshing change from Graham Greene, Virginia Woolf and Will Shakespeare. One of the better futuristic novels I've read so far, though I can't compare him to William Gibson at all.

21 October 2001
Should I really buy a guitar? I always give up after a while, and I don't seem fated to own a guitar for more than a year...Still it'd be nice to strum and sing ¯Â ¯u myself.
Hmmm, who can tell me why my chinese characters don't display properly!!! Email me if you have the solution. I'll be eternally grateful!!

20 October 2001
It's finally over. I can put ol' Will Shakespeare behind me now, tho it was an experience studying him this year. Problem is Haliiday and Fairclough and company...I might see them again in a re-sit exam next year. Well, can't tell till I get my results anyway. 10 weeks more and counting...
At least I can get back to Simcity and Diablo 2 again. My Lvl 44 necromancer has been in cold storage long enough ^_^

19 October 2001
English paper tonite...but I don't think I can do anything for it. Well, it's my own fault for taking almost 2 months off work...for "revision", but still slacking all the way. Especially to the point of spending half the nite on #mayday every nite, Mondays - Sundays.

17 October 2001
I had a dream...about a cleaner and a prisoner...don't ask me why. The cleaner was dying and the prisoner happened to pass by carrying a lantern, one of those old-fashioned paper things you can get in HDB estate shops during the lunar eighth month. A voice told the prisoner to give the lantern to the dying man, to do a good deed and light his way for him. Then I saw that dying man "go towards the light", just like they always do in movies. He died after saying 'thank you' to the prisoner. Oddly enough, I found that whole scene comforting, though in retrospect, could it be a bad omen?

12 October 2001
It sux when you have to sit around waiting for exams to begin and end. Shakespeare paper least it's easy to bullshit in literature papers.

10 October 2001
The songs Wu Bai wrote for Jacky Cheung (Nan Dao Zhe Dou Bu Suan Ai) and Na Ying (Wo Bu Shi Ni De Tian Shi) are waaayyy kewl. Can't wait for his new album to be released.
Just saw at some website that Wubai had a live performance at @live Pub in August or September...and Mayday was special guest! Sigh, if only I could have seen that performance, Wubai and Mayday in one concert!!! Heaven!!!

5 October 2001
The #mayday people just reminded me it's the one month anniversary of Mayday's concert in Singapore...hehe

07 September 2001
I finally see Mayday in concert again after almost 2 years!!! Their live performance is even hotter than ever! If only it went on a little least for another 2 hours or so ^_^ Can't wait for the guys to re-band in 2003. ¥Ã »· ªº ¤­ ¤ë ¤Ñ !!!!!
It's odd that ChineseStar can't input and display properly in the Evrsoft 1st Page 2000.
Arrrgghhh, I don't how to code chinese into my HTML!!!

02 July 2001
Hmmm, so playing Diablo2 eight hours a day does give you nightmares...I always thought only those hypersensitive suckers got nightmares, but I just had one today about my barbarian and Diablo chasing after me, asking me why I took so long to level up, and to find good items for him. God, I think I better cut down on playing D2, to seven hours a day, at least.

16 June 2001
My computer sucks, and so does the's just the time it takes to fire these babies up that sucks. I timed it today. It takes my comp 2 1/2 minutes to start up! 2 1/2 mins! I could do a lot in that time, especially in the mornings. And it takes my dial-up 37 seconds to jack in to the net. Plus another minute for ICQ to load. Wouldn't it be great to be jacked in permenantly? If only cable didn't cost so much...

27 April 2001
I've got a 2000 word essay on Antony and Cleopatra due next week, but I got this page done first instead. hmmm, speaks a lot for my determination to get that degree... well, there's still the weekend and Labour Day to go anyway.

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