<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/traci_ottawa23/you_are_gay.wav">
Welcome to my Life .... .. . . .
2008 is the year of finding myself.
I am 30 and I am a capricorn. I live in Ottawa and have been for I think 10 years now. I live with my wondeful girlfriend Sarah and our 3 fur babies: Gizmo, Tarzan and Raven. We're are in the process of moving and I am trying to decide what I want to explore in education. I work for
Buffet Charbonneau Inc.   I have been working there since September 2007. So far, it has been the longest I have kept a job in a year LOL.
I've had a hard past year, went through a bad break up and lost alot of friends. I became a person I despised, I became anti-social, boring, and basically not my happy, lively self. And no I am not blaming the world on my issues, I just chose wrong paths in life. I do believe now because Sarah helps me through this, that the grass is greener on the other side and I will eventually overcome my hatred for many people and learn to love myself once again.

Poetry   ---->

I would like to say thank-you to the girls I have known in my life
to the ones who I have dated, to the ones who I was with a long time, to the ones I slept with, to the ones I kissed, to the ones I hurt to the ones I played, to the ones who ment alot, to the ones who changed me to the ones who hurt me, the ones who cheated on me, the ones who ripped my heart out, the ones who broke me down, the ones who who made me smile the ones who gave me a reason to smile, the ones who made me laugh, the ones who were there for me, the ones who could understand me, the ones who made my life a living hell, the ones who treated me like shit, to the ones who used me and played me, the ones who treated me like nothing, ones who destroyed my very being, the ones who made me stronger, the ones who kissed me and ment it, to the ones who like to play games, to the ones I met recently, to the ones in my past, to the ones I will meet in the furture........
I say thank-you becuz you made me who I am at the age of 28. I have learned from my mistakes, I have grown and I am still breathing. I am not angry and I don't hate you. I have hated the ones at the time and I hated waking up in the morning. I love myself and I'm have lost my sanity at times. But each time I got hurt and died a little inside it made me stronger!
For the ones who never get a chance to know me or given up that oppurtunity. I don't care, I am a good person and loyal, I'm not perfect, but nobody is and I love me even though my life at times is messed up.!
Tomorrow is another day and today I will just go with it and meet more people and if you don't like me for me then whatevr and

P.S. Fuck You ! *smiles*
Blame Me
Pain Inside
crushing my bones
shaking my head

walking the ground

poison in my heart
on the edge
sanity losing
dying slowly
fading into darkness
stable feet lying lips cursed