Anthony Hock

Junior Theology

“A Wretched Hive of Scum and
Villainy”: Star Wars and the Problem of Evil

Star Wars and the Problem of Evil brings up many important philosophical questions. Why do evil people prosper and even have power? Luke asks Yoda, “Is the Dark Side stronger?” and Yoda replies, “No... quicker, easier, more seductive.” He say this with an uncertainty that suggests that this is only wishfully hopeful. Could evil actually be stronger than goodness.
This article brings up Plato’s idea of the divine craftsman. He believed that matter has always been around and that it is inherently evil. He believed that God created the universe out of this existing matter and this is why the world is evil. This idea of evil having always been in the universe brings up the question of is God real and all-powerful creator. Like God, is there really an all-powerful Force controlling everything?
In the end of Return of the Jedi, a hero emerges, destroys an evil, and lives happily ever after. This ending to the Star Wars saga gives us the belief that there is one all-powerful Force(God) controlling everything because although there is evil, we believe that in the end Good will ALWAYS triumph over Evil.