
Hazardous Tree Removal / Felling

Tree Maintenance - Pruning

Utility Line Clearance

Stop Before You Lop

Tips & Hints - For the Handyman

Wildfire Assessment

Protecting Your Home from Wildfire

A safety zone or fire break should be cleared around your home. We will help assist you in determining the best options at your location.

This does not mean your landscape has to be barren. Some plants are more fire resistive than others.

In most areas, a safety zone should be cleared away from your home for a distance of not less than 30 feet. As the slope of the lot increases, additional clearance as far out as 100 feet may be necessary.

Clearance also depends on vegetative conditions that provide ladder fuels that enable fire to climb into trees. Trees and shrubs are fine, as long as dead or low-hanging branches are removed and the height of ground vegetation is controlled.

What we will do:

Assess using firewise standards pertaining to Wildland Urban Interface.
2. Remove, thin, or prune vegetation that may be a specific fire hazard.
3. Beyond 100 feet from the house, dead wood and older trees should be removed or thinned.
4. Remove all tree limbs around chimney, roof, and utility lines.