Hello <>


I was watching something funny on tv and started laughing. At that moment, a very simple question popped into my head: What is laughter? It sounds like an oversimplified question, but try defining it. You'd be hard pressed to come up with any solid definition for it. Sure you could give a cause/effect definition by saying that when you see something amusing the laughter occurs, but who could really say what a laugh is? And why are humans the only ones that do it? Why don't animals laugh? Is it because only humans have souls? (Actually, if you ask me, some people don't have any soul). But back to my original rumination......There are so many unusual mysteries about ourselfs that we become desensitized to since we're around them so much.


Well, I haven't been very good about writing in this thing lately so I'll give you the quick rundown of what's been happening. I went to Dallas last week for training and I turned 27 on Saturday. I went down for the training to try to get a better job so I can pay off all the 20 percent interest credit cards. Hopefully a job will come down the pipe that will allow me to get my own place and furnish it with as many throw pillows as I desire.(non leopard skinned pillows)

Secondly, turning 27 didn't offer as much excitment as turning 21 did. There were no midget strippers with cheese graters chasing me down the street this birthday. Just a day of reflection. Like a Stuart Smalley self help book.
I did record a new-old song. It's a Merle Haggard song. It's a little sloppily recorded, but I don't care. Our Paths May Never Cross


9:32pm-Something About Myself
I've only worn a dress once. It felt kind of liberating to break the gender barrier and pretend to be a woman, but it was more like a Halloween type deal to me. For transvestites I think it's more of a sickness. I see this one transvestite periodically while driving around town. He's always walking alone. He wears tight daisy duke cut-offs and he has long pony tail. He's so obviously not a woman. I don't know who he thinks he's fooling. He has that rugged, "Marlboro Man" face with prissy strawberry blonde hair....such a contradiction. I think next time I see him, I'm going to stop and talk to him.....kind of see what makes him tick.


1:03pm-Things that I enjoy

I can't always dwell on the things that annoy me, so at the risk of being boring, here's a list of things I enjoy:

  • Driving in the rain, sleeping next to a window during fall rain, or eating a cheese sandwich in the rain.
  • Rich, creamy, foods.
  • Waterfalls, fountains, and bubbling things.
  • Music with unpredictable changes from one part of the song to the next.
  • Cold pizza with orange juice.
  • Nice elderly ladies.
  • Hot, spicy, food.
  • Babies.
  • Surprising someone with something you know they've been wanting.
  • Being locked in dark, confined, spaces. Just kidding.

  • 03AUGUST2003

    4:27pm-Things That Have Annoyed Me In Recent Days.

    White toothpaste that seems to magically make it's residue known long after you thought it was completely dry and wiped from the corners of your mouth. I know you get what you pay for and everything, but these guys at "Brand X" toothpaste really pulled one over on me. Why does the white residue not appear immediately? Is there some sort of time-released white dye that senses when I've arrived at work? Many of my potential first impressions are being ruined by this $1.00 tube of misery.

       2. The stupid commercials that say something like,"Are you tired of getting in your car and driving clear to the vet everytime your pet needs heartworm medication? Now you can have all of your pet's medication delivered to your door, all with the click of a mouse button". It shows a girl stuck in rush hour traffic illustrating the alternative to ordering from home. First of all, why do they think they need to use hot-chicks as the actors for these commercials? Where is the connection between pet medication and the sexual desires of men pet-owners? I'd say at least 50% of pet owners are women anyway.

    Secondly, have we reached the pinnacle of laziness? Do we have to have every thing delivered to our door? How many trips do we even make to the vet in the course of a year? Call me cruel, but If your dog needs heartworm medication more than once a week, it's time to take him out in the backyard and give him a little drink of Prestone.

        3. Those ads for Yahoo Personals that are always popping up when I'm trying to access my Yahoo mail. It's always a photo of happy, attractive couple in joyous bliss because they found each other on Yahoo Personals. The caption next to it always says something clever like "Give Fate A Nudge". Well I've got news for you, Yahoo. Attractive model types have absolutely no use for your service. They don't need it...so I think you're misleading the public a bit. I've looked at the single women that are on Yahoo here in my town and it ain't pretty. If you can find a full set of teeth between all the ladies, you're doing above average. Half the girls look like they've been beaten by a fat abusive dude named Harry. And some of the women even have the class to include a photo of themselves with a blotted out picture of Harry next to them. Yes, I've come to the conclusion that Yahoo Personals is a last resort for ugly romance hopefuls who have emotional problems, and thus not a viable option for anyone interested in something worthwhile. Well I've gotta go now...I have a date with Hilda, a girl with an enlarged thyroid.

    9:35pm-I've been thinking.....if I ever decide to open up my own hugely successful barbecue restaurant, I'll call it YOU BET YO MAMA's BBQ


    4:25pm-The last day of the month and looking back on the past 30 days, I can't really recall any monumental accomplishment...unless sleeping past 11am for 30 straight days counts. Really, though, I must have gotten something done lately.
    Wait a minute....I did read the first chapter of a new book called, "Detox Diet". I think this book is a real score. My mom picked it out with me at Nutrition Village health food store 6 months before she died. The plan was for her to change her diet and postpone the ill effects of her brain tumor. I think for the most part, we delayed the progress of the cancer as well as could be expected......but anyway, the whole thesis of this book is that human health is essentially determined by the health of the GI tract which is constituted by your mouth, esophagus, stomach, large/small intestine, and your colon. If you can keep the GI tract healthy and free from harmful bacteria, your life expectancy will go up.
    Want a few statistics? The total weight of bacteria in the average colon is 5 pounds.... you'll also be interested to know that there are more bacteria in one gram of stool than there are stars in the known universe. The mucous in your entire GI tract will cover the area of a tennis court.

    Well now that you know those tasty tidbits you probably want to know what's bad for the GI tract. Here goes: refined foods and sugar,excess fatty foods,overeating and failure to chew up your food,drinking too much with meals thus diluting digestive juices,persistent use of alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine, and finally lack of fiber.

    Ok, that's probably more than you ever wanted to know, but theoretically if we expel more toxins than we take in, we'll all live to be at least 100. My biggest detox battle has been coffee. Answer me this, why do two things that tasted so bad as a kid,(coffee and alcohol) seem appealing now? I guess it's the effects of the substances that people like....not the taste, right?

    8:03pm-Why do I allow the tv to suck me in so often? I just watched an hour long special on the Dixie Chicks and most of it was about their divorces and remarriages. Why do I care about that? I'm a sucker for pop culture. I guess it's because I grew up in front of the tv. And if I didn't know the name of a particular actor, my dad would be sure to say, "You know who that is?" After a while it became 2nd nature to know about the entertainment world. Now if I could just transfer that knowledge to a productive career, I'd be set. Actually, I've had a lot of fun being unsuccessful. My goal is to make it to middle age and still be as "without a clue" as I was on my 18th birthday. Okay, maybe I'm fabricating a bit, but you know what they say.....Make God laugh, plan for the future.


    1:45pm- I went almost the entire day yesterday thinking it was Wednesday when it was actually Tuesday. Not that it's a big deal, since time is an abstract concept anyway, but just the fact that I can't get a grip on the day of the week makes me wonder what other, more substantial things I'm missing the boat on. Maybe I'll forget to eat next.
    4:55pm-Just finished up another one of my dad's country songs. I've been trying to get a friend to put some steel guitar on it for a while, but he's been so busy that I decided to take my electric guitar, jam a piece of plastic under the strings and tune the guitar so it sounds like a pedal steel. I was fairly successful in achieving the sound I wanted. Now I only have 99 unfinished songs to complete. Have a listen-Am I Wasting My Time.

    8:02pm-Can't think of any song worth mentioning for today, but I did just watch The Brave Little Toaster with my little girl, so we'll just make that the item of interest for today. The vacuum cleaner is the voice of Tony The Tiger and the radio's voice is Jon Lovitz.

    9:35pm-I just went to Walmart by myself and picked out the heaviest oak bookcase I could find. There was really no logic involved here. I even drove to the Walmart clear across town because I wanted to make it that much more challenging. And instead of asking for something to wheel it out in, I carried it by hand and waited to pay for it in the aisle with the old lady using a walker and writing a check which was personalized with daisies on it. After about two minutes of holding it there, my arms started to shake from fatigue, but did I relent and put it down? No way. And then when I got to the front door, I had to stop, prop up the box, and dig the reciept out of my back pocket to show to the guy.His only words were,"I know you're young and everything, but it's not worth it. We can give you a cart to wheel it out with." My reply was,"That's ok, I just have a short jaunt left to the car." But guess where the car was really parked. At least 3/4 of the way from the building. Geez...as if life isn't difficult enough without me making it harder.

    3:00am-Bedtime now, but if anyone can read this article and not be permanently impacted or perplexed, then you are a better human than I.


    12:20pm-Wednesday. Why is it called the "hump" day? Are there camels involved?
    I'll write more later in the day. My brain doesn't start producing useful thought fluid til later in the day. Corny jokes are all you get for now.

    3:45pm-When I was younger, all I could wait for was the summer months. Biking, swimming, hiking, fishing, and cookouts filled my thoughts. But now that I'm getting older, fall and winter are not seeming as awful as they used to. You can always put on extra layers of clothing to warm up, but you can't take enough off when it's 102°F. Maybe I've reached the cynical part of life where instead of looking forward to the "Renaissance" season like spring, I'm longing for the fall which brings about dead trees and withering leaves......Or maybe I'm just sick of the bugs.

    5:30pm Anne Murray has been in my head all afternoon and it's really starting to bug me. Here, join in my torture.
    8:21pm- No, Anne Murray can not be the song of the day. I will makeRemy Zero-Save Me the song for today.They're remniscent of a young U2. For some reason it takes forever for the music file to load. Oh well... Save Me.


    It's been so long since I've programmed a web page that everything's foreign to me, but I'll freshen up on it soon and make this little site more interesting to look at. I hate making the chronology start from the bottom and move up as time goes by, but it seems as though it's easier for people that frequent the site. That way, they don't have to scroll to the bottom to get to the most current entries.

    Well today, the only offering I have is a song that I pulled out of the archives. It was recorded about 5 months ago as I recall. It was originally done with acoustic guitar and piano only, but today I added a cheesy, out of time drum track. Since my whole theory of this little site is to post "rough" demo material, I didn't put a ton of time into making these drums sound professional. I want to focus on quantity more than quality for the time being. But honestly, everything in my being makes me reluctant to put unfinished material on the internet. I have to keep telling myself that it's an exercise in creativity. I remember reading interviews with Billy Corgan from The Smashing Pumpkins and he said that if he didn't go into the studio and record things as they came to him, he'd literally lose albums worth of material due to forgetting them. So that's gonna be my whole premise... I don't want to lose good songs...or potentially good songs. So without further ado, here is the song... Set It Free

    The song was written about the city at night and how refreshing it is to be out on the streets when no one's around. It's almost as if you own the city. It reminds me of a select few movies that I've seen where there's a war or an asteroid hits and everyone in the city is gone except for the main character......but the song's not about anything so tragic.....just how nice it is to walk off the "daytime" pressures.

    I might have a "song of the day" type section on this page eventually to.....just to describe what I'm listening to at the present time.....I'm sure it's unoriginal, but who cares. Today, the most interesting song I listened to was Johnny Cash and Fiona Apple doing "Bridge Over Troubled Water". I think it was recorded on Johnny's last album and he's sounding horrible...there's no wind left in his vocal sails. The only redeeming factor of the song is when Fiona joins in. She has one of the purest voices I know of. Her voice is just smooth as silk. I don't go nuts over female artists in general, and I think it's because most women have really high voices, but Fiona Apple's voice is so low, that it could easily be a guy singing during some passages. So the bottom line is, even though they don't sing in unison very well, the song was interesting to listen to.


    I'm not sure what will become of this site. The last time I kept any form of online record was five years ago. We'll see if I have even a portion of the persistence that I had then when it comes to keeping it updated. If it proves therapeutic, I'll continue. I'll attempt for this to be a combination journal/music page. Being a musician, I've begun to become frustrated with the amount of time that it takes to compose a song from start to finish. My hope with this site is to post rough demo ideas as opposed to polished products. In the past I have always waited to finish one song before I began another, but I feel that's inherently stifling to the creative process because the material ends up getting backlogged in my mind. It'd be nice to post a little tidbit of sound every week or two, but I won't promise anything due to time constraints. Thanks for reading. As of right now, the only audio file I have posted is a gospel tune that I recorded some time ago. Here it is:
    Where No One Stands Alone

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