Welcome to T.i.m.e S.t.a.n.d.s S.t.i.l.l

Created: June 11

Update August 14th 2003

Kurei: Heylo! It's Kurei Mikai. Well, I've decided! this is going to be an add-on to my first site! But this will still be on main site link on it!

Hello all. I'm webmistress of Tragic, Kurei Mikai. I like to warn a few a ppl...This is ANTI-KAGOME. I've only found two Kikyo Shrines out there. I'm under construction, and I have two other sites to maintain, so put me on your fav list and wait till next week to see me! Go to my first site! Stormie's Anime Kingdom!

Kikyo: Plz come back
Disclaimer: Kurei Mikai does not own anything but herself and her art and her fics. This is not made of profit.