Populous: The Structures

This is the toolbar that shows the buildings available to build. Not all of the buildings will be available at all times. As you work your way through the game you enter more vaults of knowledge, gaining more available hut types. To build a hut you simply click on the type of building you wish to build and place the plan on the ground. When your idle braves see it, or if you send them to it, they will build the hut. The only thing else the hut will need will be wood, but your braves will automatically cut down the trees to use for wood to build the hut. If there are no trees around and no wood already cut, then you will have to manually send your people on a tree hunt. Usually there are enough trees though. Also, some buildings require more wood than other buildings.

The buildings going down the left column are: The buildings going down the right column are: There are also more structures in the game that aren't buildings that you build, but I will include them on this page because they are still important. I will now list all the buildings and have more detailed information on each one.
Here are descriptions of all the structures in Populous: The Beginning:

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The oblisk is a structure that is found already on the world. To use it, just send whatever the number of people it requires for optimal worshipping speed, which can be found by right clicking on it and it will show a certain number of open spots to be filled. Your people will worship the oblisk until the meter is full, and you will aquire something, usually one full charge of a spell. It is usually a spell that you can't charge up on your own because you haven't gotten to a high enough level to unlock it yet. Or, instead of a spell it will cause a spell to happen, such as creating a land bridge somewhere on the planet. Once it has been fully worshipped, then it sinks into the ground.

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Stone Head

The stone head is pretty much the same that as an oblisk, only they are much more commonly found in the game. You send the number of people there it requires for the fastest charging, and you get something in return. I believe that stone heads always give you a spell in return for worshipping it. Once it has been fully worshipped, it sinks into the ground.

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Vault of Knowledge

The vault of knowledge is a structure that is usually found whithin an enemy's base. It contains the knowledge of new buildings or spells. To obtain the knowledge, your shaman must kneel at the door for a few seconds, and then enter the vault to obtain the knowledge. The buildings or spells gained from the vault of knowledge are permanent.

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The prison is only found on one level on Populous: The Beginning. It is used by the other tribe to keep your shaman prisoner. While your shaman is captured in the prison, she cannot cast any spells. You must use the power of your warriors to fight to get her free. You must simply have your people attack the prison, and they will eventually destroy it. Then your shaman will be free and you will be able to get your revenge on the other tribe.

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Reincarnation Site

The reincarnation site is where your shaman is reincarnated if she is killed. It is a permanent structure that is created when you start a level and cannot be destroyed.

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The campfire is a simple little fire that is used to have your people dance around it. While they are doing this they are essentially guarding the area immediately around the campfire. They don't require any wood or anything to build them either. Campfires aren't necessary to get your people to guard an area though. You simply have to select the people and then press ctrl+alt and click where you want them to guard, you can click up to eight different spots and they will run from each spot to the next guarding it.

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Guard Tower

The guard tower is a very handly little building for defending your tribe. Place these at the entrances of your village where you are most likely to be attacked. Then place one of your people in the guard tower. When an enemy gets near the guard tower, your person will ring a bell to alert you. It is best to use fire warriors or preachers. If you have more than one guard tower, which I recommend, then I would use a mixture of fire warriors and preachers. The guard towers will give the fire warriors a longer firing range, and it will give preachers a longer preaching range.

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Huts are the buildings you should begin building first. They are very important because the number of huts determines how many people you can have in your tribe. They are also where your new braves are created. Another benefit of having a lot of huts is that it increases your mana, especially with people in the huts. This will cause your spells to charge at a faster rate. Huts are upgraded by your braves also. The picture shows a small hut, but if you have braves in the hut they will upgrade it to a medium sized hut. This process requires wood, but not much. Then after a while they will upgrade it to a large hut. The bigger the hut is the more people it can hold, hence more mana it can create for you.

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Warrior Training Hut

The warrior training hut is, obviously, the hut in which you train warriors. To create a warrior you simply send a brave or any other type of person into the hut and after a few seconds they will emerge a warrior. The more mana you have the faster the training will be.

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The temple hut is the hut in which you train people to be preachers. It's the same deal as a warrior training hut. The only difference is that your people are preachers instead of warriors. Also when you build this hut you will need more room because it is longer than most huts.

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Fire Warrior Training Hut

The same as the last two only it creates fire warriors. The main difference is that you need is a lot of room. It is bigger than the other training huts.

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Spy Training Hut

Guess what? Not much difference here. It's a hut that changes your people into spies. This hut is small, but requires a lot of wood.

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Boat Hut

This building must be built adjacent to water with the entrance facing inland. Once built you can send up to four people at a time into the boat hut to build boats. Each boat requires wood, so the people working on the boats will have to leave to go find wood. Once the boat is done one of the workers will enter the boat and take it out into the water. They will then wait there until you tell them what to do.

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Balloon Hut

The balloon hut is another very big hut. Once built you can send some braves into the hut to build balloons for you. Once a balloon is done one of the workers will enter the balloon and take it out beside the hut.

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