Ton van der Lee

Home Page

New Homepage Address:

Personal News

Heavenly Mud

Travel Photo's

Welcome to my homepage. Above is an impression of the house I've just finished building in Mali.

This page is meant for personal friends, so I can keep them informed about my latest activities, but also for people who are interested in the subjects I am concerned with; writing, film making, photography, travel in Africa, the culture and history of Mali, and especially Djenne, where I spend a large part of every year. You can email me at:

So please choose one of these sections and don't hesitate to mail me with comments....Use your 'back' button to navigate.

1. My personal news and projects in progress

2. Heavenly Mud; a film about traditional West African Architecture

3. African travel photography; Sahara, Mauretania, Namibia, Botswana, Niger Valley, Djenne, Morocco, Timbuktu & more

4. Djenne Online; a special section devoted to the town of Djenne

5. Solitaire; my novel which was published in February 2001

6. Sanouna: building a house on the Bani river near Djenne. The house was completed in April 2002. Large photo section.


Last updated: May 2002

Note; I've relocated my site to another provider. Right now, only sections 'news' and 'sanouna' are active. The others will follow soon.



Djenne Online

