Atlanta Cycling is a small elite team comprised of seven local riders in Atlanta, GA. Not to be confused with the as important Atlanta Cycling club members, we are all CAT 2 riders and above. All of us, but one, are old men and can race in the Masters 30+ races as well as the Pro/1/2 fields. A great chain of bike shops in Atlanta that shares the same name, Atlanta Cycling, solely sponsors us. For a bunch of local roadies, we are well taken care of and appreciate the support. Thanks Donnie!


Current  2001 team members are:


Pete Antonvich – 35, Atlanta, GA - Pete’s been around bike racing for many years. He’s a CAT 2 on the road and a CAT 1 on the track. Pete is a great sprinter and a good all around rider. On the track, he accels at the longer points races. Pete’s claim to fame are his infamous track stands in the middle of the pack as he takes people out and his graceful approaches on the bike. (He doesn’t always get unclipped after stopping. You know I'll never let you live that down, Pete.)


Brian Balocki – 32, Newington, CT - This will be Brian’s first year of road racing, but has many years of race experience as a semi-pro mountain biker. We expect him to move through the USCF ranks very quickly.


Jason Jones – I haven’t had the privilege of riding with Jason a whole lot, but from what I know and what I’ve been told, he’s an excellent road racer. Jason is a pro mountain biker as well. Jason is a great all around rider and especially dangerous on the climbs.


Dave Martin – 32, Atlanta, GA - Dave’s a very accomplished CAT 1 who’s been racing since college. He’s the only CAT 1 I know who “hasn’t ridden in 3 weeks” who can still wax just about anyone in a sprint. Dave’s a good all around rider and always seems to be in the right place at the right time. He’s definitely the guy to be leading out.


Clay Parks – 31, Dahlonega, GA - Clay is fresh out of law school and is making a comeback of sorts. He's a CAT 2 on the road. Clay will be a great teammate to have. He rides hard and is selfless, a rare trait in team road racing. His strong suits are time trialing and flat out laying it down. The guy can push a monster gear forever!


Tony Scott – 30, Yelm, WA. - That’s me. I consider myself to be a jack-of-all-trades, master of none. This will be my first full year as a CAT 2. I think I do everything pretty good. I’m just not the best at any particular discipline of cycling. I like to think I can climb with just about anybody. My aggressiveness is probably what I’m best known for and can sometimes lead to good things happening. I get just as much satisfaction of leading a teammate out for a win as I do getting in a break for a win. If you’re on a good team, that effort will be reciprocated down the road.


Gaston Vega – CAT 2 Road and Track -Clarkston, GA (by way of Spain) - Gaston is the old man on the team at 42. Don’t let the cane and long nose/ear hairs fool you, though. (Just kidding, Gaston!) He’s one of the smartest and tactical racers you’ll find. Like Dave, he will blow your doors off in a sprint. He’s a good climber too. This is all in relation to Pro/1/2’s. As a Masters racer, he can do just about anything he wants to. Geritol junkie's beware.