OK, Now we're rolling. You have touched on one of the more passionate subjects in my life.

We must all soon realize that our government really doesn't care about us as citizens. In fact, they tend to disregard us whenever possible at best, at worst they treat us with comtempt. In this particular case, they are running roughshod over the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Both documents that endow or reinforce rights that we have as citizens and humans. One can read the newspapers and not see anything but lies written about the subject. WE ARE BEING SCREWED!!! I only hope that it's not too late to save our freedom.

Check out these websites for more info:

NRA Legislative Alert Homepage

Arizona State Rifle and Pistol Association

I have a few more things to say about this subject. If we no longer have guns, how do we stop anyone who would like to take away your freedoms, either external or internal. As it is, if our government were to turn against us, we would stand a fighting chance. It would take the sweat and blood of millions of Americans to accomplish it, but ordinary citizens could prevail if necessary. It's all about the will to live free. If you don't think this could happen, you are wrong. Think about it, our former government (the British Empire) tried it.

And don't think that puppethead Gore will do anything to protect you. He keeps campaigning on the promise he will fight for you. Bull!!! He is such a weathervane. Saying and doing anything that he needs to to get elected. Blowing the way of the political wind. He's done it in the past and he will do it again. WAKE UP!!!!!

I have been doing a little browsing on the web and I've found some very disturbing stuff on the ATF. Specifically regarding a raid on the shop of a local gun dealer. Here's the link:

Keep and Bear Arms.com - Follow up on assault on Arizona Gun Dealer