This is T. Rae
    This is my webpage to illustrate who I am as a teacher.
I have studied art, literature, classical civilizations, mathematics, anthropology,
and all aspects of science.  I enjoy biology and plant science as well as chemistry.  
I am currently attending 
Texas A & M University-Commerce, with graduation in December 2006.

   I am excited to be a teacher-in-training and I look forward to applying my knowledge as a middle school science teacher.
Chad, my husband and myself     10-05
Site Map

My lil Monkies

1st Days of School Script
1st Days of School Rules
Lessons and Strategies
Teaching Philosophy

     As a middle-level science teacher I want to be the student’s guide to discovery; teaching logic and problem-solving techniques that allows for students to develop their own reasoning skills.

     Discovering everyday science through experiments and activities will uncover mysteries for the children and heighten their curiosity for the subject; demonstrating that life is science.

     Becoming a teacher is a way for me to continue the tradition of excellence in Texas schools.  To teach is to become a student of greater knowledge, and I am a seeker of challenges and academic endeavors.  As an educator I hope to translate this love of academics to my students in an interesting, effective and nurturing way.
Contact Info:
Name:        T. Rae Altenbaumer