Sarge - Fat Josh
(Background)Josh is Fat! Josh is Fat! Josh is Fat!
Hey! Hey! Hey! Today Children we are going to talk about one sick Fuck. I'm talking about Fat Josh.

Yo. Yo. Yo.
This is story about a kid named Josh,
Oh Gosh,
he sure did like his mommies buttercup squash,
he's a gangster,
but he wears clothes like oshkosh.
This kid,
He's Large and In Charge,
But his tummy is too large,
Theres no room to enlarge,
So he has to begin to discharge.

Josh I have some news,
You're A Mother Fucking Fat Ass,
When You fart the whole world smells your liquefied petroleum gas.
Nobody likes you, I fucking hate your guts,
I'll kick your ass and show the world you got no nuts.

Josh You're Full of Shit, (Background)Is that why he's so fat?
I draw a picture and you throw a fit,
i would have drawn you bigger,
but it wouldn' t fit

By - The Sarge


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