Harry Potter Similarities

Please don't get mad at us for this because we really love Harry Potter and maybe this is just a coincidence but here are some similarites between the characters in Lord Of the Rings and Harry Potter:

1. Frodo: Harry (duh...)
2. Sam: Ron (they absolutely idolize the main character)
3. Pippin: Fred (comic relief)
4. Merry: George (comic relief)
5. Gollum: Moody (has 2 personalitys)
6. Sauron: Voldemort (they even use the same he-who-must-not-be-named thingy)
7. Saruman: Lucius Malfoy (bad, but not as bad as the main bad guy)
8. Wormtongue: Wormtail (the name tells it all)
9. Orcs: Death eaters (servants to Voldemort or Sauron)
10. Black Riders: Dementors (they look the same, the big black robe)
11. Gandalf: Dumbledore (old wizards that are good and have beards)
12. Aragorn: Sirius Black (cool, powerful and a big hero)
13. Legolas: Lupin (Smart and you are impressed with them both)
14. Gimli and Bilbo: Hagrid (you go get advise from these characters)
15. Haldir: Lockhart (annoying and as soon as they die or leave you really like them)
16. Arwen: Hermione (saves the main character in some way)
17. Boromir: Snape (protects the main character but you don't like them)
18. Hama: Cedric Diggory (both are really cool and they both die)
19. Theoden: Nicholas Flamel (Don't remember why)
20. Eomer: Fleur Delacour (we did this a really long time ago and we don't know why we said this but we are putting it up any way)

PS: The stuff in parentheses it why we think they are similar