You need a game? Don't worry wait long enough and he'll find you but be warned this wont be an easy competition for Drav has had many years of experience and has plenty of endurance to make it through almost any game. He plays what seems to me only for rating to sort of totally dominate or just hoard the rates on the names that he has so he will be able to play at anytime with whoever... but he has his point this game was made to compete with the skills of other players. top50_jadight 2708, orhos 2687, d_r_a_v2655, Tymber_Sky 2599, Jadight 2584, t0ny_th3_tig3r 2534, gte_matrix 2526, gte_sob 2511, gte_flyer_of_cows 2580, godd_aeolus 2511, angel_herald 2510, ladon2_dragon 2504, pyromanics_outlaw 2518, dravidian_pandavos 2812