This page and the following 7 are from the diary I kept during part of my tour.  It starts with the last few lines for August 21st and goes through most of the entry for August 30th.

My handwriting has been described in the past as "a childish third grade scrawl" (for example, what appears below to be "5 coots" is actually 'scouts') and my spelling can best be thought of as "visionary" but what follows was recorded at the time and might be of interest.  It amazes me when rereading the diary some of the things I would choose to put in it.  I could go on for several lines about Peaches and Poundcake or B-3 units (part of the C-rations) while all around me things were going on.  Oh well, I was young - unfortunately that is no longer a problem.

Some of you may remember an incident in Vietnam where an Army company refused to advance, it was a nine day wonder at the time and often pointed out in the various writings about the war as an example of how low moral was.  It was during the fighting described below that this occured.   It must have been about that time that the Army asked the Marines to lend a hand.

Several days before we became involved an Army helicopter was shot down in Hiep Duc Valley.  While trying to rescue the survivors the Army became heavily involved with the NVA/VC units in the valley and hills to the east.  Of course I knew nothing about this at the time.

Some of the terms in this and the folowing pages might need explanation:

"Top" is slang for First Sergeant (First Shirt also works)
"React" means go to the aide of
"Fox" is Fox Company of 2nd Bn., 7th Marines
"441" is Hill 441 which formed one side of Hiep Duc Valley
All 8 of the diary pages are very large files and will take a while to load, please be patient.
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