Financial Freedom

Have you ever wanted financial independence? Or perhaps even just a few hundred extra a week to ease the budget? Have you ever wanted more free time in your life to do the things you've always wanted to do, but just never seemed to have the time? We all have, and that is what makes this program such a wonderful idea.

   Network Marketing: Myths & Truths

Perhaps you've heard of companies that use old-fashioned word-of-mouth to sell their products? That avoids all types of advertising so their profits can go into paying their members, and developing new, better products than what is currently available in a store? Perhaps the names Amway, Mary Kay, or NuSkin sound familiar to you. They all utilize network marketing to maintain and grow their business. It's a unique, and growing way of doing business, and it is very effective. However, most of these companies require a large initial investment, and a dedication to your business that practically requires you to quit your job, lose your friends and basically join an entirely different sort of rat race.

      There Is Another Option!

There is one company that has changed all of that. A company that requires no risk, a very small, affordable one-time fee, and still grows thousands and thousands of people into millionaires each year, with little time-commitment on their part. How is it done? It's something called residual income, and it's explained in the example on the right.


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Consider the following:

You recruit 1 person, and received 7% of their sales every month. Assume they personally purchase $30 of product each month:

$30 x 7% = $2.10/mo.

Now assume that person recruit 5 more people. They each personally purchase $30 in product each month:

$30 x 5 x 7% = $10.50/mo.

Now assume each of those 5 people recruit 5 more people. Each of those people personally purchase $30 in product each month:

$30 x 25 x 7% = $52.50/mo.

And again: each of those 5 people recruit 5 more. That creates a total of 125 people in your 'downline' that are purchasing product (in this case, $30 each) that you are receiving 7% of:

$30 x 125 x 7% = $262.50/mo.

One more time: Now we have reached a total of 625 people, each purchasing $30 of product a month, of which you receive 7% of each order, every month!

$30 x 625 x 7% = $1,312.50/mo.

Imagine that! $1,312.50 a month for talking to one person! And this is just the beginning! Imagine convincing others to use products that are extremely beneficial and ecologically-consious, so that you have multiple 'legs' of recruits generating money for you! Is it so hard to see why these companies can pay so much, simply by avoiding the high cost of advertising?