Welcome to the islands in the sun site. This site is primarily aimed at the many tourists and prospective visitors to Malta and its islands. It features a mix of information, some produced specifically for this site but most information exists on other web sites to which links are provided.
In response to popular demand, we provide a wide pictorial portfolio of the islands. Most of the pictures are taken from a different perspective than one would find on postcards sold to tourists. The pictures are contained on different sites and may not be well organised at the moment, we will, eventually, get round to categorise them better.

I hope you enjoy the site and that you will return time and time again. But most of all I hope to interest you to visit my Islands in the Sun. If you would like to send your comments, I will greatly appreciate hearing from you. Just click here.

In an effort to reduce the volume of spam emails I receive daily, regrettfully I have to block a numer of poular email domains such as aol.com, excite.com, msn.com, yahoo.com, earthlink.com, and (sometimes) hotmail.com. If you wish to write, please avoid using such addresses. Thank you.


I welcome suggestions or comments, please e-mail me by clicking here
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