(11/24/02) I actually have an update for you guys, though it's not a huge one. I made two new backgrounds-both are on the Heero Page. I happen to think theese are pretty darn good--better than my old crap (which I cringe to look at). Also, I may be getting ready to close the site. There really aren't any good excuses for this other than I'm just not doing anything with it anymore. I'm not going to delete it, but it won't get updates anymore--but this may not happen. I'm still thinking about it. I hope someone get use out of the new bgs.

(06/24/02) Right, well, so I do have an excuse--but it's too long to rehash, see the main page--wait, you probably already have. Anyway, so, yes, a new fic is forthcoming, as is the return of my fanfiction page. I'm not sure if anyone noticed, but I sort of blocked my fics from public reading for a while when some "friends" got ahold of this site adress. As a rule I don't let people I know read my stuff, excepting, like, three people. Anyway I'm really excited about this new fic I'm planning, but I won't bet on it coming out for a little bit--not as long as, say the time between this update and my last one, but maybe a month (maybe less) before the first installment. Also I took the last layout and turned it into something you guys can take and use, I just loved it so much. The small "teaser" version of the pictres on page four of the layouts page is the small version of the origional version that I used so it has the Transparent Wings title on it, but I assure you that the actual downloadable version does not, so your title can go in place of mine. Also A million apologies to Lady Archica, who is probably rightfully miffed at my failure to respond, but the only computer I've had available for months has been a school one (which I shall never have to use again, thank God--I'm a graduate ^_^ hee) which sucessfully blocked all my attempts to enter into any e-mail account (the signs over the computer stations read; 1) No E-mail, 2)No Games, 3)No saving work on hard drive, 4)No Downloading, and, as an afterthought, I gleefully added 5)No fun). If you still want that layout splice I have it on 3 1/2 floppy A, uh...somewhere. Much Love everyone, and USE SOME OF THE DAMN STUFF HERE, PEOPLE!

(02/17/02) Well, hot damn, a real honest-to-goodness graphics update. And it's backgrounds. Finally a Wufei one, and a new Relena one--actually two, I re-did the first Relena one so it's practically new.

(01/30/02) The completion of Cemetery Roses and a continuation of Broken Dolls, both by the talented Lady Archica. I"ve finally made an update worth checking out, huh? *grin*

(01/05/02) yes, an update, finally. With my life it's amazing I find the time to even check my e-mail...wait I don't-i checked my mail today for the first time since december 19...maybe. Anywho I put up a new fanart by Wa, a cute Christmas pic-sorry about it being late *sheepish grin* but its unspeakably adorable so you should go look. Anybody wanna hear news about me? no? oh well, I'm gonna say it anyway:). I was accepted to my first choice college on their early decision plan! Woo Hoo! I'm goin' to college! Ahem, anyway perhaps there'll be more updates soon in coming...but I wouldn't hold my breath. Sorry :(

(11/07/01) Uh...hi *waves weakly* Sorry about the update thing, I've been a real punk about it, huh? Okay, new layout-no more icky frames (it was pretty, though). Also, I dunno if I put this up earlier, but Wa kindly let me put up more of her awesome work (I just love her work, it has such a soft look to it!). Also, I put up a page for just my anime art-not just Gundam Wing, mind you. If you can guess who the black haired girl I like to draw is you get...a virtual pat on the back. *grin* anywho, that's about it. Sorry, guys!

(9/12/01) Thank you for your patience and understanding concerning my choice yesterday to honorarily shut dow transparent wings for a short while. Obviously it is now back up and as accessible as ever!


I feel utterly and completely sick. What happenned today, September 11, 2001 (9/11) was horriffic and terrifying. I believe that such acts of murder and insanity, such as where committed on The United states of America are sick and uncalled for. The newscastors are saying that the "anger builds as you watch" and that it's "unbelieveable" and I have no choice but to agree.

I can only imagine the horror that the poor people on the four hijacked flights went through and shudder. How awful, how gut-wrenching. I keep seeing the second plane crash into the World Trade Center and wonder about the people on the plane, the innocent passengers. The Newscasters here in the US call it an "Act Of War," and, though I am a peaceful person, I hope they find the unfeeling animals that did this and make them pay.

Thousands of deaths in The US have been caused, and the news keeps showing video clips of the second plane and the collapse (which I saw live on TV during Biology class) of the WTC, and I feel like I'm watching 'the Siege' or some like movie. I believe that the crashes into the WTC and Pentagon were a statement by the terrorists; the money and the power. It is believed the fourth plane which crashed in Pennsylvania might have been heading for the capital; the governmental head.

I, myself, live less than an hour from Washington DC, and I fear more attacks made by these heartless monsters. It's so close, and so personal to me, as a native citizen of the US. This school year a law was passed in Virginia, my state, that all students have to say the pledge of alligence. I was annoyed because I had not been made to say it since I was a fifth grader. As a senior I felt like I was being treated like a child and was offended. I can truthfully say that I will proudly say it with my right hand over my heart from this moment forth.

This website; Transparent Wings, a Gundam Wing Web Graphics Shop, has been shut down for 24 hours in honor of the casualties caused by this terrible tradgedy. I think of this as my personal flag at half-mast. Thank you for visiting, and please come back tomorrow or the next day.


(09/08/01) I received three new fanarts from Wa who does really beautiful work, you have to take a look! In honor of the new additions I have re-done the pics page, and thumbnails are included, as well as a more organized look. Also, if you have fanart, please send it, that portion of the site is sadly lacking in content, but, happily, what we do have (other than my crap) is really good! It's really kind of inspiring, so I kinda, sorta drew another pic. Sadly it sucks as much as my other one. If I werent incredibly lazy I could make it look much better by re-doing it in india ink or a nice black pen, but I am, so I didn't ^^ I'm just no good at drawing gundam wing. If you want to see other stuff I've drawn please go here.

(08/25/01) Lady Archica's story Broken Dolls has once again been stolen. She asks that you please read this note.

(08/17/01) I don't know if I mentioned this, but I did fix up the sitemap. Hopefully it works perfectly, and is updated in full-which I believe it is. I actually did that before I left for London, so...anyway that's done and I'm back. I leave for five more days this Sunday, though, get back Friday, then return to finish my final year of high school the following Monday (which sucks). This means the summer of major updates has come to an end, really. I'm terribly sorry to see it go, and I'm really annoyed that I have to go back to school, but, hey, it's my last year :)...until college...oh, hell, it'll never end, you know? But I will, of course, update frequently, just not like I've been lately. I have a problem with ow much I ignore what needs to be done to ensure getting into an at least semi-good college (meaning schoolwork), and spending time on the net. I had a renewed interest in Gundam Wing, I was (and still am) really into post-DBGT and X-files fics, and was losing interest in other stuff. My poor SM site hasn't seen a real update since last summer...I think I'm done with SM, really. Anyway that site was not popular at all. Well it was my first site, and who gets it right the first time, right? Well, this was site two...or three...or seven...who knows? But (I may be flattering myself) I think it's rather popular to come to (but not to use *tears*). It's no Aishiteru, but it got 10,000 hits in just about a year, and that's a record by far for me! Damn! the pretender suppossed to be on but it's golf! Damn! uh...sorry about that, it's just i sort of have a penchant for kinda cheesy shows. Hey! Speaking of which I read that Lucy Lawless signed up for the new season of X-files! I wonder what that's about...hmmm...anyway since this has gotten extremely chatty and no longer has anything to do with this site I will teminate it immediately. Bye-bye :)

(08/11/00) Okay, apparently the counter reached 10,000 a couple of days ago *sheepish grin* anywho, the 10,000 hits layout is now up, and I think it's nice. I used some new junk I found on my graphics program to do it. I'm so glad the counter went over before tomorrow, because I'm leaving to vacation in London and I wanted it up before I left. Also, I really hate the way the current counter looks, though it's served me well, so I'm changing it today-something from darkcounter.com, I think.

(8/7/01) I've made two new banners, which are featured at the top of the banners page. my favorite's the top one ^_^ these are much better looking than my old ones, I've figured out how to work my graphics program better. the old ones were made using paint, if you can belive it. It was a bitch cutting around the pics pixel by pixel...but anyway, I haven't had to do that for a while. 100 more hits and then I get to put up the 10,000 hits layout! It's really nice, I think. It's necessary that I have a splash page, though. I decided when I opened this page that I wouldn't use splash pages, but...who cares, right? Well, come back soon so I can put up the new layout!

LATER 8/2: I've fixed some bugs up, changed some minor things (like a new window will not open on the layout pages-it was a huge hassle), and moved backgrounds to it's own subdirectory. Please tell me if you find any broken links. I'm in the process of making the 10,000 hits layout-come back soon so the counter'll hit 10,000! thanks so much, enjoy the new stuff!

LATER 8/2: The corner layout I also promised today is up. It's nothing spectacular, but I think it's cute. It's a black and white one featuring Hilde. If you're going for the simple classic look, then this is it. Also: watch for error 404's anywhere on the site and inform me if you find one, please. The background section may also be moved to it's own subdirectory soon, which may cause problems and broken links, there, also. Thanks much ^_^

(08/02/01) I put the whole layouts area on a subdirectory, http://www.oocities.org/transparent_wings/layouts/index.html, so if I forgot to change a link from the old address to the new one and it doesn't work please, please contact me! I also added two brand new layouts! They are really nice and took a while for me to do, and are not my usual lazy-ugly style. I am particularly fond of the zechs one. to view these please go the the new 4th page of layouts here. I also have a corner layout to put up that is already made, but not spliced yet. this will be up soon, also-definitely today. go here to view it.

(08/01/01) I fixed the layout he.html (a heero layout) that has been irking me for so long. It no longer has the back line in the middle, the html has been corrected ^_^ i think i'm going to make more layouts today-full ones rather than corner-well, one corner but that's b/c it'a already made. Also maybe some backgrounds, this site has been ignored for far too long and, I feel, has become stagnant. The two options are getting my ass in gear and fixing it up, or shutting it down. Since I have feelings for this site-it's my baby, the only one people actually come to that I run-I'm gonna fix it up and add more junk, and then I'm doing a new layout to commereate ten thousand hits (swoons). This is important to me, this hits thing, I can barely believe that that many people have been here. It took about a year to get them so I know my site isn't incredibly frequented, but it's nice to have so many hits! One thing really does bother me, though-I don't think people actually use the layouts. I get plenty or requests for private site layouts, but no one uses the ones here. Granted they aren't incredibly beautiful or imaginative, but does anyone think that I can do better if you ask? *grin* just kidding, really. But truthfully, does anyone use these layouts? I'll try a new style this time, okay?

I've changed the links to KIT's fic, My Heart in Your Hands, so that's all working. If you haven't read it you should, it's one of the best, in my opinion. 'sall ^_^

(06/29/01) Holy She-at, can you believe it, it's been one year this July! Okay, okay, i'm sure you don't care, but I do ^_^. To celebrate I made the page layout reminiscent of the first one, which was a fairy Dorothy, which you can see here if you really want. At the time I thought it looked great, but now I look back and kinda cringe...eh. What can you expect, the only graphics program I had was Paint, if you can believe that. I like the layouts that I made for this version. six pages have a Dorothy fairy layout, but in different colors. It's very pretty, I think. I cleaned up her colors and switched other colors, made her smaller, completed her wing, colored her wings, and *My personal favorite* Fixed her eyebrows! I think they become her...oh, gave her a bit 'o' eyeshadow too. *shrugs* As I said you can see the original here. Also I'm breaking open the newest page on the site, a long overdue section for Corner Graphics. So far there's only one *sheepish grin* but it's really cool...I like it. Any way more are coming soon, I hope ^_^

As a total:
*29 graphics were deleted
*39 graphics were uploaded
*16 pages were edited
*4 pages were created

Just thought it was kinda interesting. If you have time please sign the Guestbook!!

IMPORTANT! I am changing my e-mail, and can no longer recieve mail at my old AOL address. Please read the Important announcement or see the Contact Sophie page for further details. Sorry for the update wait, but don't worry, this is my last week of school. Real updates ahead. ^_^

(4/19/01) Can you believe it? I actually updated!!! yay! Okay, okay, I'm sorry it took so long but the end of the school year is coming up and since I'm a senior next year (thank God) I'm overloaded. Plus I've got SOLs this month, IB exams the next, and then final exams in June. Sorry, people, but I'm booked! ^_^ but I'll try harder to update this time. Sorry but I don't have any new graphics, but there is a spiffy new main-page layout (that doesn't go w/any of the coinciding pages--uugh!--sorry), and lots and lots of new fics from the wonderful Lady Archica, who has been veeery patient with my scatter-brained self (thanks Lady :) ). here's the list:

  • Unseen Sorrow ** poem
  • Terrifying Proposal ** poem
  • The Trick is To Keep Breathing ** Songfic
  • Among the Clouds ** shortfic
  • The Doll House ** sequal to Broken Dolls
  • Death’s Twin Sister ** shortfic
  • Cemetery Roses 23-24 ** more chapters

    that's it! Bye now! ^_^

    (3/23/01) I'm really sorry to say this, because it annoys me when I see it, but--this is not a real updae. -_-'' Sorry, really. I've been really busy lately and I have a lot of stuff I need to do. I should update with at least a fic chapter soon. Sorry, all.

    (3/10/00) Made a pretty neat fic-pic for superman (go to my fic page to see it). Superman really doesn't need a fic-pic, since it's only a 1 part song fic, but I kept seeing the really neat ones that Ranma 1/2 fic writers make, and was inspired. Okie doke, that's it...eh, sorry ^_^

    (2/23/00) Fixed the layout links...no one must come here, because I had to find out none of them worked, all by myself!!!

    A new piece of fanfiction by me, but, sorry, it's not gundam wing, it's fushigi yuugi. Spoilers, etc. Also a link to ff.net added.

    (2/19/01) Two new backgrounds, thank goodness. Finally, I've added something to the graphics shop instead of making a new layout for the site *grins*. Anyway, one's in the Quatre and Dorothy section, and the other is in the Quatre section. Also, though I'm sure you don't really care, I rearranged the navigation links on the index page so it wasn't so random.

    Brand new layout and co-inciding pages, yay! I worked friggen hard on making all the graphics, and a whole lot of them turned up really crappy after I uploaded them. The layouts didn't turn out how I pictured then either, and it's kind of disheartening...but oh well, nothin' I can do, right? have fun *yeah right, sigh*.

    New one-shot by lady archica, called One more Dance, and a new Link Me banner, that, I must say, is my favorite so far. That's all, sorry! ^_^ More layouts soon, maybe tonight, after I work on a request.

    I'm sick, I'm tired, and I'm half dead, but I've managed to out up the next two chapters of Cemetery Roses...I couldn't resist, I'm addicted to that fic. To make my day even better (oh, joy) someone posted a lovely little message in my guestbook...someone who doesn't like 1xR. Look, I'm really sorry to be like this, but does anybody really think I care about how they dislike a pairing on my site? On the good side it wasn't horribly immature, like another person's ("you suck if you like quatre and dorothy", or some such nonsense). Never the less, comments like such are not appreciated, and if you dislike my site or it's contents I suggest you leave without comment, and if you can't at least give some sort of kind comment, ex: I really think that 1xR is a bad pairing, but you have a nice *whatever* page, or something. Anyway, it'd really be best if people who dislike my site and contents stayed out of my guestbook. It's really there for improvement suggestions and kind comments, it's not a messege board. It's things like this that tire me out towards this genre of webpages, and this show in particular. There's too much petty spite over animated television shows and movies. If you feel so strongly about a certain character (My guestbook isn't bad compared to what some other people have put up with, really. To see some really rejected comments, and to find out what kind of people I'm talking about, look at lady archica's flame page on her site. I love how she deals with them), then you really should seek some help. Anycrap, I'm off to bed now for some much needed rest.

    (01/28/01) Well I was getting tired of the old layout, though it was my favorite, not counting the first version of TW. It wasn't much, but it holds a special place in my heart *sigh* *grin* anyway, this one isn't much, either, and if you have a big monitor or screen or whatever, the bg on the main page doubles side by side, which I don't want. I suppose I could go and make it bigger, but I'm, as you well know, really lazy. It may happen later...maybe even later today *shrugs* who knows. Regardless, I like it, especially how you can still tell what the picture I made the words out of looked like, and the Relena bg from that same picture ties it all in. The links are somewhat unreadable, but if you hold the cursor over it an alt pops up, so I figure it's no problem. One other thing: I made a new Wallpaper, but, bad news for all you Gundam or nothing people, it's for an anime (actually, the manga) Ayashi no Ceres, by Yuu Watase, who also did Fushigi Yugi, one of my other Favorites. Anyway, it's pretty cool looking so if you're scopin' for wallpaper I suggest you take a look. I thought for a while if i should put it up, and decided, hey, it's my site, right? Okay, since you've suffered with my chatter th